Jimmy winning matches (maybe?)

Started by sam03/05, August 25, 2013, 09:47:05 PM

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What's the story with Jim McGuinness?
Was on BBC today saying he will only take Donegal job again if the county board do certain things.
Any idea what it is he is looking?

Is there starred games in Donegal? Or what is he after?


Jimmy again plays games via the media. Now he's using the media to play his own county board!
I heard the issues were 2 fold. When he wants club games off he thinks he should be granted this as county manager. (He wants exclusive access to his players and thinks club games should go ahead without them) The other issue was giving unemployed players "coaching" jobs. Jimmy has now got them backed into a corner after today's BBC comments


Quote from: ck on August 25, 2013, 10:49:10 PM
Jimmy again plays games via the media. Now he's using the media to play his own county board!
I heard the issues were 2 fold. We. He wants club games off he thinks he should be granted this as county manager. The other issue was giving unemployed players "coaching" jobs. Jimmy has now got them backed into a corner after today's BBC comments
the first one is easy to implement with a starred game system.
the second one would not be so easy if there is no money available to fund these guys.


Jim McGuinness has revealed his satisfaction at continuing as Donegal manager after reaching an agreement with the county's clubs over fixtures.

Following an agreement with the clubs to postpone the 2014 senior and intermediate championships until Donegal's Ulster and All-Ireland run is finished, McGuinness agreed to remain for another year with the Tir Chonaill men.

"The systems are the big and the wee of it really," said McGuinness in the Donegal Democrat.

"We wanted to make sure we gave ourselves the best opportunity of being successful.

"That's the number one thing behind the thinking. I'm happy now we'll be able to build the thing properly."

Donegal exited the Championship with a heavy 4-17 to 1-10 loss at the hands of Mayo, but McGuinness believes his players have the same hunger to succeed as before.

The Glenties man said: "I wouldn't have considered going back if there wasn't the same hunger from the players.

"The players have given everything for the last three years and it's the exact same thing now."

McGuinness said his players had played either for Donegal or in the club championship on nine of 11 consecutive weekends this summer.

He hopes the new arrangements will allow his players to attend more training with the county side and it is thought that the county board will agree to schedule all club matches on either a Saturday or a Sunday to allow county players to link up with McGuinness' squad.


So if Donegal get to the All Ireland final next year there'll be no senior or intermediate club games until October?


What way were the Donegal championships structured the year they won the All-Ireland? Was it different than last year?

Also, are players allowed to play club league matches in Jimmy's new rules?



Rory tempted by the prospect of managing his home county?



Shamrock Shore

I hear the three boyos will be unveiled as the new Longford senior management team tomorrow evening in Longford.

This may not be true as I made it up myself just now

From the Bunker

Quote from: rrhf on September 17, 2013, 03:59:14 PM
Rory tempted by the prospect of managing his home county?

Maybe Rory opened his mouth to wide in August?



So Jim has sacked the lads.

It's a big move.

Jim's not messing about.