GAA - A Sport for All

Started by Spiritof98, February 23, 2007, 11:29:53 AM

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GAA chief wants Protestant teams 

Nickey Brennan wants more Protestant to take up Gaelic football

GAA president Nickey Brennan has said he would support the setting up of all-Protestant gaelic football teams.
Brennan said he was worried that young people from the unionist community interested in Gaelic games might feel intimidated about becoming involved.

In an interview with the Church of Ireland Gazette, Brennan said the GAA should reach out to Protestants.

Gaelic football and hurling are played mostly by Catholics but Brennan said the GAA was changing for the good.

"What I would say to the unionist people is, if you want to set up teams in your own area, we would be happy to assist and give support to new clubs setting up," said Brennan.

"Maybe the Protestant community in general should consider forming teams of their own and not feel they have to go to the existing GAA club that is probably all made up of Catholics."

Brennan's views come in the run-up to Saturday's historic rugby match between Ireland and England at the GAA's Croke Park ground.

In 2001, the GAA lifted its ban on members of the British security forces joining clubs.

Then in 2005 the association agreed to let Croke Park be used for some Irish rugby and Republic of Ireland football internationals.

Times are definately a changing. Does anyone feel that a team like this could form in the North in the next 5 years. I don't think so! But you never know!

I'll go back if Marsdens back

full back

Schooldoy error Spirit, schoolboy error


Sorry lads, some please Ban me!!
I'll go back if Marsdens back