Disillusioned George Lee Walks Away

Started by AbbeySider, February 08, 2010, 01:02:24 PM

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Disillusioned Lee quits politics

George Lee has announced that he has resigned from the Fine Gael Party and from his seat in the Dáil.

In a statement this lunchtime he says it has been a very difficult decision, but it is one that he has taken after a great deal of reflection on his position and on the role that he has played in Fine Gael since he joined that party in May last year.

He says he has done his best to play a positive role in contributing to the national debate and to efforts to find a solution for many of the country's economic problems.

However, he says he has had virtually no influence or input into shaping Fine Gael's economic policies at this most critical time.



Says a lot about the political system when he says he has had virtually no influence or input into shaping Fine Gael's economic policies.


Quote from: Declan on February 08, 2010, 01:04:07 PM
Says a lot about the political system when he says he has had virtually no influence or input into shaping Fine Gael's economic policies.

Its obvious Bruten wanted to keep him oppressed and at bay but lot letting him have any sort of say is a bad reflection on the party. Its quite a kick to Kenny too.



 :o That didn't last too long!

You'd have to wonder what he thought he was signing up for. Surely he sat down with Kenny or some of the other FG head honchos before he ran for them and discussed what his role would be.
Was he promised some economic role that wasn't given to him? Did Bruton give a "him or me" ultimatum to Kenny?
It's bad news for Kenny, FG, and probably politics as well - would have liked to see what Lee could have done with a bit of power.
He's on Radio 1 with Sean O'Rourke now. Saying he wasn't asked for his input, and there was no room made for his involvement in economic policy. Says he didn't expect to be on the front bench....

He reckons he's going back to RTE! Has a deal been done already?? Sean O'Rourke isn't given him an easy time of it either!
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."


I think if Richard Bruton was leader of Fine Gael, they'd be a lot stronger. Everytime I see Kenny he reminds me of an American Politician, all slogans and polish.

Richard Bruton is a smart cookie, like Alan Dukes before him.

Actually, I'd love a multi party government, where the best people from each party held ministries, with the biggest party holding the Taoiseach's office.

Of course there's difficulties with that, and I'm sure they'd fight like cats and dogs, but there's too many duds on both sides of the house to trust any one party or coalition.


Quote from: Tubberman on February 08, 2010, 01:16:57 PM
:o That didn't last too long!

You'd have to wonder what he thought he was signing up for. Surely he sat down with Kenny or some of the other FG head honchos before he ran for them and discussed what his role would be.
Was he promised some economic role that wasn't given to him? Did Bruton give a "him or me" ultimatum to Kenny?
It's bad news for Kenny, FG, and probably politics as well - would have liked to see what Lee could have done with a bit of power.
He's on Radio 1 with Sean O'Rourke now. Saying he wasn't asked for his input, and there was no room made for his involvement in economic policy. Says he didn't expect to be on the front bench....

I suspect it's a blow to Kenny, maybe the initial rumblings of a power struggle? It could be that Fine Gael are getting a bit nervous about any possible upturn in the economy leading to a mass amnesia about the issues that are 'hot' 3 years before an election. Lee was a bit of a celebrity that Enda Kenny seemed to be keen on.. Maybe Bruton is flexing his muscle there...


This is an embarassment for all. For Kenny it's a disaster, he's looking to rebuild the party with high profile TDs, creighton, Leo V etc, lee was the biggest of these. Could be the end for him.
But listening to Lee, what did the man expect, that he'd be finance spokesman ahead of FGs most capable man? Cop on, 9 months is way to short a time, prob wouldn't have been in line for a minister spot in the government either.
A loss to politics though
Excuse me for talking while you're trying to interrupt me


Quotewhat did the man expect, that he'd be finance spokesman ahead of FGs

No he said that he didn't "expect" anyhing re finance or even front bench but he did expect someone on the party to talk to him about any ideas he had on ecomonoic policy.


Lee gave me the impression (rightly or wrongly ) that he wanted not only to run FG but run the country as well.

He always spoke well and made a lot of sense -

Maybe this was just too much for some within FG ?  ;)

Billys Boots

Little man can't handle Big job shocker!
My hands are stained with thistle milk ...

magpie seanie

This is symptomatic of all that is wrong with politics in this country and why we have a large % of idiots in the Dáil. The rank and file of FG (in this case) would seriously resent someone parachuting in so even if they have expertise and ability in an area they must be left out in he cold. Idiocy. A bit like when Cowen picked some young FF'er to get into the Seanad rather than someone with some economic/financial skills that might have helped us tackle the worst economic crisis in the history of the State.

My sympathies lie with Lee here. This is a massive og by FG.


FFS I just heard Lee on Newstalk in the car.

He reckons that Kenny offered him and immediate front bench position when he was tendering his resignation!

1 - That was a private conversation
2 - its a poor and desperate attempt by Kenny
3 - wtf is Lee thinking saying that on radio? 

He is on RTE 1 now

Donnellys Hollow

Quote from: AZOffaly on February 08, 2010, 01:19:09 PM
I think if Richard Bruton was leader of Fine Gael, they'd be a lot stronger. Everytime I see Kenny he reminds me of an American Politician, all slogans and polish.

Richard Bruton is a smart cookie, like Alan Dukes before him.

Actually, I'd love a multi party government, where the best people from each party held ministries, with the biggest party holding the Taoiseach's office.

Of course there's difficulties with that, and I'm sure they'd fight like cats and dogs, but there's too many duds on both sides of the house to trust any one party or coalition.

Agreed. Bruton is one of a select few within Dáil Éireann who talk sense.
There's Seán Brady going in, what dya think Seán?