GAA Board - Fantasy Premier League - Invitation

Started by AbbeySider, August 07, 2009, 10:15:59 AM

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Its that time of year again.

Abbey Sider has invited you to play in their Fantasy Premier League called Gaa Board 2009.

If you aren't already playing the game then you can register at

Once you have logged in and entered your team, click on the 'Leagues'
link you can find on the right of the page. Now enter the code 322533-88304 to join the private league.

Enjoy the game.   ;D


There already is one i think, but i joined yours anyway!


To preserve anonymity I created a new GAA Board profile on

I have two teams going now. Normally im in about 4 leagues with different friends.

Its good craic and quite competitive!  ;D


Quote from: fitzroyalty on August 07, 2009, 10:19:20 AM
There already is one i think, but i joined yours anyway!

Was there a post about it?
Resurrect it and I will delete my league...


Instead of deleting the thread I just changed the code to the original on...

Sorry fitzy but ill delete the league I created.