Online religion finder

Started by Harold Disgracey, June 30, 2009, 05:09:14 PM

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1.    Secular Humanism  (100%)
2.    Unitarian Universalism (91%)
3.    Nontheist (84%)
4.    Theravada Buddhism (79%)
5.    Liberal Quakers (74%)
6.    Neo-Pagan (60%)
7.    Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (56%)
8.    Taoism (52%)
9.    New Age (44%)
10.    Orthodox Quaker (44%)
11.    Mahayana Buddhism (40%)
12.    Baha'i Faith (32%)
13.    Reform Judaism (32%)
14.    Sikhism (32%)
15.    Jainism (30%)
16.    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (25%)
17.    Seventh Day Adventist (24%)
18.    New Thought (22%)
19.    Scientology (21%)
20.    Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (20%)
21.    Hinduism (19%)
22.    Eastern Orthodox (16%)
23.    Islam (16%)
24.    Orthodox Judaism (16%)
25.    Roman Catholic (16%)
26.    Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (16%)
27.    Jehovah's Witness (12%)


1.    Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants  (100%)
2.    Orthodox Quaker (92%)
3.    Eastern Orthodox (90%)
4.    Roman Catholic (90%)
5.    Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (87%)
6.    Seventh Day Adventist (76%)
7.    Liberal Quakers (72%)
8.    Unitarian Universalism (66%)
9.    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (62%)
10.    Sikhism (59%)
11.    Hinduism (58%)
12.    Baha'i Faith (56%)
13.    Orthodox Judaism (56%)
14.    Reform Judaism (53%)
15.    Jehovah's Witness (52%)
16.    Neo-Pagan (49%)
17.    Mahayana Buddhism (48%)
18.    New Age (47%)
19.    Theravada Buddhism (47%)
20.    Islam (42%)
21.    Jainism (40%)
22.    Secular Humanism (40%)
23.    Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (34%)
24.    Taoism (34%)
25.    Scientology (33%)
26.    New Thought (32%)
27.    Nontheist (22%)

Gaoth Dobhair Abu

1.  Roman Catholic (100%) 
2.  Eastern Orthodox (100%) 
3.  Orthodox Judaism (85%) 
4.  Sikhism (81%) 
5.  Seventh Day Adventist (77%) 
6.  Orthodox Quaker (76%) 
7.  Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (76%) 
8.  Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (76%) 
9.  Islam (75%) 
10.  Hinduism (72%) 
11.  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (70%) 
12.  Liberal Quakers (66%) 
13.  Reform Judaism (66%) 
14.  Baha'i Faith (64%) 
15.  Jehovah's Witness (62%) 
16.  Unitarian Universalism (55%) 
17.  Jainism (52%) 
18.  Theravada Buddhism (44%) 
19.  Neo-Pagan (43%) 
20.  Mahayana Buddhism (42%) 
21.  New Age (34%) 
22.  Secular Humanism (34%) 
23.  Scientology (33%) 
24.  New Thought (27%) 
25.  Nontheist (27%) 
26.  Taoism (24%) 
27.  Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (23%) 

And proud of it.


1.  Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%) 
2.  Orthodox Quaker (86%) 
3.  Liberal Quakers (82%) 
4.  Hinduism (79%) 
5.  Unitarian Universalism (78%) 
6.  Eastern Orthodox (77%) 
7.  Roman Catholic (77%) 
8.  Seventh Day Adventist (76%) 
9.  Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (70%) 
10.  Neo-Pagan (65%) 
11.  New Age (63%) 
12.  Orthodox Judaism (61%) 
13.  Baha'i Faith (60%) 
14.  Mahayana Buddhism (59%) 
15.  Reform Judaism (59%) 
16.  Sikhism (57%) 
17.  Jainism (52%) 
18.  Theravada Buddhism (52%) 
19.  New Thought (47%) 
20.  Islam (44%) 
21.  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (43%) 
22.  Jehovah's Witness (40%) 
23.  Secular Humanism (40%) 
24.  Taoism (38%) 
25.  Scientology (36%) 
26.  Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (35%) 
27.  Nontheist (24%) 


1.    Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants  (100%)


Quote from: hardstation on June 30, 2009, 09:42:13 PM
I'm 100% Prod.

It was thon trip to Windsor Park ffs.

Im with you!  :o

We are all Prods...

1.    Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant  (100%)
2.    Eastern Orthodox (93%)
3.    Roman Catholic (93%)
4.    Orthodox Quaker (92%)
5.    Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (86%)
6.    Seventh Day Adventist (79%)
7.    Hinduism (76%)
8.    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (72%)
9.    Orthodox Judaism (72%)
10.    Sikhism (66%)



1.  Liberal Quakers (100%) 
2.  Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%) 
3.  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (94%) 
4.  Unitarian Universalism (90%) 
5.  Baha'i Faith (87%) 
6.  Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (85%) 
7.  Jehovah's Witness (81%) 
8.  Neo-Pagan (81%) 
9.  Orthodox Quaker (78%) 
10.  Orthodox Judaism (75%) 
11.  Eastern Orthodox (71%) 
12.  Mahayana Buddhism (71%) 
13.  Roman Catholic (71%) 
14.  Seventh Day Adventist (70%) 
15.  Sikhism (69%) 
16.  Theravada Buddhism (69%) 
17.  New Age (66%) 
18.  Jainism (63%) 
19.  Hinduism (63%) 
20.  Reform Judaism (63%) 
21.  Islam (58%) 
22.  Secular Humanism (56%) 
23.  Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (54%) 
24.  New Thought (45%) 
25.  Taoism (40%) 
26.  Nontheist (40%) 
27.  Scientology (38%) 

I too appear to be a hun!