Gaelic Life NFL Fantasy Football - We have a WINNER!

Started by RedandGreenSniper, January 17, 2009, 01:31:49 PM

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T Fearon

Its a ritual for all serious comp entrants. Irish news this  morning at 7am (Even before the shower), out with the pencil and calculator. An feeling of exhilaration as you tot the points up! ;D


Quote from: T Fearon on February 15, 2010, 10:18:55 AM
Its a ritual for all serious comp entrants. Irish news this  morning at 7am (Even before the shower), out with the pencil and calculator. An feeling of exhilaration as you tot the points up! ;D

I hope you win, then get fcuked out for having two entries after the organisers read this thread.

T Fearon

Oh John, you are filled with malevolence, I'm absolutely gutted, devastated etc ::)

T Fearon

Massive climb of 164 places in the overall leader board for me this week, with only 10 men, and am expecting a commensurate rise in the league table for this Board. ;D

Wife, (my proxy) sitting 8th overall ;D


I never forget a face but in your case I will make an exception.


Breaking news, new leader AFS ten points ahead of big frank
God bless the hills of Dooish, be they heather-clad or lea,

T Fearon

Gerry, surely as I picked my wife's team (and even went to the trouble of submitting the entry) it is only right and fitting that I should include it for the purposes of this competition on the Board as well?

I'll email you the details

T Fearon

Also winsamsoon (I presume he's from Mayo with a name like that) has two teams , and O'Neill has his extended nuclear family on board and all his multi personas, so I should be allowed two teams.


All multiple entrants should have their entries declared null and void, as per Gaelic Life rules.

T Fearon

Not in breach of any rules, one team per one email address, and I'm sure there are many more like "us"

eiled in the bushes

position 82 overall.not a bad start.managed to enter 3 teams
get some metal in your life


Quote from: T Fearon on February 20, 2010, 05:52:15 PM
Not in breach of any rules, one team per one email address, and I'm sure there are many more like "us"

I'm ahead of your wife anyway. So is bigfrank if he's only 10 behind me.

T Fearon

No you're ahead of me, temporalily,as I've three players on that team yet to play. Enjoy it while it lasts ;)


As this competition is for posters on here can you tell me your wife posters name via pm and i will enter her on here. As i guess she did not register on here before now, i am afraid i believe i can not enter her.

I will check with mods and get back to you tony.
God bless the hills of Dooish, be they heather-clad or lea,

T Fearon

You most certainly can not enter her ;D But as the team was selected and submitted by me I think I should be allowed to own it as far as the Board Comp goes