Want to represent your workplace in GAA? Sign up now for the Ulster Inter Firms

Started by giveherlong, January 13, 2011, 05:23:44 PM

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The Ulster GAA Inter-Firms competition, for both Football and Hurling, is now open for registration for teams ahead of the 2011 season.

Teams from across Ulster will be signing-up to ensure their places and avoid missing out on a season of action packed games.

The Inter-Firms competition is an excellent opportunity to represent your workplace in football or hurling. The competition caters for all levels of skills and fitness and the leagues will get underway at the end of July. The league formats will see the top 4 teams proceed to the semi-finals whist the other teams will battle it out in the shield competition.

Secretary of the Ulster Inter-Firms Gary Rocks commented:

"We are looking forward with enthusiasm to another exciting year for the Inter Firms in 2011. I would encourage any company or organisation that has employees who play or are interested in playing Football or Hurling to register for this year's competition. It's a great way to build camaraderie among work colleagues and it is an immense source of pride for many of those who represent their workplace in competitive sport. There is also an active social side of the competition with numerous events organised throughout the year."

Registration is now open and you can register your team by emailing Ulster Inter Firms Secretary Gary Rocks on garyleorocks@btinternet.com. Registration costs £300 per team which includes the Player Injury and Insurance Scheme. All queries should be emailed to Gary Rocks or you can contact Gary directly on 07738154906.