GPA/GAA deal ratified by Central Council

Started by Carbery, February 13, 2011, 08:56:45 PM

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GPA/GAA deal ratified by Central Council
The €8.5m, five-year deal between the GAA and the Gaelic Players Association was ratified unanimously by Central Council on Saturday.
The deal was expected to pass, although the fact that it got through without any opposition will come as a surprise to many.
Reports emerged during the week suggested that several Ulster counties were expected to vote against the deal, but fears of the issue driving a wedge between north and south appear to have been unfounded.
The deal will now see the GAA provide €8.5m in funding to the players' representative body over the next five years, equating to a maximum of €2m per annum.

Surely this cannot be true as it is my understanding that some counties had mad-dated their delegate to vote against this proposal?


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