Tablets & Apps for kids

Started by muppet, June 05, 2013, 02:42:12 PM

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I would just invest and get them iPads for the user experience and it's likely the device they will use at school. You have to get them learning tech early these days. Give them an iPad and it's amazing how they will find all the right stuff themselves. One of my little ones found the KidsTV123 channel on YouTube and there's this Welsh singer AJ Jenkins that has very clever educational songs and they just love this stuff. I started listening myself and thought that's pretty good.
There's also some faceless women that apparently is one of the most popular people and YouTube and all she does is show kids how to get creative with playdoh. All you see are her hands and hear her voice make playdoh dresses but kids watch it like crazy.
There's also apps for corresponding kids TV shows like Peppa Pig that have an educational aspect. Even RTE Junior App has some good stuff. Good investment but limit the amount of time they spend per day because they can get addicted and cranky when you try to wrestle the iPad from them at bedtime.