I knew I had this somewhere

Started by Hardy, February 04, 2013, 10:34:33 AM

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Just came across it. Re-posted by The Biff - 2006.

The Biff
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Posts: 1119
(26/10/06 18:30)
More from My Archives - (Sad, I know)

Easytiger – Posts: 699 – (11/8/03 17:35)
Reply The Conversation - starring Gene Hackman as Tony Fearon
Receptionist: "Hello, City West. How can I help you?"

TF: "Yes, hello? Judging by your accent, you are not from Armagh and may not be aware that on the 21st of September, in the Cathedral we call Croke, a new glorious reign will be invoked..."

Receptionist: "I'm sorry sir, but there are other calls on my switchboard."

TF: "...as the Great McGeeney flexes his manly biceps and lifts the sacred cup above his Bryonic brow, surveying the gathered masses, disdainful of the Tyrone hordes put to flight as once again Sam Maguire makes his voyage north, as Ulyssess once set forth for Ithaca..."

Receptionist: "Sam Magure? You mean the football? But is that not on -"

TF: " And as Joe and his Orange Brigade shall be setting up camp, as it were for the weekend in your fine establishment, accompanied no doubt by such flaming celestial stars as Elton John, Rod Stewart, Jarlath Burns and maybe the boys from End to End, with whom I am of course on a first name basis, or should I say they are on a first name basis with me (giggles girlishly) but I digress! As such may I book a room for myself, my fine maiden, but not my mother, she didn't get a ticket, hard lines, she's not a true fan, for the 20th and 21st of the month of September."

Receptionist: "(to herself) For fucks sake. (smartening up) Of course sir, we have a fine room for a great rate of €100 for that weekend."

TF: "Splendid! Expect my arrival forthwith! Now I must not tarry as there is a table quiz on in the local hostelry tonight, the prize being an epic trip to historic Bunratty Castle for two nights, breakfast included -"

Receptionist: "(hanging up) I'm not paid enough to listen to that shite. I hope I'm off that weekend."

The Conversation 2 - starring Krusty the Klown as Tony Fearon

Receptionist: "Hello City West?"

TF:" Due to the machinations of a GAA administration that is too far removed from the grassroots that sustain it i.e. me, the All Ireland Final has been rescheduled a week later than promised, almost as if the very thought of good, honest Armagh men cavorting with Sam was too hard for the faceless grey suits to bear-"

Receptionist: "Sir, you got the dates wrong and now you want to change your reservation to the following week, is that right sir? And tell the truth."

TF: "...yes."

Receptionist: "We have no rooms available for that weekend and we do not refund on cancellations. Is that alright sir?"

TF: "...yes."

Receptionist: "Goodbye sir.(hangs up) Plank."


Brilliant Hardy. ;D Dems were the days!!!  However, I suggest you repost it on the Genral Board as well, with a sticky (I'm sure Mod 3 would not object ;)) and I think you should change the thread title just so that everyone knows the content of the thread!