who changed football?

Started by lawnseed, March 01, 2010, 10:37:51 PM

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i see in todays 'star' both mickey harte and joe kernan being credited with changing modern gaelic football? what ever harte did,. armaghs blanket defense and style of play was in place under the two brians, who if they'd have been allowed spend the same money as joe may have had more luck. joes experience and legendary status as a FOOTBALLER plus his success with cross made him a firm favorite with the orchard fans, but as brian mcalinden has since proven with his sucesses he was no slouch when it came to management. joe took over a team on the brink of success and instilled a bit of belief and we are all very grateful but credit where credit is due. As for harte he simply copied what he saw and with the treasure trove of players at his disposal he couldnt help but have success
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