Movie recommendations

Started by corn02, October 23, 2007, 10:13:39 AM

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Don Johnson

Went to the cinema twice in the last week.

J Edgar - I really liked this, think partly because I have read a lot about Hoover anyway so I got a lot of the stuff in it where my girlfriend didn't have a clue, I am not sure she liked it as much.

War Horse - heard from a poster on here (Mickey Linden) this was a great film so had high hopes, was really disappointed. Drawn out and boring imo.

On a side note, during J Edgar two middle aged women sat a few rows behind us and wouldn;t shut up the whole film, at some points actually talking out loud, not whispering. I don't understand why these idiots even go to the cinema if that is how they are going to get on? It is one thing that really annoys me.


Quote from: nrico2006 on January 27, 2012, 04:08:34 PM
Going to fire on War Horse tonight to see what the fuss is about - anyone here seen it?  Still have to get around to watching Midnight Run from taping it last week, saw it years ago but remember very little about it.

Watched an old favourite last weekend in EdTV and also saw Sleepy Hollow.  EdTV wasn't as good second time around (obviously) and I thought Sleepy Hollow was average enough.
Turned war horse off after an of the worst movies I've seen in a long tine


Did exactly the same with War Horse. You'd just seen it all before. Might give it another go some time but tried too hard to pull on the heart strings. I don't have a heart.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Watched the hangover 2 last night and I have the guard for later. Enjoyed the hangover despite it being the same as the first only in a different city. Still had some laughs though so can't complain


Very impressed with Warrior, when is The Grey out? Reminds me of The Edge, an old favourite.


Saw a right few movies in the last while...

The Hangover and the Inbetweeners are kinda in similar insofar as they were grand, watchable few laughs in them but wouldn't go out of my way to watch them again...  first half of both movies weren't great, picked up in the second half

True Grit - quality movie, love Westerns anyway and really enjoyed this one too.  Loved the whole 'feel' of it and the dialogue was snappy, sharp and very witty in spots.  3 main characters were very well played...

Think I've already talked about Sherlock Holmes 2 - cracking movie, one of the most enjoyable I've seen in a while

Lincoln Lawyer - Read the book but it was ages ago so forgot the finer poitns of the plot. Fairly good movie, almost straight into the action and Marisa Tomei is smoking hot...

GAA Board Six Nations Fantasy Champion 2010

Capt Pat

The Grey is just too somber for me. The air of impending doom just lingers the ehole way through. It is still quite a good movie though.

7 out of 10.


J. Edgar Hoover was OK. Eastwood was trying to make it into some kind of arty film but it failed for me. Plus if you're going to have characters age please just get older people to play them and don't use make up for your younger characters!!


Tony Baloney

Quote from: screenexile on January 30, 2012, 12:47:36 AM
J. Edgar Hoover was OK. Eastwood was trying to make it into some kind of arty film but it failed for me. Plus if you're going to have characters age please just get older people to play them and don't use make up for your younger characters!!

The chap on Film 98 the other night said the same. He said the aging effects on Leo were rank for a big Hollywood movie.


Saw The Iron Lady last week.  Big disappointment.

Too much time spent in the present going on and on about how she's senile now.  "Okay! I get it!"

Too much jumping around between two or three time periods, and I hate that in films.  I don't have a problem with maybe starting the film near the end of the story and then flashing back to build up to that point, but jumping back and forward and back and forward all the time is very distracting.  You're settled into a time period where you think you're going to learn something about Maggie's history and just when you're getting into it you're yanked back to the present day for more evidence that she's struggling to put her shoes on, just in case you didn't get the point before.

Not enough time fleshing out the things that actually happened.  The sinking of the Belgrano was painted as a justified decision, no word about how controversial it was at the time and remains so to this day. Not even a picture of it going down, just a brief mention that 300 sailors were lost.  Okay, I understand that some film budgets are limited, and I don't always expect James Cameron "Titanic" special effects job to show the cruiser going down, but the least you can do is show a f**king photo of the damn ship.  It was an iconic photo from the war.  Here, even I can do it:

The hunger strikes were given a one-second mention during a shot of empty benches in the Commons with a voice-over criticizing her for letting them die among a cacophony of other criticisms.

Brighton Bomb and killing of Airey Neave were portrayed to maximum emotional effect but with zero historical context and no explanation as to why people wanted to go to such extreme lengths.  in fact her half-baked Ireland policy was not mentioned at all, but I suppose that would have entailed showing Charlie Haughey getting up her nose.

Michael Heseltine was portrayed as some sort of slick and sleazy used car salesman character, not a word about how he was actually very popular in his party, that his main point of disagreement with her was over Europe (she was all about the transatlantic relationship, he had no time for it).  Zero mention of the Westland affair that pushed him over the edge to resign.

Geoffrey Howe's resignation speech was one of the most dramatic moments of her career and was almost like it was written for a film adaptation.  Instead we just got about two or three seconds of it and no sign of the stoney look on her face while she sat there listening to him.

I don't mind a bit of sentimental stuff about her relationship with Dennis to give it a human interest angle, but FFS there was no need to pad out half the film's running time with it.

Oh, and too much reliance on stock news library footage.

Christ I could have done better myself.


Anyone watch Ghost Writer last night? If you didnt, word of advice, dont.
Quite possibly one of the worst films I've ever seen.


Quote from: paco on January 29, 2012, 12:14:05 PM
Very impressed with Warrior, when is The Grey out? Reminds me of The Edge, an old favourite.
Is that the one with Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin.  If so, great show.  Another one of my favorite Hopkins films is Instinct with Cuba gooding jr.  Worth a a watch if you havent seen it.  Sorta a bit like gorillas in the mist.


Watched the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Bond version), have to say I preferred the Swedish version.
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"

Archie Mitchell

Watched the original Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Girl Who Played With Fire recently. Thought the first one was very good, but the 2nd one was a bit of a let down. Have the 3rd one coming soon from LoveFilm so hopefully its a bit better than the 2nd one.

Watched The Next Three Days last night. Decent enough show with Russell Crowe. 7/10


Quote from: Don Johnson on January 28, 2012, 10:32:58 PM

On a side note, during J Edgar two middle aged women sat a few rows behind us and wouldn;t shut up the whole film, at some points actually talking out loud, not whispering. I don't understand why these idiots even go to the cinema if that is how they are going to get on? It is one thing that really annoys me.

I had the same thing at Queen's Film Theatre a few years ago. My line to them was "See that bit at the start, about not talking during the film, [pause], did that not f*****g apply to you 2?" Stunned silence.