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Messages - funtime frankie

Funtime Frankie... where'd the fun go? - You have a point, but Football is more popular in Ulster... & gains a bigger audience.

GDS take yer point and I don't have a problem with that. However, I do objective to these fellas masquerading as "GAA"

They're not. They should call it the Irish News talks about Football - at least that's accurate
There's a misnomer if ever there was one - The Irish News Talks ULSTER GAA

The fact of the matter is that the Irish News does not talk GAA- it only deals with football which is only a component of the GAA

Who on that panel represented hurling?

The Irish News doesn't do GAA. It only does football
GAA Discussion / Re: Jerome Ousted?
May 12, 2010, 01:30:14 PM
Commentary by Mark Sidebottom - I can hardly wait.

He's no Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh. Worse still - he's no Ger Canning!! That mono tone voice makes one of the most exciting spectacles sound like paint drying. If the British were serious about their coverage of gaelic games they would at least provide a half decent commentator!!

GAA Discussion / Re: Jerome Ousted?
May 12, 2010, 08:59:19 AM
Has anybody heard if the beeb has pulled An Domhnach Mor/The Big Sunday the bi-lingual programme on a Sunday evening after the matches?
Minder, you're wrong. GNM didn't hold an event in memory of one of the hunger strikers. The event was in memory of one of their members who was gunned down by Brit terrorists whilst defending his community. The young hero in question was called John Dempsey.

It is only fitting and right that GNM remember this young man with the pride and dignity his courage and sacrifice deserve.

It is also worth noting that today, 12th May, is the anniversary of Francis Hughes
Nally, you're right. It was 3.00 am Foster and McNarry were very smug engaging in their self congratulations with Foster punching the air and McNarry crowing that the unionist family should, "rejoice" whilst waxing about the benefits of unionist unity.

Don't count yer chickens and all that craic.

GAA Discussion / Re: Your Favourite GAA Images
April 28, 2010, 04:03:40 PM
Has anybody got a copy of the picture of Teddy Mac fielding the high ball against Wexford. An iconic image.
Treason is an offence which comes to mind. Shower of scum

GAA Discussion / Re: Jerome Ousted?
April 27, 2010, 02:41:27 PM
I've signed into this board to voice my support for Jerome - even if he is ginger!

Everybody knows that the BBC has been pushing the GAA down the agenda. Somebody may tell the gang in Ormeau Ave that fenians are no longer second class citizens and fair play to Jerome for taking a stand.

What amazes me is that the BBC has cameras up at Ballyskeagh on a Saturday whenever there's a couple of hundred punters for an Irish League match and yet a derby game up in the glens, or any county for that matter, would attract considerably more and is not deemed to be worthy of any comment in their sports' bulletins. Who determines the hierarchy of sport? Who decides that soccer is more demanding of television coverage than Gaelic Games?

Although I don't want anything from the British Broadcasting Corporation, we should bring them to task as those of us who live in the six north eastern counties are forced to contribute to their coffers.

So, fair play to Jerome and maybe the Ulster Council should speak out against the BBC