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Messages - Hound

19 minutes and 20 seconds it took for Kuyt to give possession away 10 times. I'm not counting anymore though   8)
Quote from: INDIANA on January 21, 2009, 04:53:08 PM
I think I'd hit the net against us on the 31st in fairness. Could be in for a right trimming. No Alan Brogan either, he's out injured. Puts the tin lid on it for me.
For fecks sake. The one glimmer of hope we had....

I see we're going to be rotating the captaincy during the league!

Anyone know if Ross McConnell is a full back or a midfielder in this panel? Likewise Dave Henry - a back or a forward?
Quote from: AZOffaly on January 22, 2009, 07:59:54 PM
You say that you accept that Aidan O'Mahony didn't mean to do wrong, so I assume you accept that he had informed the authorities of the asthma situation and filled out the wrong forms? The panel decided he had used the inhaler in good faith, and the high levels were attributed to inhaler usage, rather than something more sinister.

So why should he be punished? I agree rules are rules, but each case should be judged on it's merits, and in this case I think 'fair play' was obviously done. If it was mandatory sentencing, then you'd be punishing a lad for having the flu and asthma. That'd be wrong in my eyes.
AZ, there was nothing in the ruling that I noticed about him filling out forms wrong. The fact is he took more than he was allowed. In my opinion it was because he had cold/flu symptoms and went OTT on the inhaling.

He has been found guily of cheating - but quite clearly in the opinion of the judges it was inadvertant cheating. There was a range of sanctions open to them having found him guilty, from a reprimand to a 2 year ban. The most lenient sentence was chosen.

It seems to me to have been a fair process and a fair and open result. Of course in my view its only today that we should have discovered the name of the person found guilty.

I wonder what the repurcussions would have been had Kerry beaten Tyrone? Would the result have stood? Would the Tyrone County Board have sought a replay???
In relation to the Juventus bid for Kuyt, while about half of the reports are saying its for €30m, the other half put it at £10m - which clearly is the more sensible figure.

Hamburg made a bid of £10m for Kuyt in the summer and Liverpool said they'd only sell for £16m. So any bids that do come in will undoubtedly be in that range.
Superquinn's pizzas are the nicest in the world!! (that I've tasted  ;)  )

The sausages are the bees' knees too.
Quote from: magpie seanie on January 21, 2009, 08:40:18 PM
Amazed at the JOS criticism again. He played well last night, scored a goal (kept his composure very well when many defenders would have blown the load and lashed at the ball). Was delighted to see him get the captains armband for the last 25 minutes. He has been a good servant for United. Players like himself and Fletcher are just gold dust. Don't always play regularly but can come in and do the job. Also when they're out of the team they work hard and don't mouth off in the papers. Every squad needs them, few have them. I think a lot of the abuse O'Shea gets from Irish soccer fans is because of who he plays for. Although I suppose its only the loud ones you hear. Empty vessels and all that.
Agree with all that generally, and would add that he's a strong character, and he's been getting a fair bit of stick in English grounds for being a left footer which hasnt fazed him. But the other ManU fans who disagree in the previous posts above are hardly abusing him because he plays with ManU...
Quote from: Gabriel_Hurl on January 20, 2009, 09:41:03 PM
Quote from: The Real Laoislad on January 20, 2009, 09:13:41 PMMaybe it has been mentioned but does anyone else think Reina is dropping a lot of balls lately ?

Reina has always been kind of dodgy on crosses
He has probably been dropping a few more recently. He's better than he's ever been when it comes to shot stopping though. Plus I love the way he's so keen to get attacks going. Never lets anyone fall asleep.

He wasn't good for the Everton goal. Cahill's header went right into the middle of the goals, and he was nowhere near.

10 consecutive games without a goal for Kuyt. 6 as striker, 4 as right midfielder.
General discussion / Re: The Big Bailout
January 21, 2009, 08:07:35 AM
Quote from: Declan on January 21, 2009, 07:29:32 AM
Anyone see our esteemed Minister of Finance on Prime Time last night? What a joke. Who is he trying to fool by saying Anglo's book is fine and that the directors loans was the issue that brought the bank down? It was in its hole. . Does he think we're all stupid? Also where the hell is Cowen in all this? Leadership me arse. Isn't Bertie still a TD? The architect of it all hiding in the shadows. Give me strength >:(
Surely somebody called him on this?
I don't know who was presenting or who was on the panel, but anybody who didnt call him a fool is either a fool themselves or has no balls. If thats exactly what Lenihan said.
Quote from: Uladh on January 20, 2009, 11:31:25 AM

Edinburgh is a tough ask. surely contepomi will have to play at stand off?

Yeah, well Cheika ignored the Magners League form in the run up to the Wasps game, but maybe he'll finally cop on now. Nacewa is a quality player, but doesnt have the kicking game to be an out half IMO. I'd have Felipe at 10 and Nacewa at 12.
Quote from: Zapatista on January 20, 2009, 08:36:55 AM
Has Kennelly become Irelands official spokesperson in Austraillia or is it due to lack of options we always get his opinion on these matters?
Aye, pure ridiculous to ask an Irish Sydney Swans player for his opinion on Kyle.
General discussion / Re: The Big Bailout
January 20, 2009, 08:43:31 AM
Shush will yis!!! Our leader has just said (through a spokesman of course) no negative comments allowed!!

And to think there are countries in a worse state than us!

Spain has just lost is Triple A credit rating.
Greece is now six notches below Triple A.
Story on 5 Live this morning was that Milan had accepted the City bid, but when Kaka's advisors were talking to City re salary, there was nothing concrete on offer. A quote from one of his advisors was "We thought this was a serious bid, but we were mistaken". So they went back to Milan and said the deal is off.
I put this two points lost firmly down to Benitez.

Some people blaming Benny. Poor chap doing his very best. The idiot manager had him playing right back for the last 10 minutes. He made 4 tackles in that position, won 2 and gave away 2 free kicks. That's far better than I thought he'd do. He's a light attacking player for chrissakes. Why play him that deep and push Carragher inside a bit, I do not know. But if you make that decision, then Kuyt was the man to put at right back, not feckin Benny. Or better still  how about taking Dirk useless hole off (I thought he was worse than Keane) and bring on the right back who's sitting on the bench (Arbeloa) ??

I thought it was the right decision to take a tired Torres off, but when I saw Lucas coming on I knew we were gone. Bringing on Lucas meant we were inviting pressure, bringing on Babel would have been relieving pressure. The one thing Babel is consistently good at is playing up top when we're ahead, he's a super outlet. And when Benitez decided to be negative and be scared, why the hell he decided on Lucas ahead of Mascho is pure mystery!!

Great free kick by Arteta. Alonso had literally run rings around him for 90 minutes, but he came up trumps there. Defensively I would blame Reina and Riera most as the two who could have done more to stop it. But the execution did make it difficult to defend.
Quote from: girt_giggler on January 19, 2009, 03:45:57 PM
Boylesports Boxing betting.....

DRAW 20/1

That 6/5 looks very tasty!!!
I havent read up on this or followed what MAB has done in the last couple of years. But this fight being set up looks very dodgy to me.

When Khan was beaten, Frank Warren came out and blamed the new trainer for setting the fight up, that it was too risky. Now anyone can lose once, and their star won't fall too much if they come back quickly. But losing twice in a short period will make him look like Audley, and he'll get more laughs than praise.

Beating a big name like Barrera would be a great boost for the Khan career, but not worth the risk of a potential loss. Maybe Barrera is that far beyond his sell by date that he's not a threat, or maybe there's another reason he's not a threat, but in my humble opinion, the fact that this fight is even made, means that Khan is (somehow) guaranteed to win.
Quote from: heffo on January 19, 2009, 02:42:03 PM
Quote from: C_Berg_316 on January 19, 2009, 02:04:52 PM
Collie Holmes was told to do a job of just blocking Whealens runs for the Kick outs in the championship game last year and it has to be said he done it quite effectively.

Hang those who say Tyrone play a cynical brand of football!
And with Whelan being such an over-rated useless hoor according to them all, you'd wonder why Mickey feels the need to use special tactics against him............
Maybe coz the rest of them are even worse!

Not pleasant news hearing Tyrone piled on a cricket score at the weekend, against opposition who were putting it up to them too.
As Indiana has been saying for a few weeks now, we could be in for an awful beating.
At least expectations are low. Tyrone odds on favourites with the bookies and will probably get even shorter.