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Messages - John Egans left boot

I see no harm in appointing Keane.

Rodgers was a master stroke if truth be told. He had been researching training and European methods for a long time. He came to play football and domestically it was excellent. However in Europe some of the results were nothing short of disgraceful. Rodgers is the bar for Celtic Football Club to get to in terms of that type of technical manager to work with players domestically.

Keane  is nothing like Rodgers, but is however what Celtic need right now. Across the city Gerard has brought in players, adapted that showers professionalism and made them bloody competitive in Europe. Look at Arfield and Mc Gregor (two horrible pieces of work) but by god are they playing for the club, Gerard, and are enjoying a new lease of life from 2 seasons ago. You can see how much they love it, time Celtic had players like this.

Physically and psychologically Celtic new to answer serious questions. Keane will take no shit, he will attract players, he will throw young boys in at the deep end. He loves a brawl and I think Gerard will look over his shoulder at Keane. Keane can also make Celtic competitive in every game in Europe unlike Rodgers.

If Keane does get it, it has to be on his terms. No-one at that club should be safe in their position. He needs to go in and revolutionise the structures. I would bring in D Duff back too. Kennedy has to go.

Give him two years, see what happens. He has a lot to prove and I bet he will work bloody hard to make it work.
Interesting case ongoing in Glasgow's Employment Tribunal. The apple never falls far from the tree and all that.

Kind of ironic after the week the club has had. But let due process play out especially the claimants allegations today/tomorrow.

Maybe Glen Kamara has more internal people to worry about than those in Prague... Maybe Goldson can despise those inside his own club....
General discussion / Re: The Official Golf Thread
March 19, 2021, 03:26:47 PM
Quote from: screenexile on March 19, 2021, 12:55:51 PM
What absolute nonsense!

You can't compare lads who have finished their careers with someone who is barely half way through his.

Faldo didn't win his first major until he was the age McIlroy is now. . . he has another 17-18 years at the top level he will have plenty of opportunities to win again and he absolutely will!

Again entitled to your opinion this is just view is his best days are behind not ahead I may be proved wrong but just my opinion.
General discussion / Re: The Official Golf Thread
March 19, 2021, 12:44:34 PM
Quote from: thewobbler on March 19, 2021, 11:40:56 AM
Quote from: John Egans left boot on March 19, 2021, 09:28:20 AM
Quote from: thewobbler on March 15, 2021, 03:27:11 PM
What a load of nonsense.

Explain what is nonsense? Just my opinion. I have seen a lot of mc illroy in recent years, I seen first hand  the day he was handed his ass by RF at RCD  in the Walker Cup that was the first time I knew he was totally overhyped indeed that American team in Newcastle was just top quality and illustrate the difference in quality presently between the UK and Ireland and the US.Most  subsequent Walker cup performances have reinforced this hence my assessment of the upcoming Ryder Cup. Interesting to note Paul Mc Ginley comments to Eamonn Lynch on the Golf Channel on St Patrick's Day. Paul believes the ET will find it difficult to win  points in the 12 singles matches.

It's like this. Lee Westwood has beaten all but one of those unbeatable Americans in each of the past two prestigious tournaments. If he makes the European Team he will a second stringer ie the likes of Rahm, McIlroy, Fleetwood and Hatton will cornerstone the team and feature in every pairs match.

Throw in Perez, Casey, Hovland, Matt Fitz and Rose, even Lowry and you've basically got a full team of players capable of winning any match-up they're given. They're all players who regularly feature on leaderboards on American soil.


As for Rory being overrated. He's the greatest golfer ever produced by this island. I don't know where it is you set your yardstick for underrated / overrated but it's in the wrong place. 18 PGA tour wins. He's 31 years old.

I have no Arguments rep Rory Being the greatest Golfer ever produced on this island nor his excellent stats you have helpfully produced.

My argument is simple his best days are behind him in an increasing ultra competitive golfing environment. The future of Golf was Rory - an 18/19 year old that lit up the tour. However suddenly we have seen the emergence of players that will challenge the record above in the coming years and may challenge the great great players: I mean Is Rory even in the best 3 Europe have ever produced ( Take the green glasses off)??

my opinion is no

(1) Faldo - Cant stand, but what a player big stage both sides of the ocean, majors, Ryder Cups (as a player) Genius!!
(2) Seve (an o Shea through marriage) - Consistently Brilliant, majors, Ryder Cups, changed the face of golf in the 80s- huge effect on the game
(3) Arguably Langer - Consistent, steady everything that Germans are or produce.

JT,DJ,PR,JS all are major winners that may I repeat may in the fullness of time have better stats than Rory.

Just my argument wobbler, I understand your views differ, the led into September will tell us a hell of a lot, as will his performances in Wisconsin. Whistling straits maybe a very tough layout for him.

General discussion / Re: Legal eagle help needed!
March 19, 2021, 10:43:43 AM

Have you left the society of reprobates otherwise known as the North or Ireland bar?

If so best of luck in whatever your doing !!!
General discussion / Re: The Official Golf Thread
March 19, 2021, 09:28:20 AM
Quote from: thewobbler on March 15, 2021, 03:27:11 PM
What a load of nonsense.

Explain what is nonsense? Just my opinion. I have seen a lot of mc illroy in recent years, I seen first hand  the day he was handed his ass by RF at RCD  in the Walker Cup that was the first time I knew he was totally overhyped indeed that American team in Newcastle was just top quality and illustrate the difference in quality presently between the UK and Ireland and the US.Most  subsequent Walker cup performances have reinforced this hence my assessment of the upcoming Ryder Cup. Interesting to note Paul Mc Ginley comments to Eamonn Lynch on the Golf Channel on St Patrick's Day. Paul believes the ET will find it difficult to win  points in the 12 singles matches.
General discussion / Re: Legal eagle help needed!
March 18, 2021, 10:38:15 PM
Ok wait for whatever comes in writing, if it ever comes, then address this issue based on the contents of what's in their letter.Poor taste and totally unprofessional indeed by this company/people.

General discussion / Re: Legal eagle help needed!
March 18, 2021, 10:15:10 PM
Can you elaborate, they sent someone to house. What was said? what was handed over? If they handed over a letter etc what was the content !

David does use the board PM him !!
General discussion / Re: The Official Golf Thread
March 15, 2021, 02:29:02 PM
To be honest Westwood is the one shining European light in a Ryder Cup year. He's consistent and competitive. John Rahm maybe as well.

I am trying not to be hateful but Rory is SOOO overhyped its unreal. I really think his greatest days are behind him. The future of golf is in very good hands and its going to be ultra competitive over the next 10/12 years. Brooks K has also found this out and is struggling. Some of these new young fellas stats are exceptional. JT stats this week in GIR was pure class and this is why Rory, Brooks and even Bryson with his erratic ways will struggle IMO in the future.

The future of golf looks as if the Americans will dominate. The Ryder cup looks a daunting task for Team Europe. Yes players like Garcia, Westwood and on his day Rory can compete with anyone in match-play golf, but the biggest issue for the US team is who the captain picks. They have serious talent that is consistent. Look at DJ, JT, JS,CM,XS I mean these guys are consistently top 10 every week. Add into this Brooks, Bryson, possible D Berger, P Cantlay and P Reed, I hope I am wrong but Harrington must be looking across the table going how do I challenge this?

As for Shane he faces the same problem as Rory etc, its a given now you must play 4 consistent under par rounds to have an chance  Without fail, since Portrush, Shane has failed to do this. Friday last week was a poor day and ultimately cost him. Also worrying was some of his short game. He chipped in Saturday (I think) but it was average at best overall. 

I haven't looked at RC European standings recently but some big hitters outside automatics, like Rose, Garcia, maybe Paul Casey (showing some form). Whistling Straights will suit Rose however overall this seems an uphill battle for Team Europe.
General discussion / Re: The Official Golf Thread
March 14, 2021, 07:48:32 PM
Jesus boys... Lowry hurling well here... 2 birdies in the last 5 he sticks the cat amongst the pigeons !!!

Anything is possible especially with 16 to come!!!

Come on Shane !!
Currently I think the SNP are now in a seriously difficult position in 3 ways:

(1)They had the voters for an SNP majority at Holyrood - but probably don't now.

I have spoken to at least 3 staunch SNP voters (1960s onwards), anti Salmond, but feel they have lost trust in the leadership and are turning to the Greens, or abstaining, or the new ISP and other minor parties (yes they are pro independence parties) but an SNP majority would stick some mustard on the sandwich for the Tories to think carefully about. A coalition (especially with crooked Nicola about) could fall at any time. On top of this the anti independence alliance is in full swing with labour and the Tories set to take vital seats in East Lothian and possibly Perthshire. These are so small margins that the Salmond incident has without a doubt impacted on the vote.

(2) The SNP internally is a mess

At the last party conference the Pro Salmond/Cherry group won the popular vote for the party executive/ officer board. Nicola and her husband are now controlled by an anti Nicola officer board.  Joanna Cherry is very cunning right now. I think legally she is bright, but the people she associated herself with, Exept Aidan o Neill, are secret Tories at the top of the legal establishment. I really feel Nicola fears Cherry in everyway! The SNP front bench at Holyrood is clueless. Nicola, fair play to her, has surrounded herself with politicians/ ministers that are not up to it, so she comes out looking good and none of them can challenge her.  The Education portfolio  doesn't make good reading at all for the SNP. She (Nicola) of course will get a bump of her own personal popularity and her handling of Covid. But to summarise the SNP membership on Glasgow's South Side compared to say the SNP in Edinburgh South West or in Cowdenbeath/ Fife are pulling in completely different directions.

(3) Article 30

Forget about talk on currency (the SNP still haven't got to grips with) and other issues. There is only one issue in town for an SNP majority, coalition, or minority government, Article 30. Cherry is the only one actively seeking ways around this. When you look at home and the work of Irelands Future (whether you agree with it or not) some great work is  being done on discussing key issues and how they play out, avenues are being explored and researched, nothing like that is happening in Scotland.

Nicola is on her final parliamentary journey:

(1) SNP internally is split - Any reluctant towards the calling of a second referendum will not be accepted as they (SNP Membership) will move against her.
(2) If it is called and Tories refuse it (which they will) people will question why no work was done to find other avenues over the last 2/3 years around article 30.
(3) Lastly if one is called and the SNP loses Nicola will off course rightly carry the can.

The rise of the SNP from the early 1980s has been a journey worth visiting - but the more I reflect on things, posters here are pretty much on the money. The tactic that has always worked for the British government divide and conquer is working again. Scotland is politically divided yes, but it is the SNP divide that will finish Nicola and the SNP. 

Just some thoughts on a Friday evening after the first week of a no majority to  independence in god knows how long.

PS I would still love to see independence.
General discussion / Re: Parking Ticket Question
March 10, 2021, 10:13:31 AM
David I bow to your superior legal knowledge after all I have admired your work in the black gown and wig from afar. However is a Supreme Court finding not applicable to all areas of the uk ?

In terms of naming drivers Scotland either has implemented or is about to implement legislation on having to name the driver of car in relation to parking tickets. It maybe something that other devolved parliaments consider.

Both Edinburgh and Glasgow city council have  announced in recent days they have written of thousands of pounds in tickets.It is an interesting area

Here is an extract from Edinburgh story:

Edinburgh City Council has written off £1.3m of parking fines, after failing to collect more than 17,000 fixed penalty notices in the last 12 months.

The council also wrote off more than 3,200 fines accrued by motorists using bus lanes in the capital, worth £284,960.

The most common reasons for avoiding fines was due to the car being foreign.

In other cases the DVLA had no record of the vehicle or the owner was found to have no money or assets.

According to a report, due to be presented to councillors at a meeting of the finance committee on Thursday, more than 6,500 of the fines were also written off due to the owners having "gone away".
General discussion / Re: Parking Ticket Question
March 09, 2021, 01:42:36 PM

Interesting case around this in UKSC called Parking Eye v Baevis (2015) sort of the authority in these matters in the UK. SC "made clear on all signage the full parking charge information including the exact costs of recovery."

Friend also told me a case ongoing in UKSC around no signage at entrance means he is arguing his client never aware entering into a valid contract until actually inside car park. Incorporation of  terms and conditions of entering into the car park must be done via notice at the front of the car park or building as per Olley v Malborough Court Hotel Ltd [1949] "A prominent public notice which is plain for him to see."

Hope this helps, if it is a UK matter of course  :)