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Messages - BennyHarp

GAA Discussion / Re: New Rules For Next Season
December 11, 2007, 03:25:55 PM
This is from Hoganstand!

New hand signal for referees
11 December 2007

A double-handed signal will replace the issuing of a second yellow card by referees to order players off the field under proposed new disciplinary procedures, it has emerged.

A disciplinary task force, headed up by Leinster Council chairman Liam O'Neill, has been asked to prepare a motion for next April's Congress in Sligo with a view to having them in place for the 2008 championships.

The task force made a presentation of how the new system would work with the tick abandoned, and the facility for just one yellow card to be shown by a referee for a cautionable offence, to last Saturday's Central Council meeting. A player who receives a second yellow card for rough play under the current system would be replaced under the proposed system.

The new concept is along the lines of the failed system used in the 2005 leagues when yellow carded players were 'sin binned', but were allowed to be replaced.

"We spoke to a very high profile manager who told us that in 2005 he actually had to coach his players how not to foul and how to commit an effective tackle," O'Neill explained.

"He told us he'd have to do that again if these rules were introduced because he stopped once the previous experiment was abandoned."

The Laois man said the new system was aimed at simplifying the process of disciplining players and disagreed that the use of red cards would diminish with referees being given an opt-out clause.

"A red card offence is still a red card offence. It is up to the referees to deal with that," he added.

People on here are talking about potentially £60,000 being paid to the tyrone players in grants - would it be any different if these grants where paid in a squad "holiday fund" rather than to individuals? What about certain players who couldnt attend the last "holiday" the tyrone players had - they were given the equivilent value of the holiday as a cash payment - no-one seemed too bothered then!! People seem happy to excuse all sorts of payments happening as long as its dressed up as something else! Once its laid bare for what it actually is - mayhem!!
GAA Discussion / Re: New Rules For Next Season
December 11, 2007, 02:59:36 PM
Just when we thought that we'd finally banished the ridiculous black book/card/ticking rule - the GAA are now introducing a 2 handed wavy, gesture type thing to signal that a player is being sent off (though he can be replaced) after two rough tackles! The lunatics have officially taken over the asylum!!

Will John O'Neill be asked at the meeting if his club, Donaghmore have ever paid a manager?
GAA Discussion / Re:
December 05, 2007, 12:30:47 PM
Red hand luke - are you negoiating cheap insurance for all members??
Shane Sweeney left the tyrone panel due to work commitments and there is no dispute that is a reasonable excuse and I agree all amateur players should be allowed to choose if they want to play or not. I'm glad you mentioned Mickey Coleman, he left the panel because he wasnt getting an opportunity to play and wasnt prepared to put the considerable effort in to remain on the bench, which again is fair enough and he already has an all-ireland medal in his back pocket - adding further weight to my argumnet that inter county players are a rare breed of not only hightly skilled but totally dedicated individuals who return year after who deserve the grants coming their way!!
Having read most of posts on here over the past few days / weeks with regards to the issue of grants, I honestly feel my position has changed from that of the anti government grants to Pro! My reason being, i get the impression alot of people are far to much concerned with the "what other people do or get!" situation. I know its only human nature to make comparisons between groups of people and i've read all sorts of comparisons on here from comparing the intercounty players to rowers, women playing football, people who cut the grass, club players, supporters even, but I would look at the issue on ITS OWN MERITS!

Does anyone here actually begrudge the lads who devote a fair majority of their time to the county team that supplies us with so much enjoyment, passion, debate and controversy. Do they deserve a little bit more for the abuse they get when they play poorly or the stick they take from opposition fans! Do they deserve a bit more for attracting 80,000 to croke park and selling hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of tickets? I for one hold the players from my own county in particularly high esteem and do not begrudge them a grant PAID FOR BY THE GOVERNMENT. OK you say, they are amateur and can choose to walk away and not play - Consider if Sean Cavanagh, Gooch, Stevie McDonnell or Matty Forde decided that they just couldnt be bothered playing intercounty football anymore - i'm sure they would get a really warm welcome as they walked the streets of their counties in the lead up to championship time! Look at the reaction to the players when the strike was announced - what gives anyone the right to criticise an amateur player for withdrawing his services - Instead of calling it a strike, would it have been ok if they just said they couldnt be bothered playing anymore?  Its not as easy as it looks to walk away, so i would suggest that they dont have the choice - especially the top players.

The argument that there are hundreds of people who are prepared to pull on the jersey to represent their county is a weak one too. People may be prepared to do so, but are they prepared to put in the full time effort required - i know personally of numerous players who are county standard but didnt have the dedication required! Its a special breed that makes a top class county player! Why not reward this?

People complain about those who will get the grant and don't deserve it - the mayo hurlers consistently mentioned! I think people who are fighting to keep a sport alive in an area where it is struggling are probably just as much if not more derserving for a grant as someone who is a star in a county where football is king! I can't imagine there are hundreds of replacements lining up to replace Tyrone or mayo hurlers!!! Are people happy to the see the hurling teams of these counties disband? Are these people not equally contributing to Irish society? Or does anybody really care as long as we have something to criticise, rise up against and make doomsday predictions against!
GAA Discussion / Re: Strike averted
November 29, 2007, 10:33:46 AM
This all seems to have been sorted out rather easily! It seems strange to me that the GPA played their trump card so quickly in this situation - it is clear that they have been badly managed/advised! Strike action is always the last resort - had they reached the last resort???I believe this situation could have sorted out with much less fuss and certainly much better in terms of PR for the GPA!
GAA Discussion / Re: The Greats that never were
November 22, 2007, 01:13:38 PM
Totally agree Orangeman, The clarkes won the minor championship in 1989, 1993 and 1994, getting to the ulster minor final twice and dominated the underage championships in tyrone in the early nineties yet dont even have a senior championship final appearance to show for it! A huge waste of talent!
GAA Discussion / Re: The Greats that never were
November 22, 2007, 11:53:43 AM
I'd say Adrian Kilpatrick from Dungannon! Had all the talent in the world to be the answer to the well documented tyrone midfield problem during the early 90's. Unfortunately didnt have the work ethic to match! Had one great season in 1993, when tyrone lost to down in the ulster final in fact scoring a goal that day i think!!
12. Pin it up in the Tyrone dressing room before next years Ulster Semi final
GAA Discussion / Re: GAA to launch big British drive
November 15, 2007, 12:38:40 PM
Maybe thats why Donal O'Neill left the GPA - he could be the new GAA development officer in Yorkshire!
GAA Discussion / Re: GAA to launch big British drive
November 15, 2007, 10:26:16 AM
The appointment of GAA development officers in each of the main GAA playing counties in the UK is a welcome step forward as well, it will be interesting to see their remit. For example, will they have the powers to over rule county boards in terms of structures already in place for under age football? If a more GOAL games type idea was suggested at the expense of competitive (pointless) under 10, 12 and 14 championships would county boards allow that to happen?? Schools are keen to get new sports added to their options for PE and after school enhancements. There is a gap in most schools for a game that offers something different from rugby and soccer, its just a matter of having someone with a bit of drive to follow this through! It would be a positive scenario if a development officer was co-ordinating the introduction of the game to schools as well as overseeing the new players integration at club level! More players will eventually lead to more clubs and better competiton at under 16 and minor level where i feel the big problem in keeping players lies as we simply have no games for them to play!
GAA Discussion / Re: Something sensible
November 09, 2007, 11:58:23 AM
They should get Fergal Logan in to help when they are drawing up the new rules, he should be able to highlight all the current loopholes!
QuoteI can't see any footballer giving up a season of championship football because Dessie has told them to.

This my point about Cavanagh, he may support the GPA but i would doubt he would go against mickey hartes wishes and miss a year of championship football, i have no doubt after watching him for years and knowing the type of fella he is that he would have a much greater passion for tyrone, than a passion for the GPA! I wonder how people like brain mcguigan would feel - although some reports would say he wasnt particularly well treated during his injury, i cant imagine after all he's been through he would be prepared to give up another championship year on strike! (if of course he is back from injury)