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Messages - JimStynes

General discussion / Whats everyone getting for Christmas
November 29, 2007, 04:12:14 PM
What is everyone getting for xmas. I dont know what to ask santa for. I will be getting the usual new pair of football boots but after that im stuck. I have told santa that i dont want a PS3 because i have my finals coming up in early January and i am going to OZ after i finish Uni at some stage so i wouldnt get the use out of it.

As you get older it gets harder to pick something decent, my da is almost impossible to buy for. I usualy get him a few dvds or something and then just steal them off him after hes watched them.

Any ideas?

GAA Discussion / Re: Tracking Device
November 20, 2007, 09:02:30 PM
These types of GPS tracking devise is commonly used in aussie rules. Them boys do some running, Shane Crawford from Hawthorn does 20Km in a game.
pm you their ziggy
Speeding and drink driving is the worst carryon to be at. To many stories of young people getting killed on the road for these very reason. A fella that lives near me crashed his car the other day and the doctors say he is paralysed from the neck down forever. Sad how one stupid mistake can ruin your life forever.
id love to put more than a finger on a few of her qualities.  ;)

regarding pepper, i heard something today that may upset a few fans of hers. i will say nothing more though unti i get more evidence.
In the health service its a week for temporary staff members and a months notice for permanent members of staff.
I would say the guards could have caught a load of people at Oxygen if they really tried stiffller, we made a break for it at 7.30am and our partying was only just finishing at 4.30.
Well im come out of retirement due to some unforeseen circumstances. I left the board as I just didn't have the time to post as much as I used to so I couldn't give my full commitment to the neighbours thread anymore.  I am on placement this year and the office I work in has barred the gaaboard so forgive me if I don't get to post that often, this will all change when I get back down to uni again.  Still don't miss an episode of neighbours though. Has anyone got their tickets for Dr Karls return to Belfast, im sure the rest of the board members who where in attendance last year will back me up here, its not to be missed.

Ive was reading some spoilers for the future in neighbours, as usual some cutting edge story lines with some big names involved aswell. 

Also just to throw my point in on the 'whos the nicest debate', I think the future of the street is Rachel, she is unreal. But the sexiest woman at the minute for me is rosie, she might not be the best in terms of looks but imo is definitely is the sexiest. Make the most of pepper by the way, she wont be on the street for to long I don't think!
I think Kuyt and Torres would be a good partnership. Is Kuyt injured or anything, havnt heard much about him in a while. I still cant see liverpool winning the premiership to be honest though.
General discussion / Re: Ziggy is a good lad
July 24, 2007, 10:48:30 PM
Orior - hes not from mayobridge.

Pint - Hes usually not a bad fella then he turns round and says all this sick shit. i dont think he is right in the head.  :o
Would you not have stevie g in before Masherano stiffler
General discussion / Re: Ziggy is a good lad
July 24, 2007, 10:33:26 PM
I have come out of retirement to categorically state that I am not one of stranworsts aliases. I have been a member of this board and the other board years before stranworst even knew about it, im sure ziggy and some other board members will be able to back this up. If he doesn't quit his shit I will have to post his real name and where he is from, im sure a few board members would love to know after some of the stuff he has said in the past.
my top women would be (in no paticular order):

I think its a great line up
Yes hitzelsperger i just think theres something about that rosie thing, however my opinion has changed again Elle is the nicest in the whole show after seeing her today. It'l prob be caramella for me tomorrow, as i was saying earlier Neighbours has got great strength and depth these days. I got that email of Pepper aswell, i dont know she just doesnt do it fully for me, to much of a barbie or something. Dont get me wrong though i wud still 100% def give her one!

Ziggy, i couldnt believe it when i read the news, most dramatic storyline in a good while. And by the way HLB is about he's just using a different name, hes a bit of a snake.
Great to see the Neighbours thread back up and running again. dont get to go on the board much anymore due my student placement barring my access to the gaaboard.

Anyway ive been hearing a few rumours lately about a future story line and i can tell u its going to cause a bit of a stir in erinsborough. Im loving Steiger lately, the man is a smooth enough operator. Im also loving the amount of absolute stunners that are now on the street. Pepper has all the looks but rosie is the sexiest in my opinion