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Messages - Ethan Tremblay

A knobhead like this trying to stir the bucket for no reason in a place where it is none of his concern.

People like him must sit in the office and think, what will I complain about today!
After studying american politics the guts of 10 years ago I came to the conclusion that following a law from the 1700's, ie, the right to bear arms, is one of the main reasons why america has so much violence and a rampant gun culture. 

I'm not saying that guns wouldn't have found their way into society if that particular law was abolished, but certainly incidents like this may not have happened. 

An example, imagine walking down the street where you live and you see a twelve year old have what looks like a genuine handgun.  Would you be inclined to think it is real? Probably not, we live in a country were guns aren't as common, and children walking about with them even less so. 

America will never change their constitution, guns will always be freely available, and the chances of a child getting their hands on a gun are more likely than not, that's the truley fucked up thing! 
Just think its clowns like this who helps make decisions for everyone else in the country!

Both sides ruling in Stormont need to:

  • Stop being bitter c***ts
  • quit the snide digs at each other
  • lower the price of a pint of harp

GAA Discussion / Re: Football All-Stars 2014
October 24, 2014, 07:55:19 PM
Flawed process in my opinion the all stars, I feel Ulster and Lenster teams come up against tougher opposition in the provincial run, whereas Mayo and Kerry have 1 major tussle to overcome the Ulster and Leinster championships are a tough campaign in themselves, and less credit is due to the teams that work their way to the latter stages of the championship coming from each Provence.

This year Armagh came up against Monaghan twice in two tough battles, only to have to face Tyrone in the qualifiers, Roscommon, Meath and eventually Donegal, another close encounter. During there run I would argue that several players warented  the praise heaped on them, imho Andy Mallon, who was consistently great and was unlucky to miss out!

On the other side of the coin, armagh only managed to get to the quarter finals, with seven other teams and failed to progress to the business end! Can players from one of the top eight teams get an all star, in armaghs case they had harder matches and the awkward route to get there, but when it came crunch time the players didn't produce!

If you take the second point that a team in the quarter finals just would be hard placed to get an all star, then there can be no arguments as to donaghys inclusion, who undobtly had his best games on the biggest days!

The 2015 draw is a good example of the campian a team can go through before they get out of their own province, whereas Mayo play the winners of NY, Galway or Leitrim to make a final and get a qf spot, Tyrone would have to play Donegal, Armagh, down/ Derry to make a final!

Who says the quarter finals of a championship are nothing to rave about!

GAA Discussion / Re: Best debut season?
October 03, 2014, 04:04:48 PM
I remember the buzz around Clarke returning home from the afl and was well justified in my opinion, was a play-maker through and through, was consistently good in 2010 and his aura lifted the team itself.     

I feel he will make a huge impact for Down this year if he opts in, also expect Caolan Mooney to break into the panel and show his worth,
General discussion / Re: Man Utd Thread:
October 02, 2014, 02:59:55 PM
I think Wellbeck was a useful squad player, he seemed content with getting sub appearances and pitched in with goals when needed! Didnt appear the primadonna type either!
In saying that his chances would have been slimmer again if he stayed!

On a different note, I wonder who will be first to crack when the injuries clear up and LVG's real headaches begin!
General discussion / Re: Movie reccomendations
October 01, 2014, 10:40:46 AM
Watched Green Street not to long ago also, Eijah Woods character was merely a point of entry for the viewer, nothing more! Plenty of quotes from it all the same!

Also watched Snatch too, in my opinion the ultimate brit cockney gangster film, good story, funny and gypsy fighting! The other half couldn't see the appeal though! Even Vinnie Jones impressed!
Watched a great doc on the NFL Draft 2006 called Two Days in April, compelling viewing of several lower profile stars and their efforts to make the pros.  Its crazy to think margins such as .1 second on a 40 yard sprint could be the difference between making it or not...

Ironically they are also mentored on their media relations, bearing in mind this is from 2006 its an issue the NFL have been well aware needs addressing (although the recent scandals are a different kettle of fish). 

Also watched documentary on Pixar Animation on Netflix.  Shows their early struggles and how much effort was put into Toy Story.  Steve Jobs could spot potential a mile away...
General discussion / Re: TV Show recommendations
September 24, 2014, 01:10:33 PM
Currently watching SOA at the moment, good but not great, the accents are ridiculously funny at times!

Stumbled across Banshee also, a good watch too would recommend!

Looking forward to The Walking Dead starting again in two weeks, they have somehow managed to keep it fresh and full of suspense despite my early concerns it would become redundant and repetitive!

General discussion / Re: Man Utd Thread:
September 22, 2014, 10:48:45 AM
Yea Rios comments in the paper portray him as an idiot to be fair  :P

True defence is stretched to full capacity atm, hopefully they can come across a Vidic esk player who would throw their head in where you wouldn't throw an empty coke bottle!
General discussion / Re: Man Utd Thread:
September 22, 2014, 10:18:46 AM
I wasn't referencing to yesterdays game in particular with my excuses point, he stated that it will take 3 months for his system to take full effect, which is curious as he has no champions league pressure during the week to worry about and Utd should be putting team like Leicester to the sword!

Perhaps the bigger picture will show but after 5 games and 1 month into the new season I'm having doubts. 

Regarding yesterdays match Utd were hard done by for the penalty that started the fightback, but Leicester did get away 15 shots just 1 less than Utd themselves! Cambiasso put in a good shift also!
General discussion / Re: Man Utd Thread:
September 22, 2014, 09:50:27 AM
I'm glad UTD are struggling as player power and fan pressure pushed Moyes out the door to soon last season, his only real mistake axing the entire back room team when he arrived. 

Now LVG is shipping sub-standard results it shows me a few things:

  • Moyes got the bullet too soon, having an experienced manager counts for nothing within this team (makes you realise how good Ferguson really was).
  • LVG system is severely flawed, lots of flair, little grit
  • Utd are too far behind the top 4 teams already in terms of league standings and self belief, I fear what will happen when the play chealsea and city.

To top things off LVG only has the FA cup and League to play for, so until after XMAS it will be only 1 game per week to focus on, get the tactics right, players rested and game plan implemented correctly, there should be no excuses! 
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
September 20, 2014, 12:01:46 PM
The game should have been played mid-week to accommodate simple as!

Unless half the Dromintee players replied to their wedding invites on Friday morning I doubt they would have delayed asking the CB for a re-fixture! 

Also I doubt cross would have point blanked refused for Clarke's sake as the result would have been inevitable in my opinion, but if they did..... 
General discussion / Re: Career v Job
September 17, 2014, 10:58:26 AM
Interesting conversation, happened across an article on the guardian website during the week,

Number 2 regret was working too hard and missing children's formative years. 

Although only a half mile walk, its something you will not do again when they head off to secondary school!
General discussion / Re: Ignorance
September 15, 2014, 05:15:57 PM
Not sure whether to class this as ignorance or not but a wee story similar in taste to mike's,

Whilst attending a fundraiser at the football social club several years ago I noticed human nature in full flow.

The place was jammed and the queue for the drink was a twenty minute, people holding onto the bar as to not to loose their spot job.  In the midst of the carnage one of the people waiting had a seizure and fell to the ground shaking and foaming at the mouth, very scary stuff.  Needless to say people stood and watched as he worked away, reluctant to help afraid of loosing there place at the bar, I was f**king speechless!   

I also hate them pricks that cant park, usually fat middle aged men who think cause there older they have a law unto themselves!