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Messages - MCMLX

GAA Discussion / Re: Peter NcNulty RIP
October 04, 2010, 09:29:38 PM
Awful news. Condolonces to family and friends.
General discussion / Re: The Big Bailout (of the PIGS?)
October 04, 2010, 09:20:36 PM
Would it not be sensible to implement 30% cuts to everything in Ireland. End the likes of the medical card scheme, rent allowance, etc. if they could do this then the day to day living costs would have to follow suit. Or am I being a bit idealistic/simplistic?
General discussion / Re: The Big Bailout (of the PIGS?)
October 04, 2010, 03:54:27 PM
I have no personal debt, but if I did I would be expecting a dig out from the government. If the can bail the banks out to the tune of billions then why cant the bail the average Joe out, what is the difference?
A friend of ours bought a house in 2007 with the help of a 100% mortgage, despite us pleading with him to hold tight. He has a €1500 a month mortgage and is about to lose his job because of government cutbacks. His partner is a school teacher who has been hit by some sort of government levy. The house is worth at least 100k less than he paid for it and although he now realises he was foolish to say the least, there is simply no help out there for him and thousands of others like him who were sold a dream that has become a bit of a nightmare that has no end in sight. His health is suffering because of the stress, which is unsurprising.
I told him to move back north, take the woman with him and rent a house. Renting would save him roughly €800 a month and the cost of living is considerably cheaper. She wont hear of it. Either way they have no financial future.
Is Rory not his partner?  ;)
Quote from: screenexile on October 04, 2010, 03:19:06 PM
Don't know how anyone could doubt the significance of the Ryder Cup ... surely that was one of the great sporting events of all time. Great spectacle!

I have no real interest in golf, but that was gripping stuff. Watched it all day yesterday and worked from home today. McDowell will get all the plaudits and deservedly so, but for me Fowler was outstanding all weekend. He kept the tournament alive this afternoon coming back from 3 down with 3 to play. His putting was a joy to watch.
Well done McDowell.
That should be it, barring a miracle. They`ll both get down in 2 from there.
Quote from: Main Street on October 04, 2010, 03:03:35 PM
The European wagon wheels are wobbling.
Now down to the last Nordie.

He`ll be Irish if he loses.
Fowler did it
13-12. Mollinari in the rough on 18. It is down to McDowell (M`Dole) who is only 1 up with 3 to play. M`Dole has to win.
General discussion / Re: The Big Bailout (of the PIGS?)
October 04, 2010, 02:54:08 PM
I cant see the Irish public ever taking to the streets. They seem to be content to complain from the comfort of their own homes and allow their government to destroy the country and whats left of the economy. I would love to be wrong on this one but cant see it.
Fowler has just won the 17th hole. He is one down with one to play. I wouldnt bet against him salvaging a draw, his putting has been excellent all week.
Much too much, lads. 2 Hell with common sense.
General discussion / Re: AFL 2010
October 02, 2010, 01:11:26 PM
They should have won it last week, never in doubt this week. Great entertainment, some crowd.


The Ride Her Cup