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Messages - King Henry

Quote from: Shamrock Shore on October 04, 2010, 03:23:20 PM
Could the American not have let McDowell put out to give him the pleasure instead of conceeding?

Thats what I thought,plus he could have missed
Why didnt yer man ask Gmac to putt out? It wasn;t that near the hole
Quote from: EC Unique on October 04, 2010, 10:16:54 AM
Just seem the highlights lastnight, Carra should fall on his sword as he is just done. Torres looks completely disinterested. Shocking stuff but fair play to Blackpool, class save in the last minute. Cole should have had 2 goals from what I seen.

Liverpool will not go down IMHO but will not be that far up the table either.

How could you tell Torres was disinterested, he only played 9 mins and you said you only watched the highlights?
I think the question of do the players really care about this has been answered.

Of course they do,any fool could see that watching it today
General discussion / Re: Man Utd Thread:
October 01, 2010, 02:48:00 PM
Quote from: magpie seanie on October 01, 2010, 02:13:28 PM
The last page or so is a bit embarrassing.

Why or how would you be embarrassed by people you don't know posting stuff on a internet forum?

Hi all, I'm new here,actually registered a while back but only got my confirmation email today,been a lurker on here for a few years though but only got around to registering as I'm only on a 3 day week now due to cut backs at work.

I'm probably whats called a fair weather/part time Man United fan,if there isn't any hurling on I watch them but I don't really get too upset if they win or lose,though I like them to do well,and I do keep myself updated on goings on in the club and I do get over once or twice a season with my brother as he is a Man U nut and hasn't much interest in Gaa.

Hope thats acceptable around here as some really seem to take it serious,but as I said I'll never claim to be a know it all on Man United as hurling comes first for me.

I use to be a bigger fan when I was a younglad but with more Gaa club commitments as I got older I found I haven't the same passion for it as I had.

Anyway I look forward to having a bit of craic with ye all.

General discussion / Re: The Best Thing Ever
October 01, 2010, 02:31:13 PM
Quote from: Boycey on October 01, 2010, 02:28:08 PM
Quote from: King Henry on October 01, 2010, 02:26:04 PM
Any updates?

aye if it rains anymore they gonna have a waterpolo tournament this evening.

Pity,I took the evening off to come home to watch the evening Foursomes.
Might go and play a round myself instead weather grand down here
Hurling Discussion / Re: Cyril Farrell on wikipedia
October 01, 2010, 02:28:31 PM
I hate the man,not as bad as the f**ker from Clare though
Its called a hurl where I come from...and we should know  8)
Any updates?