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Messages - Trout

So tell me then how did that work out about unifying Ireland, ah I forgot that was never the aim it was only so we could have houses and jobs and smash the orange state. What was it a score draw ? I would say the Brits were a lot happier with how things concluded. Union intact and the IRA bogeymen doing their bidding in Stormont.

Not defeated? You couldn't make it up. As for the YouTube link, do you think he would hold that opinion now?
Quote from: Nally Stand on December 02, 2011, 12:49:39 PM
Quote from: sheamy on December 02, 2011, 12:39:36 PM
f**k the british army


It's understandable you feel that way, considering the absolute defeat they handed down to you boys.
Lord Mayor (how republican is that?) Niall Donnelly was not representing the Short Strand, he is supposed to be representing all the people of Belfast, as he said he would when he took up the role. If he feels he can't, and it is obvious he can't, he should step down.
I thought Sinn Fein wanted us all to "move on".
Mr Whatabouteryweaselword has arrived to take the thread as far off track as possible.
Saw this on Slugger, sums it up.

"So this "Irish republican" has no problems working for the Crown and handing out Duke of Edinburg awards but when it comes to handing a certificate to a wee girl in a uniform suddenly that is a bridge too far!?
This whole thing is farcical and, quite frankly, amusing in a sad sort of way. The mental gymnastics that these so called 'Irish republicans' go through to convince themselves and/or their supporters that they didn't accept defeat and are still true to some mystical ideal of Irish freedom get harder and harder to take with a straight face."
Quote from: year til sunday on November 20, 2011, 12:07:55 AM
Quote from: Windmill abu on November 19, 2011, 08:13:31 PM
QuoteI'd also argue that if another life is lost over division/unification, then it's one too many.

I agree that far too many lives have been lost because this island is divided. Not one more life should be lost to keep it divided.

how would a referendum on Irish unity result in a loss of life?

Are you brain dead? Do you not think Martin McGuinesses best mates in the DUP would mobilise the UDA/UVF?
Quote from: Tony Baloney on November 19, 2011, 11:34:08 PM
I think Trout has been at the drinks cabinet again.

What the f**k would someone like you know?
Quote from: mylestheslasher on November 19, 2011, 11:17:48 PM
I know Gerry let you down but don't worry it'll all come good in the end and you can be part of a unified 32 counties.

No interest in free state vermin.
"No Irish nationalist could support any treaty which institutionalizes British government claims to a part of Irish national territory.  Indeed, the term - 'constitutional nationalism'- used by Mr.Mallon (SDLP) and his colleagues to describe their political philosophy is a contradiction in terms. The only constitutional nationalist in  Ireland today is Sean McBride. He puts his nationalism within a  framework of Irish constitutionality. Mr. Mallon, however, puts his within the framework of British constitutionality. Irish nationalism  within British constitutionality is a contradiction in terms." 

- Gerry Adams, 1986
("The Politics of Irish Freedom", Gerry Adams, Brandon Book Publishers, Ltd., Dingle, County Kerry, Ireland 1986, page 112, lines 26-35. NOTE:  REMOVED FROM 1995 and1996 EDITIONS). 

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
Quote from: Ulick on November 19, 2011, 09:56:58 PM
Look on the bright side at least - its gonna be fun watching the unionists bend over backwards to keep the Fenians happy lest we decide to say "da f**k with this shit".

There is as much chance of it happening as SF sitting in the Dail or Stormont.
Quote from: rrhf on November 18, 2011, 02:39:50 PM
Another great servant to Tyrone football.  Typified the athleticism, skill, selflessness, workrate and humility of the Tyrone panel from 2002 - 2011.  After a clash with Mc Entee in 03 all ireland final stayed on the field with a broken bone in his neck - hardy boy. Well done big Enda.

"humility of the Tyrone panel"  - are ya takin the fuckin piss?
General discussion / Re: Poppy Watch
November 12, 2011, 02:27:13 PM
Quote from: mylestheslasher on November 12, 2011, 02:19:22 PM
Quote from: Trout on November 12, 2011, 02:09:07 PM
Gweedore is possibly the biggest bigot on this board but squeals like a bitch if he thinks anyone on the other side is bigoted.

Sorry, we don't debate with fish here.

Where was the invitation for debate ? You mind that temper of yours, we don't want you blowing your top and sending abusive PMs.