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Messages - darbyo

GAA Discussion / Re: TG4 - Club Championships Coverage
December 09, 2007, 11:30:18 PM
Really, where did you hear that? are you sure it didn't happen in the Moorefield game?
Refs do get paid, it's €40 a match for mens and €20 for womens (I think).
GAA Discussion / Re: TG4 - Club Championships Coverage
December 09, 2007, 08:38:44 PM
Yeah absolutely brutal, but Nemo wouldn't have big following and the weather conditions wouldn't have helped. Ballinacourty I thought would have brought a much bigger crowd but I suppose the journey to Killarney would have put many off. The game should have been played somewhere in Tipp or else toss a coin for home/away.
GAA Discussion / Re: TG4 - Club Championships Coverage
December 09, 2007, 07:28:23 PM
Well the keeper probably did over carry and he wasn't fouled if you can tackle in the small square. But I don't think you can.
GAA Discussion / Re: The GAA and Olympic recognition
December 09, 2007, 07:23:05 PM
There are more than enough threads devoted to the grants/GPA debate, we don't need another. So lets try keep it on topic.
GAA Discussion / Re: The GAA and Olympic recognition
December 09, 2007, 06:21:59 PM
I'm not an expert on this issue, in fact all I know about this is from what I read in that press release. However to say that this is an attempt by the GAA to "force other governments to accommodate the GAA (shades of South Dublin), not any attempt to grow the games." is IMO wildly inaccurate. The GAA is working hard to develop Gaelic games in Europe and there are now quite a number of non-Irish playing the games. This seems to me, to be just another strand in that process. This is about getting official recognition for Gaelic games in Europe and thus enabling the GAA to access more facilities or to be accommodated in new ones that have yet to be built. It puts Gaelic games on a par with other sports and enhances the GAA's ability to use the existing system on the continent to further the spread of Gaelic games. As a GAA man I support any initiatives to further the spread of the GAA and if they can do that within a system that will pay for the facilities all the better.
GAA Discussion / Re: TG4 - Club Championships Coverage
December 09, 2007, 05:03:17 PM
What was the peno for? I thought you couldn't tackle the keeper in the small square.
GAA Discussion / Re: TG4 - Club Championships Coverage
December 09, 2007, 03:35:47 PM
QuoteI really fancy Ballinacourty to cover that, they are big, strong and have a good few lads that play for Waterford. And from what I hear in Cork this Nemo side are poorer than normal. The weather conditions also make for a low scoring game so unless Nemo get a soft goal I can't see them winning by more than 3 points.

Jesus, I'm good ;)

Indiscipline and the class of Masters were the difference at the end. I can't see Nemo winning the AI though, they are too dependent on Masters for scores. does anyone know who plays who in the semis?
GAA Discussion / Re: TG4 - Club Championships Coverage
December 09, 2007, 01:15:35 PM
I haven't heard anything yet, so I'm presuming they are still going ahead.
GAA Discussion / Re: TG4 - Club Championships Coverage
December 09, 2007, 01:29:07 AM
I really fancy Ballinacourty to cover that, they are big, strong and have a good few lads that play for Waterford. And from what I hear in Cork this Nemo side are poorer than normal. The weather conditions also make for a low scoring game so unless Nemo get a soft goal I can't see them winning by more than 3 points.
GAA Discussion / Re: TG4 - Club Championships Coverage
December 09, 2007, 01:13:32 AM
So the game is going ahead tomorrow? By the way drici what is the price on Ballinacourty with the handicap?
To be honest, I was feeling luke warm towards the county last year over one of two different things and stayed away from the championship matches (I had attended the league and McKenna cup games I could) but this is the final nail in the coffin.

These people don't belong to my GAA and clearly have no respect for the ordinary GAA people like myself. 

I'm sure I won't be missed but that's how I feel

I'm sorry to hear that POG and I hope you change your mind soon.

Quotedarbyo when you type insults expect it back.
one more time.

shamateur gaels you typed the first insulting post, now if you want to debate this issue in a rational, intelligent manner then we can do that, but if you are going to start posts with this 'I'll spell it out s l o w l y' then we can do without you.
                           So to start of the debate this quote 'engaged in by persons receiving financial return' doesn't make IC players professionals now. they get financial gain through legitimate expenses, so what is the difference?
QuoteI think it was Darbyo who suggested that county boards should replace the expenses they currently pay with these new grants - where would the logic be there ?

I'm afraid I didn't suggest that orangeman.

Quotedarbyo,are you retarded or stupid?

Always nice when children who have broken into their parents drinks cabinet join the debate. So to clear things up for you, I don't mind if lads get money from the government, appearance fees or a generous businessman. My objection to professionalism is based not on the money but on the fact that transfers would be common place and many clubs would be destroyed. But you might have garnered that if you had read the posts as opposed to just copying and pasting quotes.

QuotePro GPA supporters rely on what Dessie has said - if managers, journalists etc etc get paid then players are entitled to get paid as well  - so all they can do is perpetuate this falsehood by saying that every manager in the country gets a fortune of money ! Poor excuse and shows the weakness of their argument.

Yep that's right orangeman everything I've said has been inspired by Dessie.

QuoteI disagree.  The GPA are use to bullying tactics - someone critcises them in the paper or on the tv today you can be sure there'll be a personal attack on them from a GPA member the next day.

That's fair enough POG we'll have to agree to disagree on that one.

QuoteI won't be supporting my county again.

Really, I can't believe that. Do you feel that strongly about this?
QuoteNon GAA people call it football.Calling football soccer to non GAA people makes them angry.
Angry non GAA people wont vote for you.
Real GAA men and women don't strike for money.

What are you talking about?