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Messages - guevara

Congratulations to David Gough on his All-Ireland win.
That was nothing short of a disgrace.
James McCarthy must be a relative.
Quote from: RedHand88 on July 16, 2023, 05:58:02 PM
Quote from: Piskin on July 16, 2023, 05:57:10 PM
Kingdom deserved winners. Sean Cavanagh is some dose it must be said lol. Should be a great Final hopefully.

Derry 100% left that behind them.

Terrible pundit who constantly interrupts others & cuts in when they are making a point. How or why they keep bringing him back is beyond me.
Hurling Discussion / Re: Hurling 2023
July 08, 2023, 07:35:22 PM
As a neutral it seems  The Ref let Limerick away with a fair amount of over physical tackles.
Galway are gone but when the game was in the melting pot he let Limerick away with a fair bit, while blowing Galway.
GAA Discussion / Re: Standard of Refs
July 01, 2023, 08:09:56 PM
So you can't call out shite Refs now unless you've done  a Referee course? Wise up! They are brutal !
Maybe instead of anyone that criticises Refs being asked if they have done a course. Maybe there should be an onus on Refs to have played the game.

Common sense goes out the window sometimes.
GAA Discussion / Re: Standard of Refs
July 01, 2023, 07:49:11 PM
Quote from: JoG2 on July 01, 2023, 07:44:55 PM
Quote from: guevara on July 01, 2023, 07:43:22 PM
If that is the cream of the crop we are f#*cked!  Both QF Today saw shockingly poor officiating! In the first game the Ref clearly hadn't a clue what the advantage rule was & continually awarded pretty poor soft frees. His saving grace was the gulf in class!

Conor Lane has been brutal!  McGeeney might well give off but as a neutral Armagh have got away with a fair bit & that black card just looked like a decision by a man than never played the game!

Our standard is absolutely shocking!

Would that not tell you the game is too hard ref?

If you are suggesting that decisions like that black card are hard to call then you are deluded!

Tight games are decided by small margins. Brutal Refs like Lane or Cawley never get demoted or punished for sub-standard performances.
GAA Discussion / Standard of Refs
July 01, 2023, 07:43:22 PM
If that is the cream of the crop we are f#*cked!  Both QF Today saw shockingly poor officiating! In the first game the Ref clearly hadn't a clue what the advantage rule was & continually awarded pretty poor soft frees. His saving grace was the gulf in class!

Conor Lane has been brutal!  McGeeney might well give off but as a neutral Armagh have got away with a fair bit & that black card just looked like a decision by a man than never played the game!

Our standard is absolutely shocking!
Football is dead. Watching Armagh vs Galway as a neutral. 70 sideward/backward passes before anyone takes a risk. Brutal!

Joe McQuillan doesn't help matters failing to implement basic rulings with consistency, but then awards bullshit soft frees.

Rule change needed in Gaelic Football.
General discussion / Apps for Coaching Drills
February 08, 2023, 09:13:38 PM
Getting involved in a bit of underage coaching & want the sessions to be a bit more structured than back in the day!

Any recommendations for any apps or programs that are useful for planning out drills/sessions?
GAA Discussion / Re: Ulster club championship
December 11, 2022, 02:32:34 PM
Kilcoo got exactly what they deserved. How they get away with the shite they do is beyond me.

Ward both and McEvoy both should have walked.
Can't see Glen going all the way. Too defensive and allowed Kilcoo to remain in a game that was there for the taking  much earlier.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
October 17, 2022, 10:00:57 AM
The Referee was poor for both sides. Made some strange calls but any Kilcoo supporter thinking he favoured The Point are deluded. Ward's Yellow was as clear a red as you will see. Closed fist on McGarry right in front of The Ref. Ryan McEvoy's was again an easy decision. Contact with the head after the ball had gone.

Ruairi McGivern was very lucky to only get a yellow also.

The free at the end for Kilcoo was laughable. Hooked the defenders arm and fell to the ground.

Supporters are all experts from the stand. Sport has always been that way. But by and large all fans want is a referee to get the big decisions correct and use all his fellow officials to help him do that. Yesterday that did not happen.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
October 16, 2022, 06:51:23 PM
Poor game to be honest. Our refusal to let the ball inside cost us. No point putting Jamie and Ross in if the ball won't follow.

Poor Final with two Teams more worried about not losing, rather than going out and trying to win it.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
October 04, 2022, 07:04:23 PM
Loughisland were set up defensively against The Point and vice versa, which resulted in it being a shite game.
The Point had nobody upfront capable of taking on his man and aside from your number 14 Loughinisland were the same.

The only way it changes and it will, is a rule change because Today's Players have become robots that lack the flair or audacity to take on a percentage risk that may change a game.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
September 27, 2022, 11:23:03 AM
Burren were extremely poor and maybe thought it would be an easy nights work. Until McKernan came on they kicked a lot of really bad wides.
The Point were full value for their win and counter attacked at pace time and time again.

Burren had no alternative plan when The Point put up the defensive screen around the scoring zone, whereas The Point got goals but breaking defensive lines.
GAA Discussion / Re: TG4 - Club Championships Coverage
September 11, 2022, 04:36:07 PM
Riain O'Neill has got away with one there. Umpires & Linesman scared shiteless to call him on it.
First half was poor. Littered with mistakes and defensive blocks from both teams.
Stephen O'Brien was crucial to Kerry breaking lines and getting scores.

Clifford half fit makes it look so easy! Kerry deserved it.