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Messages - Tankie

Sexton at 10 - legend call
Quote from: The Real Laoislad on November 24, 2009, 10:28:09 AM
I was stopped at traffic lights driving through Ballyfermot this morning, there were a load of women picketing outside some college they have there, anyway one of them shouts across at me to beep me bleedin horn for the strike! I shouted at her to go back to bleedin work

;D Classic stuff LL - fair play
Quote from: Rossfan on November 23, 2009, 08:44:31 PM
But sure isnt all the powers that be agreed that the rich people cant be asked to pay more tax.
Much better to go after those on the minimum wage and make them "share the pain" .
Lenihan or was it Cowan said last week that there are loads of workers paying no tax and that can't continue. He said it in a manner as if it was something he had just found out.
Yet for about 4 or 5 budgets before 2008 Cowan was telling us in his speech that he was taking anthter so many thousand workers out of the tax net to loyal roars of approval from the FFBuilder ranks in the Dáil.
By the Tankie I believe Mr McLoone gets €171,000 a year from his private sector job and IMPACT subs werent reduced when the members pay got reduced when they got hit with that so called pension levy

all those people should never have been taken out of the tax band anyway, it was crazy economics that this country was running...i love the idea of taxing the rich as much as anyone but every report says it wont bring in enough money so everyone needs to be taxed.

in regard to the pension levy i do feel that the government should have given people the option to opt out of their pension if they didnt want to pay the levy.....i wonder how many would have dropped their pension...
Quote from: red hander on November 23, 2009, 07:54:37 PM
What about the other 249,999 employees, or should their grievances be ignored because of the perceived brass neck of one person?  We're all familiar with your anti-trade union opinions but you're beginning to sound like a Sun editorial

i wasnt talking about the other civil service employees (even though i do think it is a joke that they are striking - pay cuts or lay offs - they gotta take one of the options)...I am talking about a man who sat on the board of FAS as chairman when they pissed millions away and never said a word tell everyone else that he or the civil service didnt casuse this and the rich should pay - I would consider this man to be rich with a salary of €180k and god only knows how much in expenses.
With this strike going ahead tomorrow does anyone else think that this lad has some neck?...he gets paid €155k per year + got €25k per year when he was chairman of FAS and he keeps talking about how its all rich peoples fault that it went wrong- I would have considered somebody earning €180k as doing well and as chairman of FAS he didnt even do his job and had to resign in the end but still blames everybody else for waste and high cost of business.

QuoteNationwide strike will cause hardship - IMPACT
The leader of one the country's largest public service unions has acknowledged that tomorrow's nationwide strike by up to 250,000 state employees will cause hardship to those who depend most on public services.

Tomorrow will see a virtual shutdown of public services around the country, with emergency cover only in a number of key services - particularly health and justice.

Almost all public offices and schools will be closed, while many outpatient and non-emergency health procedures will be cancelled.

IMPACT General Secretary Peter McLoone said the Government had forced them into a strike by failing to engage to negotiate a fair alternative to plans for a second huge pay cut within a less than a year.......
Sexton was great lastnight and watching him was worth the admittance fee....he better get some game time next week but i fear he will not get off the bench
General discussion / Re: Sport V Sport
November 19, 2009, 06:22:43 PM
I would be in group B - i dont hate soccer and enjoy playing it. i just hate the clown who tell me we are a soccer mad country when the national side struggle to sell 60k for most games and going to the pub to watch a game is considered supporting a team. We a not soccer mad - lads just like reading newspapers instead of books with no interest in standing in the cold to support a local team.

But section B for me
General discussion / Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
November 14, 2009, 09:41:03 AM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on November 14, 2009, 12:29:43 AM
Quote from: The Real Laoislad on November 14, 2009, 12:28:50 AM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on November 14, 2009, 12:27:03 AM
Quote from: The Real Laoislad on November 14, 2009, 12:25:40 AM
Whats the craic with online anyway..
Can you just go around killing whoever you like?

Can we all just set up our own game? I wouldn't mind killing a few of ye especially Tankie  :D
If you're struggling on recruit I dont think you'd be killing too many online

I'd put a bullet in you no problem
Probably, everyone else seems to...

so when is the gaaboard free-for-all taking place?
General discussion / Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
November 13, 2009, 07:13:45 PM
Quote from: The Real Laoislad on November 13, 2009, 06:47:40 PM
I think recruit is the lowest level pints...
I'm having awful trouble getting out of Brazil alive

you must be going in too 'gung ho'...get a place behind a car and pick of the las on the roof and on door ways and remember that you can shoot through wood, also the use of granades is great to clear a building out
General discussion / Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
November 13, 2009, 06:05:57 PM
Has anyone played online yet? the Multiplayer is very good as expected and the new Spec Ops mode is great - the only bad note I would have is that you can only play it in two player and I think a four man team option would have been very good.
General discussion / Re: Ewe wants a united Ireland
November 04, 2009, 11:47:36 AM
Quote from: the Deel Rover on November 04, 2009, 11:42:09 AM
Quote from: Tankie on November 04, 2009, 11:38:30 AM
Quote from: WeAreBlueWeAreWhite on November 04, 2009, 10:43:32 AM
But yet if a catholic farmers sheep had gotten union jacks painted on them there would be outrage on here.

i'll second that...serious case of double standards lads....this is costing the farmer money and should have a police investigation

how is it costing the farmer money tankie ? is he going to get them dry cleaned or something ?

he could lose the unborn and also cannot give them a hair cut until the dye comes out, there is also just the general hasstle that comes with acts of vandalism
once anyone out on protest is cut a days pay or has their annual leave deducted by half a day i dont mind who protests.....
General discussion / Re: Ewe wants a united Ireland
November 04, 2009, 11:38:30 AM
Quote from: WeAreBlueWeAreWhite on November 04, 2009, 10:43:32 AM
But yet if a catholic farmers sheep had gotten union jacks painted on them there would be outrage on here.

i'll second that...serious case of double standards lads....this is costing the farmer money and should have a police investigation
Quote from: Celt_Man on October 28, 2009, 06:47:25 PM
Quote from: Tankie on October 28, 2009, 06:44:59 PM
Quote from: The Real Laoislad on October 28, 2009, 06:02:03 PM
Quote from: Maguire01 on October 28, 2009, 06:00:46 PM
Quote from: The Real Laoislad on October 28, 2009, 05:46:29 PM
Should be 0mg if you ask me
It can't be 0mg due to many prescription - and even over the counter - medicines having traces of alcohol. I don't think someone should be prosecuted for driving on a spoonful of Bennylin!

At the same time, I'm all for making it as low as possible. Banty's comments are way off the mark as far as i'd be concerned. For the sake of one pint, I don't see the point.

Fair enough point but you know what I mean!

gotta agree with LL. even half a pint is too much imo....if you want a pint get a taxi and if that doesnt work just go out and not drink....i understand what people are saying about rural ireland but i would rather see a man put out by not being able to drink over some poor family never seeing their child again because of that one pint.

I definitely understand your point but without sounding insensitive I wonder just how many accidents never mind fatalities are caused by one pint or a bottle

imo one accident/death/injury is too much if cause buy some guy just having one pint.
General discussion / Re: The Poppy
October 28, 2009, 06:52:39 PM
Quote from: Donagh on October 28, 2009, 06:32:45 PM
Quote from: longrunsthefox on October 28, 2009, 06:21:08 PM
FREEDOM includes the right of people to wear their poppy in peace. Is a symbol of the British killed in the World Wars so people are entitled to remember them as they see fit. As I am not British I don't feel inclined to wear one.

No it's not. From the British Legion website:

"The Royal British Legion safeguards the welfare, interests and memory of those who are serving or who have served in the Armed Forces."

There not being too many survivors hanging around from the world wars, I presume this would more likely include those responsible for the likes of Bloody Sunday and countless other atrocities in Iraq, Afghanistan, Falklands etc..., those involved in recruiting, arming and directing loyalist paramilitaries in the north, those who served with the murderous paramilitary force of the UDR/RIR. I object strongly to anyone that would have us sanitise that shower of shite.

but it is a British thing, having family who fought in WW1 and extended family as Irishmen but for the British Army and other who joined the french army I do not think they would expect me to wear a poppy. if there was a national day in Ireland and we had our own symbol I think they would be happy with that.

i know the family that fought in WW2 had wrote many laters stating that they could not stand by as the world was at war and felt that they need to help out in the war for the freedom of europe but they never felt anything other than Irishmen fighting in a World War and I think it is a disgrace that the Irishmen that fought in WW1 and WW2 and not remembered better in this country....but wearing a poppy is no way to remember them.