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Messages - AhNowRef

General discussion / Re: Sean Brady Steps Down
September 19, 2014, 04:33:36 PM
Quote from: T Fearon on September 19, 2014, 04:03:07 PM
It was unfortunate that the Church had to deal with unwanted (by their parents/families) children, and did the best they could for them, notwithstanding the abuse in some cases.By the cut of their gibs most of these people are doing very well thank you, but I suppose they'll never thank the Church for taking them in when their own familes even, didn't want to know.

When you think of it, with drunkeness and other failings, parenthood in Ireland generally was lousy back in the day

You are a real little treasure aren't you !!  .. Again, blame the families and suggest the children should be thankful for their torture .. Nice one you !!

As you know, it was the church itself who made these girls & families feel so ashamed in first place that they had to be hidden away ... And in many cases the church basically stole the children against the mothers will, a mother who was "locked" in an institution at the time... and for what crime exactly?
It was also the church who tortured and abused them (and their mothers) and sold them for coin .. .. And then to compound matters they lied and blocked at every opportunity to stop the poor mothers and children reuniting when they came looking for each other ... Scum suckers all the way for anyone involved in any of this, whether directly or indirectly!

As usual, your points seem to blame everyone but the actual perpetrators .. Disgusting stuff once again!!

I must say, listening to you is like listening to Anjem Choudary .. Did you both go to the same "FundeMENTAL school of inappropriate sycophantic adoration" by any chance ???   ... Pity you didnt Major in Islam like him - It would be one less nut for the Catholic Church !!
General discussion / Re: Sean Brady Steps Down
September 19, 2014, 04:12:01 PM
Quote from: johnneycool on September 18, 2014, 09:15:28 AM

Just as well Mary and Joseph didn't have Jesus back in Catholic Ireland.

Firstly when Mary fell pregnant, Josephs family would have ensured he'd no more contact with the harlot, she'd have been dispatched off to the local Magdelene laundry to give birth to the saviour as it would have looked bad on the family.
Whilst in the laundry Mary would have been treated like a slave, the baby Jesus would have been treated like a sub human being,  lucky to survive the place and possibly despatched off to America or Australia for adoption or some other borstal to be buggered by the holy fathers, eh.[/b]

Thats a very good and very apt point ... especially after watching a show on TV last night .. "Irelands Lost Babies" .... Absolutely Horrific stuff ... How any human being can perpetrate these acts or be an apologist or in any way condone someone who has had a hand in this type of thing is way beyond me.

Many people in these institutions are still raging against the tide here no matter what public perception they try to portray .. They seem to shed crocodile tears (much like Brady) after the fact but all the while try to wiggle out of admitting anything (until they're found out and have no choice) or giving information that could help .. even their apologies in many cases seem insincere !!

The show mentioned that a home for children in Tuam ran by Nuns from 1925-1961 had been bulldozed and they later found the skeletons of 800 children in the grounds ... Thats 800 kids died from malnutrition, mistreatment etc.. in 36 years ..... simply unbelievable !!

No parents to blame here... I guess some twisted minds may think it was their own fault eh :-( !!

Now lets say a priest had been in the home one day and lets say he wasn't one of the abuser types, lets say he saw abuse or maybe heard of abuse directly from a child and then went on to swear that child to secrecy upon the fires of hell (basically scare the living shit out of the kid .. as if he wouldn't be petrified already!) ... Then he tells his superior and goes happily about his business (career path) for many years later .. all the while not really knowing if anything had been done to rectify the situation or not .. actually probably knowing that the abuser(s) were still working away as priests/nuns...
Then many years later, after several denials & years of vigorous attempts to stop the truth coming out, the truth does come out but somehow this man (priest or possibly a cardinal by now) refuses to accept that he should have done more and that he was essentially morally corrupt and simply states over & over again .... I reported it .... "I did my duty" , as they would say at the nuremburg trials .. it didnt get them off but it seems to work pretty well within the Catholic church in Ireland!!

Brady should at least be ashamed of himself for putting career ahead of lives but I dont see the humility in him ... If he had humility he would have admitted his errors as major errors ... Maybe he will someday!!

People who back up abusers or facilitators have contributed to the long problems we see within the catholic church ... If people had the balls and decency NOT to support these people they would have been eradicated a long time ago ... But instead the catholic institution and its more naive/brainwashed followers created a safe haven for them ... and the terribly sad thing is that while it has improved, its still going on and you can be damned sure about that !!  ...

Its fairly unbelievable to me that the blinded fanatics and apologists dont realise that they're doing more harm to their own Church than good! .. Men like Diarmuid Martin are the only hope for the Catholic Church in Ireland .. pity there arent more like him!
General discussion / Re: Sean Brady Steps Down
September 12, 2014, 03:32:23 PM
Quote from: T Fearon on September 10, 2014, 06:25:16 PM
I apologise for my absence, I was celebrating my wedding anniversary in a magnificent Co Leitrim castle,while thanking God for his providence.

I was struck reading the glowing tributes paid to Sean Brady in the Irish News yesterday by all the main Protestant Church leaders (all of whom have worked with him politically and pastorally over the years and know the measure of the man),and it struck me that there is today no one more vitriolic in Irleand than lapsed Catholics.

It is once again comforting to know that this is the majority view of Sean Brady's long pastoral mission and the views of warped individuals on this thread represent an insignificant but nonetheless sad minority who cannot see beyond blind and irrational hatred.

Sorry for poking my nose in here folks as I don't post very often but I just cant read anymore of this sickeningly pious, nauseating and repulsive garbage coming from the above poster without saying something!

T Fearon, some may think its commendable of you to stick up for a man who I presume you feel you know ... The fact that S Brady, by his actions of considering his future career within the Catholic church as of more importance than that of protecting the lives of innocent children, should have done better in a moralistic way at least (i.e. without even being a holy man) doesn't seem to set off alarm bells in you is one thing,
however, whats absolutely disgraceful is when you blatantly blame the victims and their parents ... This is a reprehensible act from you and you really should be totally ashamed of yourself for this .. I only hope that you're not getting your ideas from current members of the Catholic church.

Personally I believe Brady behaved exceptionally badly during the "interrogations" and later when he blocked information leaving the church about these and similar issues and also when he stubbornly refused to retire, unbelievably espousing the point again that he'd "done his duty"!

Basically he placed his career above all else including the lives of many many children ... and their parents' lives and their entire family units.
The fact that you can somehow feel its ok to in "any" way blame the actual victims and parents is one the most disgusting things I think Ive ever read on the internet.

And before you slate me as another "Anti-Catholic" which you seem to do to everyone else because it fits your agenda, I'd like to confirm Im very much a Catholic but like many many people, I am now a lot more wary of the institution itself.    You seem to refuse to accept the fact that a large percentage of Catholics are thoroughly sick to death of hearing how "our" religion is being trashed and tarnished by a combination of pedophiles, career hungry priests, pedophile apologists and people who are out to protect the church at all costs ... The problem with the latter type of people is that they end up doing much more harm than good.

I will give you the example of my own Mother .. Shes in her late 80s and very religious all her life ,.,.. A good woman as well !! ... She and her ilk have found the last few years very hard to take and she is disgusted in what has been brought to the fore .. but she is also disgusted by the fact that Brady hadn't the "obvious" decency to retire .... She also has the good sense to know that Brady has done more harm to the church she loves by "NOT" retiring (even after all his inaction) than many, including you, seem to realise.
Church attendances have went down directly due to his actions ... I personally know many people who say his "I done my duty" comment as the last straw ... Im not sure how his belated departure will affect thier status!

So the man you're blindly and in most normal peoples view "wrongly" saying did no harm has actually created a double whammy ... He's contributed to the detrimental harming of many many children & their families lives AND he has had a drastic affect on attendances at his own Church in Ireland.

At the end of the day its up to you in whether you want to continue thinking Brady did the right thing and deserves no blame .. However, the fact that you have repeatedly blamed Victims & Parents makes you the antithesis of what I believe the true meaning of a Catholic/Christian to really be!

You really are a very sick puppy ... May God help you !!
Quote from: Evil Genius on June 25, 2013, 01:58:29 PM
Well, well, how much further down is there for the Mighty to fall?

Thirty years ago, Republicans would have been using bombs and bullets to protect themselves from Police oppression.

Even 15 years ago (i.e. post-Ceasefire), it would have been bricks and barricades.

Yet now the best they can do is to send Gerry Kelly along to make a complete dick of himself on the bonnet of a police landrover, as he attempts to "spring" some wee spide who got lifted, and who was already half way to the Station in another landrover.

This from a man who assured us all that when the GFA was implemented and he got appointed to the Police Board etc, SF would then be in a position to put an end to political policing and oppression of Republicans etc.

Yet where is he now? When SF support the police, he/they are "sellouts", But when they stand up to them, they are compromising their commitment to the new system of Law and Order which they had negotiated.

And worst of all, poor Gerry appears to consider himself in greater danger on the front of a landrover driven by the PSNI, than he would have been in the back of one, in the days when the RUC were after him.

Still, I'm sure he can console himself with the fact that SF's ability to pull the wool over the eyes of the sheep who vote for them appears undiminished.


P.S. Any truth in the rumour that the PSNI have presented Carul Nee Gollum with a bill from the garage for the damage she caused when she got her teeth tangled in the grill on the front of another landrover?

Folks, I haven't posted here for years but I do pay the odd flying visit ..... I find it hard to believe that any of you give the above troll the time of day ... He has been jumping in and out of here for ages at his own convenience, trying to get a reaction and lapping it up every time he gets it.

Surely you all noticed that he conveniently disappeared last December when all the flag protests were on, bided his time and has just recently snuck back in when things have died down only to resume his bitter little rants against anything Nationalist/Republican (dare I say Catholic) again.  He hadn't the balls to stay about when some flak may have came his way so he waited patiently, probably still reading but not logging on or replying.

He gets a kick out of coming on here and winding ... Don't fall for it.. take this bitter little mans kicks away and he will soon wither up and die!!

I know its only a suggestion and its not easy not to reply to idiots like this but please have a bit of sense and don't feed this particularly nasty and intentionally hateful little troll !!  ...
General discussion / Re: Johannesburg
June 29, 2007, 02:23:34 PM
Quote from: Declan on June 29, 2007, 12:32:42 PM
Heading of to JoBurg with work for a few days. Anyone know of any Irish bars that may show the matches on Sunday????

Resign, Fein death, andything, just don't go !

What a feckin nightmare of a place - I went to the Rugby World Cup final in 1995 - JoBurg was the scariest place on the planet then and apparently its even worse now !

If you do have to go stay in the Hotel !
General discussion / Re: Ulster Scotch
January 02, 2007, 04:40:59 PM
I had the hilarious misfortune to see a programme about Ulster Scots on TV a few weeks ago - A Dander with Drennan I think it was called .......... I've never laughed as much in my life - Beats the simpsons, Black Adder and fowlty towers all rolled into one.

At one stage this big fat guy (after finishing playing "a bit a musak") started telling Drennan that he only realised recently that he was Bi-Lingual ..... FFS, I nearly passed out.

BTW - they were supposedly speaking this "other language" for the duration of the programme .... I never noticed ..... It's a dialect pure and simple, but sure if its gives them a laugh what the hell.

BTW - the word for the ice age is "the bag snaw"  ;D