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Messages - lurganblue

Aye you still get ice cream from the poke van/man and a scallion is still a scallion. Hate calling it a spring onion.
I'd still use guddies...

I find a lot of words are just pronounced different in lurgan too. For example windies (windows), bords (birds) etc
General discussion / Re: Top 3 threads on the GAA Board
November 03, 2009, 04:14:54 PM
armagh club football
the gear grinding thread
really enjoyed the one about the traveller women. f**k i couldnt hold the laughter in during work reading that one.
Quote from: rossie mad on November 03, 2009, 03:47:11 PM
willie frazer.

link to his website on another thread.
just read some of it what a t*t.

Im not a republican or either am i political but his recollection of how the troubles started is laughable.

Always wondered why he always got slated on here well now i know.
Definitly number one hate figure for me from now on >:(

watched a show last night called soldiers story (accounts from soldiers that served in the north) and that wee ballix was on. just the look of his face would annoy you...
General discussion / Re: Books
November 02, 2009, 04:58:58 PM
on recommendation from this thread (i think), i've got a couple of Discword novels to start reading.  Think i'm gonna start with Reaper Man because of the whole halloween craic.  Hoping its gonna be good.
we go to bloomfield now?
General discussion / Re: Teams you like to see lose.
November 01, 2009, 02:39:19 PM
down, Tyrone, Dublin, and locally St Peters and Clan Eireann of lurgan.

Birmingham city, rangers

any English team in any sport
I'll say nothing about the smells that come out of your hole illdecide. The whole bus on the way to the all Ireland this year will never forget it.

Soaps grind my gears. Why does the wife watch so many of them? And mostly English crap.  Asked her the other day why she doesn't watch fair city but she didn't really have an answer.
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
October 29, 2009, 04:26:33 PM
anyone for the town vrs country match at the weekend? who won this last year?
Quote from: Archie Mitchell on October 29, 2009, 03:23:39 PM
Nothing worse when your dying for a shite and your not close to a toilet. Time for clenching the cheeks to keep it in.

great having a shite in work though and not during break times. safe in the knowledge you are getting paid for it  ;D
General discussion / Re: Dan Brown - The Lost Symbol
October 29, 2009, 09:03:07 AM
so finished this book last night. i must say i enjoyed it and its a typical Dan Brown page turner.  I didnt think it was as good as Angels and Demons, and the end was dragged out a bit too long.

i thought we saw a different Langdon in this book.  One who wasnt as confident and a little out of his depth at times.  Is this the end of this character?
General discussion / Re: illdecide for mod.
October 23, 2009, 10:12:05 PM
Take your face for a crisp sandwich illdecide. You know you'd be dung at being a mod. It would be everything goes :)
General discussion / Re: Xbox 360 or PS3?
October 23, 2009, 05:16:33 PM
Ah GBB I forgot about the noise of the xbox. f**k it would wake the dead!! Is there a need for all that?
General discussion / Re: The Box Set Thread
October 23, 2009, 10:47:59 AM
did anyone watch that series Rome? i have both box sets and i thought it was excellent. couldnt belive they werent making more of it as i thought it was excellent.

Band of Brothers was great.
I'm still hooked on Lost
I've also been watching all of Fringe (weird but very good)
General discussion / Re: Xbox 360 or PS3?
October 23, 2009, 10:39:44 AM
i have owned both and i would definately recommend the ps3. far more advantages in my eyes. the blue ray is excellent when used. bbc iplayer is handy on the big screen, i've recently downloaded three or four free movies onto its hard drive (probably illegal but sure), free online gameplay... all in all excellent.

the only problem i've had is connecting with a friend to play call of duty world at war online. dont know if that is the system or the games fault.