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Messages - tbrick18

General discussion / Re: Movie reccomendations
February 03, 2010, 12:38:42 PM
Quote from: Schkite on February 01, 2010, 11:10:02 PM
Quote from: ziggysego on February 01, 2010, 09:24:52 PM
Watched Epic Movie this evening. Christ it was bad. I used to like spoof movies. Are they getting worst, or am I just getting older?

It's not just you, they're absolutely shite nowadays.

I agree. I got the Naked Gun trilogy at xmas and I still laughed my ass off. Nothing quite as good these days when it comes to these spoofs. Hot shots was good as well but part deux was a bit crap.
Quote from: full back on January 29, 2010, 11:52:55 AM
Rice Krispies
No sugar on either

The toys in the box used to be some job.
Anyone remember the submarine that you had to put baking soda (I think) into

Those subs were class! You also got speed boats too! Those were the days, but problem is most houses probably dont have any baking soda in the cupboard.
General discussion / Re: Movie reccomendations
January 15, 2010, 11:29:38 AM
I thought Slumdog was a bit of a damp squib myself. Was ok but not something I'd be in a rush to watch again.
Shallow Grave is a great flick...would put it well above Slumdog.

Watched The Hangover last week....I was a bit disappointed, but it was ok. Mildly amusing would be how I would describe it.
Quote from: AFS on January 12, 2010, 01:59:11 PM
Quote from: haranguerer on January 12, 2010, 01:38:58 PM
With the overall set-up as it is at the minute, it is easy to forecast the demise of the clubs; however, imo, were there moves towards professionalism (which wont be for a while yet), I think it would be through the clubs, and probably somewhat at the demise of the IC, initally at least, rather than vice-versa.

Are you for real? How many GAA clubs do you know of that are anywhere near wealthy enough to support professionalism?

You just beat me to it.
IMO a ridiculous idea. Imagine a club team from north antrim having to play a club team from south cork. Fixed for somewhere in the both teams have to travel and incur the costs of hotels etc....and potentially would have to do the same in 2 weeks time. No club I know of could afford that investment in one team, given all the other teams that exist within a club.
The club-county alternating weekly would never work either. Injuries, training, work....just not practical.
Stupid idea....but it was McHugh I suppose so not really surprised.
General discussion / Re: Mr & Mrs Robinson
January 08, 2010, 01:12:59 PM
Spotlight last night? I thought it was You've Been Framed!
I find the whole thing very funny.
Shows the true morals the Robinsons seem to "elevate" themselves too.  I wonder would Iris refer to herself as an abomination?

As for the money and underhand procuring of cash and property....I'd imagine that's a regular thing with policticians in all parties and maybe why there's not much sticking the knife in from them today.
That cub she had the affair with must be having a right laugh at it all. All that cash handed over to him, making a good living since, probably a few quid for his spotlight interview AND a go at Iris (well maybe that's what the cost of his good fortune was).
I've no sympathy for them, or indeed for any of the politicians. As the saying goes, you reap what you sew!
General discussion / Re: Movie reccomendations
December 31, 2009, 09:21:40 AM
Quote from: gerry on December 30, 2009, 10:55:35 PM
watching The Butcher Boy on tg4 never saw it before, hope it turns out to be a good film.

I thought this was a class show....havent seen it in years mind you so not sure what I'd think of it now, but I thought it was very good the first time I saw it.

I saw The Hangover the other night...average enough IMO.
I also saw The Condemned, with Stone Cold Steve Austin....pure pish.

Has this been the worst Christmas ever for tv movies? There's hardly been one worth watching.
General discussion / Re: The Useless Trivia Thread
November 25, 2009, 12:26:19 PM
Quote from: Hurler on the Bitch on November 24, 2009, 08:41:56 PM
During an typical sex life, a woman receives the equivalent of six miles of male penis.

Dogs didn't actually invent 'Doggy Style' it was horses who were copying cows.

The longest that a woman has ever driven a car with a handbreak on without knowing is 137 miles - recorded in September 2005 by Miss Mary-Jo McKenna from Co. Tyrone, who created a tailback of 14 miles at its peak whilst travelling from Omagh to Dublin for the All-Ireland final.

The Belfast word 'I'llknackyerballlicksinyawankerr' is the longest word in common usage.

For some reason, "Bovine Style" doesnt have the same appeal...
General discussion / Re: Sugar in your coffee/tea?
November 17, 2009, 01:45:18 PM
I cant drink tea with sugar in it, it actually makes me boke. Tea should be strong as tar with a wee splash of milk.
I cant drink coffee without sugar though. Need a good spoonful in there, but the seetener does me too...canderal or some of those things.
General discussion / Re: FlashForward
November 10, 2009, 12:14:01 PM
I love it...I think last night's episode was excellent.

Dont think it's aliens. Looks more like some sort of science experiment that's went all wrong. Probably a new terrorist weapons test or summit, given that in the first episode the FBI were chasing arms dealers.
General discussion / Re: V
November 06, 2009, 01:40:53 PM
Quote from: ballinaman on November 06, 2009, 10:25:18 AM
Hmmm, not too sure about it but i'll still watch it no doubt. Some horrific lines in it, cringe worthy stuff. Think i'm going to hate that son, Tyler.  Pity the blonde New York ambassador chick is a lizard, quite deadly it has to be said!

She's not a real lizard...just an actress....but deadly all the same!
I enjoyed it, thought it was really good and I think it'll get better now that the story has be set.
General discussion / Re: Breaking Bad
November 03, 2009, 11:17:51 AM
STarts tonight on 5USA.
General discussion / Re: NANT and Team Foundation Server
November 02, 2009, 01:54:54 PM
Quote from: Goats Do Shave on November 02, 2009, 01:08:40 PM

Pot and Kettle there lad!
You buy a house in Tie-rone yet?
General discussion / NANT and Team Foundation Server
November 02, 2009, 11:46:42 AM
Does anyone have any experience of using NANT with Team Foundation Server?
The company I work for are migrating from VSS to TFS and we are trying to investigate the implications to our NANT build scripts.
Any info or help would be appreciated.
Johnny McGurk (if for no other reason than "that point")
Gerry O'Laughlin
The Scud
General discussion / Re: Breaking Bad
October 29, 2009, 11:05:18 AM
Sounds good, must look out for it.