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Messages - Tankie

General discussion / Re: M50 and its traffic
June 15, 2007, 04:01:20 PM
Quote from: TirEoghaingodeo on June 15, 2007, 12:46:45 PM
Lads, heading through dublin tonight and was wondering what the M50 is like around 7 o clock? Still a car-park? Bound to be clear by that time?

Its in a heap at the moment so I would check with to see what it like at 7 but generally it should be slow but moving at that time.
General discussion / Re: Washout!
June 14, 2007, 09:59:09 PM
Quote from: Square Ball on June 14, 2007, 09:29:50 PM
Been raining here in Belfast for hours, I expect a few matches to be called off over the weekend, whats it doing everwhere else

Yeah its pissing rain in Dublin but is said to be dry for Sunday!
GAA Discussion / Re: Meath vs Dublin 17th June
June 14, 2007, 07:39:13 PM
Quote from: agorm on June 14, 2007, 01:16:44 PM
Quote from: Tyrone Dreamer on June 13, 2007, 08:34:49 PM
The Meath support seems to have been quite poor this last few years, any sign of it returning for Sunday? Surely a county like Meath should be able to get 25-30000 for a match like this. Its very hard to call again on Sunday but I think Meath will do it. With there top scoring forward back its a potent full forward line. Not totally convinced by Joe Sheridan in the full forward line, would Ward be the better option? Who will Farrell come in for? Meath do seem to have good options at the minute in the forwards.

it's hard to bring 25K people when we only get 8K tickets! Tickets seem to be even more difficult to get for this one. For games like this there should be no tickets going to Ticketmaster and any tickets sent through Leinster Council should only be to people that have a record of purchase in previous games. It's galling that there were 4K empty seats the last day and many people could not get tickets.

The 82K tickets should break down something like this
Dublin 20K
Meath 15K
Louth 15K
Wexford 15K
Remainder to Leinster Council etc etc.

Thats a crazy breakdown, i think that this would be more fair and realistic:

Dublin 45K
Meath 10K
Louth 5K
Wexford 8K
Remainder to Leinster Council etc etc.
GAA Discussion / Re: Video Evidence
June 04, 2007, 10:12:23 PM
Quote from: Tyrone Dreamer on June 04, 2007, 10:05:41 PM
I think that the GAA have to be very careful about their use of video evidence. From what I can see they mainly seem to use it for high profile cases brought on from a media outcry. These bans seem to come as a result of pressure from Sunday Game pundits. This is not the way our games should be governed. If video evidence is to be used there must be camera's at every championship match and clear procedures must be in place to ensure that each game is treated equally. Every game has to be watched and reviewed by the panel or its not a fair process. Why should high profile players be more at risk to suspension by video evidence than other players from weaker counties. If a study is carried out into which county players have been suspended from video evidence I think you'll find theyre nearly all high profle players. I think you'll find very few players with a low profile from weaker counties being suspended by video. Imo Geraghty shouldnt be suspended as many players have done as bad and not a word said.

I dont think it is right to say that Geraghty shouldn't be suspended because other have got away with worse, he played like a dirty naker yesterday and should be banned. As a whole I think there should be a citing officer like in rugby that reviews the game when its over!