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Messages - J70

Quote from: magpie seanie on December 06, 2006, 01:44:29 PM
Haven't won the league since the rule was changed....

So it follows that the change in the back-pass rule is the cause? Does that mean that Liverpool would have continued at the top if the back-pass hadn't been abolished?
Quote from: magpie seanie on December 06, 2006, 12:48:32 PM
QuoteRead today that Arab fella is worth more than Abramovich looks like the good times are ahead of us

Yes, Chelsea are the type of club Liverpool would aspire to be like. Dull, cautious, boring but who cares if we win, eh?

If this deal doesn't work out go for the reinstatement of the backpass to ensure a return to glory days.

That backpass rule was certainly the crucial factor in Liverpool's success. They were the only team allowed to pass the ball back to the keeper, after all. ???

Hard luck JHE. Was hoping youse would do it.
GAA Discussion / Re: Ulster Club Championships
December 03, 2006, 05:14:16 PM
What was the score in the Greencastle-Naomh Brid game?
Haven't played at all since minor, and even at underage, we only played five or six games a season. I went away to college when I was 17, somehow made the freshers soccer team and have just played soccer ever since, although mostly at a very casual, crap level!
GAA Discussion / Re: 20 Questions
December 02, 2006, 09:06:21 PM
1. Why your user name –  nothing worth repeating!
2. Favourite all time game – 1992 AI final, obviously!
3. Favourite all time player from your county – Tony Boyle
4. Favourite other poster on – No one in particular – basically anyone who is willing to partake in an honest, informed discussion. Despite the morons infesting the place at the moment, there are plenty of intelligent posters who contribute. Also, The John Haran Experience posts some great summaries of matches, which I can't get to as an exile.
5. Things you'd like to see change on the site. – Get rid of all the juvenile foul-mouth idiots who've joined since the changeover. How the hell did they all find it all of a sudden?!!
6. Player from another county you admire. – Stevie McDonnell – class act!
7. Dual players. Should they be allowed do both (why/ why not) – Why not!
8. Dublin Hurling, IS there hope? *question for dubs – lived in Dublin for years. I knew very few who played or even cared about the game.
9. Best Moment of the year? – For Donegal – the Kavanagh goal against Down – maybe we weren't that bad after all (we went into that game as basic no-hopers)
10. Worst moment of the year? – Throwing away the quarter final to Cork. We'd enough chances to comfortably win two games.
11. Breasts or bum? – Bum.
12. Breaking ball or park live? I've never seen Park Live, so its Breaking Ball I guess (I did like it!).
13. (Situation) Cork v Meath (if from Meath Cavan V Dublin) in an All-ireland final. You have to shout for one or your head will explode. What do you do? *question for dubs- Lesser of several evils there. Can't choose!
14. DJ Or Eoin Kelly. DJ is the greatest!
15. What  your own county needs to do to win Sam next year? Find another midfielder and get a few of the forwards scoring!
16. How do you stop (legally, Meath lads) Kieran Donaghy – Win midfield, crowd him out, cut off his options once on the ball. Donegal won an All Ireland facing a similar problem with Vinny Murphy, although Dublin's lack of plan B did help!
17. Hopes for 2007. – Even though we're on the same side as Armagh and Tyrone, if we get out of Ballybofey in May (which would indicate some potential), we could cause an upset and win Ulster. Backdoor to the quarters is the most likely. A semi-final would be nice!
18. Who will win Sam in 2007. - Kerry
19. Who will win Liam in 2007. – Kilkenny or Cork!
20. Your Gaaboard resolution for 2007. – That it lasts through its current malaise.
General discussion / Re: THINGS THAT P##S ME OFF.
December 02, 2006, 08:23:58 PM
Quote from: Gnevin on December 02, 2006, 12:45:42 PM
Quote from: charlie linkbox on December 01, 2006, 09:16:38 PM
"People who say American Football is shite, no its not.  Learn the rules, watch a game, you might just enjoy it"

Ditto cricket.

People who claim American Football is good,  here an idea how about a 1 hour game that doesn't last poxy 3 hours

The obvious response to that is that games like gaelic football and soccer often fill up a substantial amount of the allotted playing time with stoppages. At least you're guaranteed to get the actual 60 minutes (or 48 in the NBA) of playing time in American football. If the ball doesn't go out of play or if the clock isn't stopped for some other reason such as a penalty or a timeout, you have only a maximum of 40 seconds to organize the team and start the next play.
Hopefully this game will break the spell like the 5-1 result against Fulham did last season when Liverpool couldn't score.

Eight clean sheets in nine games as well. Maybe the quality of the opposition wasn't the best, but you have to start somewhere. It remains to be seen if they start scoring regularly enough though. One result means nothing.
General discussion / Re: THINGS THAT P##S ME OFF.
December 01, 2006, 02:58:43 AM
Quote from: stephenite on December 01, 2006, 02:53:06 AM
People who make cracks about all the Oirish being pissheads, never met a sober Irish man in my life etc.

Well, most young Irish people do at least go through a stage of getting hammered at some point!

Its a lazy stereotype. Most nations have them about other nations e.g. Americans are fat, religious, ignorant of world affairs; the French are arrogant foul-breathed cowards, and on and on! At least the pisshead one is fairly benign!
General discussion / Re: THINGS THAT P##S ME OFF.
December 01, 2006, 02:47:31 AM
Quote from: charlie linkbox on December 01, 2006, 02:24:16 AM
When you're dosing a bullock and it hits you with its head and knocks you off the side of the crush.

I thought most crushes had bars on the exit door that close on the neck and restrict the animal's movements.

Or are you one of these old fashioned boys who likes to handle with his animals without restraints! :P
General discussion / Re: THINGS THAT P##S ME OFF.
December 01, 2006, 02:15:20 AM
Quote from: charlie linkbox on December 01, 2006, 02:09:00 AM
Yeah I think it's more an expression of relief on behalf of nervous flyers than anything else. I wouldn't get too upset about that.

Office speak though, that does my nut in.

I don't want to touch base with a colleague to do a sanity check on my work, without reinventing the wheel though, so that we're on a sound footing going forward.


"A sanity check on your work"???

I'd never heard of that one! ;D

General discussion / Re: THINGS THAT P##S ME OFF.
December 01, 2006, 02:04:27 AM
Quote from: stephenite on December 01, 2006, 01:54:37 AM
Quote from: belleaqua on December 01, 2006, 01:29:58 AM
Just after landing from a perfect flight and half the people on the plane starts clapping. FFS isnt that their job, its not like I landed the thing. Again I dont know why I get so pissed off but I feel the need to stand up and tell everyone to shut the f**k up. But thats not allowed in recent years so have to keep it all inside.

Know exactly what you mean, if a wing had fallen off and engine failed and they managed to land safely I'd clap, but this sort of shite really sickens my hole.

No offence menat towrads our resident pilots on here either ;)

I've seen it in one or two flights (both Transatlantic).

I suppose there are a lot of nervous flyers out there!
General discussion / Re: THINGS THAT P##S ME OFF.
December 01, 2006, 12:57:58 AM
Bad drivers.
Extremists and bigots of any stripe.
Creationists who insist on having their unsupported fairy tales taught in science class.
Intellectual dishonesty.
GAA Discussion / Re: Goal of the Year
November 30, 2006, 10:30:43 PM
Donegal's goal against Down. Good build-up play, fantastic shot from Rory Kavanagh.

Down's goal in that game wasn't bad either.
GAA Discussion / Re: Goal of the Year
November 30, 2006, 10:29:42 PM
Quote from: OkeyDoke on November 30, 2006, 03:25:21 PM
Paul McGrane's goal in the Ulster final(i think)

Great finish all right, but the number of steps was a bit suspect!