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Messages - Rasharkin Gael

Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 12, 2011, 05:07:51 PM
3 days from receipt of written notification!
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 12, 2011, 12:05:50 PM
making a decision over the weekend.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 11, 2011, 01:13:26 AM
Creggan have fantastic underage teams at present. Some really gifted young fellas. Saw a lad in an u12 game come off the bench, touch the ball 5 times, scored 2 points with his right foot, 2 with his left and fisted one over the bar! Not a bad sub to have, he was still u10.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 09, 2011, 11:35:36 AM
I think all saints could have a good run in the intermediate if they play as they did in the second half at casement the other week. Really good midfield with mcveigh and Logan, and if they can get paddy plenty of ball his distribution is fantastic. Young pizza up front has really come on this year but they can blow hot and cold, but definately should win if they play to their potential.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 09, 2011, 11:15:02 AM
Don't think anyone from my club can really complain about the punishments handed down from the ccc. Severe sentences for the individuals concerned but rightly so for disgraceful actions. I know a lot of the lads on the senior football and hurling teams are smarting over their bans, especially as the vast majority of them were not present at ballymena, but the county had to take drastic action and send out a message to all clubs in our county that there is a collective responsibility inherent in the gaa and clubs have to take responsibility for not just the behaviour of players on the field but of supporters to. Next season will be tough for st Mary's, some guys already talking about heading to Australia as work is light here and the football/hurling was the only thing keeping them at home. But on a brighter side we can now make sure nothing like this can happen again within our club and pay much more attention to raising the standard of our discipline, which has been extremely poor for a number of seasons now, and make sure our juvenile players have more respect for match officials, club officials and themselves as we try to rebuild the reputation of our club which is now in tatters.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 04, 2011, 03:55:22 PM
very good over the posts. :D
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 04, 2011, 02:50:52 PM
fair point LHI. didnt really mean to have a go at the mlass man but when everyone keeps calling you a scum bag and animal it becomes very hard to take after awhile.  Yep, the most probable outcome will be the closing of the pitch for year, maybe more. We are doing alot of good work with our kids and it would be a real shame for them to suffer because of this, but in reality i know the ccc wont have many other options. Out of curiousity have any of you fellas ever faced a situation where you have people come to your games, wear your colours and do nothing but embarrass your club. When they dont even pay their membership what can you do with them? When they are asked to stop abusing opposition or referee they just ignore it? what can a club do in this situation in the real world? you cant manhandle them, cant imagine anyone calling the psni to gaelic pitch because someone wont leave!   
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 04, 2011, 02:23:57 PM
Sorry about that last rant fellas, i got a bit carried away, under alot of p at mo!
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 04, 2011, 11:48:20 AM
I think everyone should remember that alot of the posts here are gossip and hearsay, and some very malicious things too. The ccc met last night to discuss the referees report and as yet not responded to st marys with their ruling. The attack on the referee was shameful, but over time the full facts with emerge and alot more people than Rasharkin will be in trouble for their behaviour that day. There were no stones, bottles bricks etc thrown at anyone. The referee was injured, a linesman was injured ( he was not protecting the referee when this occurred and has some serious questions to answer as regards his role in all this ), two rasharkin players ended up in hospital. A complete disaster. The rantings of the moneyglass man about rasharkin doing this sort of thing before and mentioning the incident a number of years ago with the glenravel manager don not help anyone and the part he left out of that story was that the glenravel manager had run onto the pitch and stuck a st marys player leaving him cold!! we can all tell stories about things other clubs have done that have little to do with sportmanship and edit them to show whatever light we want. I know that the ccc wil be acting on the referees report and st marys will be severely punished and this is correct. But what will come out in the following weeks and months will be that some the serious allegations levelled at the club are untrue or at worst exaggerated beyond belief. in these days of mobile phone video dont be surprised to hear  of or see footage that will not reflect kindly on the linesman that day and some hannahstown players. Please reserve you judgement until the full facts become public which will not be until an appeal is made against whatever action the ccc take and a full enquiry into the whole affair is carried out and made public. 
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 03, 2011, 11:34:18 AM
I am a Rasharkin man, and i love my Gaelic club. My Grandfather, father, brothers all played for the club. My children play Football and Hurling for the club. This is the saddest week for St Marys. I am totally disgusted by what happened at Ballymena. Unlike many who post, i was at the game. What happened to RM was totally inexcusable and i know the police are involved and i hope those who carried out the actions against Ray feel the full force of the law. We have a very bad element within our club and village, and despite the efforts of many good men and women within St Marys we have found it impossible to get ride of these people. There were no bricks thrown!  The behaviour of some of our " supporters" beggered belief, and for the few of us who tried to stop the hooligans plenty of abuse was thrown our way too. I would thank the Lamh Dhearg mentors for helping protect the referee, they showed great courage and wish the Hannanhtown lads well for the u21 final. Our club are carrying out a through investigation and i hope and pray we, that we , as a club and individuals have the courage to stand up to these louts and end their involvement in our club once and for all. As far as apologies go, i can say that this has been done privately to those concerned and with utmost sincerity.