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Messages - customsandrevenue

GAA Discussion / Re: Paul McGirr u16 Championship
November 19, 2011, 12:21:08 PM
Is there a hamburger/chip van or stall at these matches or tea/sandwiches for sale for the supporters?
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 03, 2011, 02:12:09 AM
Take the parts of the incident one at a time to make an overall picture.
Not some cheapo tabloid 'achievement'.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 03, 2011, 02:03:01 AM
Quote from: Enough on November 03, 2011, 12:46:02 AM

On to some of you mindless muppets you try to tar ever Rasharkin person with the same brush "Shower of shit" and  "Absolute scumbags" Its great slanndering people from behind a keyboard isnt how brave are you lot! If your going to post about something you have no notion about please try not to be so narrow minded and understand that half of what your reading if far from the truth after all since when did the media sell the truth!

The man who writes the stuff in green on the Antrim Guestbook site also detests the keyboard crowd.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 03, 2011, 01:58:37 AM
Quote from: Enough on November 03, 2011, 12:46:02 AM

Its time alot of you wised up. As for bricks being thrown that is the biggest load of tripe i have ever heard where did the bricks come from? There were NONE!

Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 03, 2011, 01:56:39 AM
Quote from: Enough on November 03, 2011, 12:46:02 AM

As for linesman OE needing treatment that is a down right lie this man stood in the car park ASKING people to hit him "Go on it me you tr**p...Not one of you Rasharkin bas**rds are fit to"

Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 03, 2011, 01:55:06 AM
Quote from: Enough on November 03, 2011, 12:46:02 AM

But RM struck a player he had the player needing hospital treatment now this has nothing to do with 'self defence' he ATTACKED a young fella as the fella was on his way to out of the changing area!

These are quotes non viewers.
Brilliant. Is it near Abracadadrba 'cause we went past it once though it wasn't really good food except we were dead hungry on our way back from a match.
August 29, 2011, 12:41:06 AM
Number twenty five the subsitute got the goal on the fifth chance he had. The Galls could have won the game long before but it might have woke Hounds up. Time and a replay is write - written - right - correct.
August 28, 2011, 02:17:59 AM
The Saints were farther away from the dulse and yellaman than the Shawsers were to the Pounders.
Amazing stuff.
Partition and 'segregation' (oh golly gosh how did that happen - let's pretend we don't know why) come hand in hand.
No big deal.
Get rid of partition.
Or play wee verbal/internet thought games with each other.
Carry on as you are.
GAA Discussion / Paying Money to Managers
August 11, 2011, 12:39:24 PM
See there are posts on the Board about large sums of money getting paid to managers. Have always wondered where this money would come from. How would it be paid? Would the manager pay tax on it? Does the County pay into a pension scheme for the manager and do they pay their part of having him as an employee? Or is it all shady and murky?
Surely with it all being about allegations, then the tax people could prove to the GAA if managers are being paid or not. In Belfast, even the money from the gaming machines has to be accounted for in all clubs and bars. Long gone are the days of Clubs putting 200 pounds 'tips' in the books for the bin men' and such sundries. You hear fellas complaining about paying someone 100 pounds and 'All he does is put them round the cones for half an hour.' Would take it though that trainers are allowed to be paid and would be in the books as such.
GAA Discussion / We Are Back Again
August 07, 2011, 01:45:53 AM
Dublin versus Donegal

Mayo versus Kerry

All Ireland Provincial Champions play each other in the All Ireland Senior Football Championship Semi Finals.

Really happy about this.

(By the way was at Antrim versus Westmeath and Antrim versus Carlow and Antrim versus Down.
A load of rubbish really in comparision to the real Club Championship matches which are starting to get under way now.
Creggan versus St Paul's bate any one of the above three games in Casement.
Bye bye  Celtic Tiger back door. Reality and local rivalry are miles better.)

Oh and it is easy to get to Parnell Park if you follow the instructions given  a couple of pages back - easier than getting to Croke Park if you're arriving in Dublin at Connolly Station. Thanks everybody who helped.
The Dublin Bus website seemed to give the journey as twenty minutes but the bus is back in the equation now with the shorter journey given by Canalman. All the bus numbers given here are written down including the 128 and we got the Dart times off the Dart website so if we get past the addicts to the bus stop we will make our minds up opposite Connolly. Thanks again to everybody. There's not a cloud in the blue sky here so looking forward to a big day out.
Thanks for all the help and suggestions.
The plan following the advice now is to get the Dart to Killester from Connolly after getting food in Kylemore as there's seems to be one every 15 minutes and the journey is only 6 minutes going by the website so even adding on the dander at the end from Killester station it should be better than sitting in traffic on a bus. The weather forecast gives it as a sunny day also.  And we will go for a pint in the Clubhouse at the pitch. Looking good.