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Messages - Trout

General discussion / Re: 1981 remembered
January 01, 2012, 01:37:43 AM
Some of you Provos better make your way and find Danny Morrison, he has tied himself up in knots with his lying ! Ha ha
General discussion / Re: Margaret Thatcher....
December 31, 2011, 08:15:53 PM
Quote from: glens abu on December 31, 2011, 04:40:25 PM
Quote from: lawnseed on December 31, 2011, 02:59:32 PM
Quote from: Minder on December 30, 2011, 06:49:56 PM
Quote from: ONeill on December 30, 2011, 06:46:00 PM
I hate this sense of revelry in Thatcher's death. How does the death of an 86-year old women make you happy? She is probably willing the grim reaper herself. What she did in the past cannot be rectified. How does her death as an aged woman, living longer than most, make you happy? I know that when she dies the amount of gloating over it (which makes no sense at all, as it suggests her death will make you feel better yet she has managed to live to the ripest age) will be unbearable. I understand her death not being mourned but to celebrate it makes no sense.

I can't really understand it either, perhaps if she died in the mid 80's at the height of her powers you could kind of understand the gloating, but she is 86 ffs. What difference does it make to anyone now living here whether she is alive or dead ?
hell isnt hot enough and will never be full until shes in it. and glens if i'm near you i'll buy you a drink maybe a double

Thanks lawn but even if we dont meet up I would say we will have plenty of company that day

You can both do the Provo chuckle.
General discussion / Re: 1981 remembered
December 31, 2011, 07:26:09 PM
Quote from: Fear ón Srath Bán on December 31, 2011, 07:09:35 PM
Quote from: Trout on December 31, 2011, 06:52:57 PM
Danny Morrison lying through his teeth, imagine. These lads need to realise that the more lies you tell the more chance there is of getting caught out.

Republicans gave their lives for their fellow man, whilst 'Loyalist' scum like you were too busy jacking off to their library of porn mags - giving a toss, literally.

Sshhh and hopefully these uncomfortable events and revelations will just "disappear", pun intended.
General discussion / Re: 1981 remembered
December 31, 2011, 06:52:57 PM
Danny Morrison lying through his teeth, imagine. These lads need to realise that the more lies you tell the more chance there is of getting caught out.
Rors is "humbled" by getting an MBE, excellent recognition for his performances this year.
The Brits would have been looking for an end to the killing and bombing and keeping the Union intact & having a political process in place in the six counties. Job done I would say, with the help of their PIRA friends. SF were served up on a silver platter to the Brits, no matter how they try furiously to revise and rewrite history, for the benefit of their sheep.
In Shinner land the only agents or touts were those we know of (Scap, Donaldson etc) and those that got a bullet from Scapps nutting squad, what, a tout lookin for touts? You couldn't make it up .
General discussion / Re: Household Charge Boycott
December 15, 2011, 11:02:52 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on December 15, 2011, 10:59:05 PM
Quote from: Ulick on December 15, 2011, 10:30:04 PM
Quote from: haze on December 15, 2011, 10:02:34 PM
Highly irresponsible from the td's to even suggest boycotting the charge. It is an exercise in populism.

FFS its a grossly unfair poll tax, if the southern Irish had any pride they'd resist it in the same manner as the Brits did when Thatcher tried the same stroke.

One in five of them want FF back in power and almost 30% of them wanted to make one of the FF national organisers our President. I wouldn't hold my breath.

Not your President.
Martin McGuiness to accept a knighthood
Even your weasel words won't get you out of this Nally, you are scum, plain and simple.

Typo my hole.
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on December 05, 2011, 07:21:33 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on December 05, 2011, 07:00:18 PM
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on December 05, 2011, 06:22:33 PM
The armed struggle has successfully created an entire generation of northern protestants who won't even consider Irish unity.  When you consider that getting a decent number of northern protestants on our side is the pathway to Irish unity, you really have to question the wisdom of the "bomb em, shoot em" brigade.

There was no substantial negotiation until after the bombing stopped.  By "substantial negotiation" I
mean between the parties in the north, the people who actually need to be working together. All this talk about "Provos v the Brits" as if they're the only two players in the system and as if northern unionists don't exist just shows you that some people still don't get it.

There was negotiations from early on. Plenty of them. Warrington is the prime example of what I'm talking about. It happened due to the British not committing to the negotiations. You honestly think if there was no armed struggle, that Unionists would have been happy to consider a United Ireland? Catch a grip. If there was no armed campaign, the unionist community would still be enjoying first class citizenship over a second class nationalist community. The peaceful route was tried and Bloody Sunday & Burntollet happened. No amount of fanciful make believe will change the fact that it took the bomb and the bullet to bring Britain to the table.

See what I mean? Completely missed the point about negotiating with the unionists.

Your attempt to justify the murder of two children in Warrington is beneath contempt.

Though not surprising.
The report is from the bbc Windmill abu
An investigation by the PSNI Historical Enquiries Team (HET) has found the SAS was within its rights to shoot dead eight IRA men during an attack on a County Armagh police station.
According to the Belfast Telegraph, the report has concluded the IRA unit opened fire first in the incident at Loughgall RUC station in 1987.
A civilian, Anthony Hughes, was also killed during the incident.
It had previously been believed that the SAS had fired first.
The shootings at Loughgall RUC station were among the most controversial of the Troubles.
Eight members of the IRA's so-called 'East Tyrone brigade' were shot dead by the SAS in a fierce gun battle at Loughgall on 8 May 1987.
They were killed as they approached the station with a 200lb bomb, its fuse lit, in the bucket of a hijacked digger.
The IRA men who died were the East Tyrone IRA 'Commander' Patrick Kelly, 32; Declan Arthurs, 21; Seamus Donnelly, 19; Michael Gormley, 25; Eugene Kelly, 25; James Lynagh, 31, Patrick McKearney, 32 and Gerard O'Callaghan, 29.
A civilian, Anthony Hughes, 36, was killed and his brother badly wounded when they were caught up in the crossfire.
The brother-in-law of Sinn Fein's Barry McElduff wife was one of those killed.
"I'm not going to disown Patrick Kelly or any of the other people killed at Loughall," he said.
"If it was a war then the British government are wrong - they have said all along it wasn't a war.
"They were bound by the laws of democracy, law enforcement and all of that, and if that's the case then they should have attempted to arrest them."
Accuracy questioned
Mairead Kelly said she accepted "fully" that her brother Patrick and the other "IRA men that night were armed".
However, she questioned the accuracy of the information given on Friday.
"The families are the point of contact with the HET regarding this review," she said.
"At no stage have the families been told that a report has been completed. As a matter of fact, I have been given assurances that this report is not completed and I have no hint about what is in the report."
Previously it was reported that the soldiers fired more than 600 bullets with the IRA men firing 70 shots.
According to the Belfast Telegraph, the HET has found that members of the IRA unit opened fire as they approached the police station.
The HET have refused to comment on the story.
Investigators are believed to have concluded that the IRA members could not have been arrested safely.
It is understood the full findings of the report are due to be released within weeks.
In 2001, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the British government should pay £10,000 compensation to each of the families of the IRA members killed in the Loughgall incident.
Quote from: Nally Stand on December 02, 2011, 07:02:45 PM
Quote from: Trout on December 02, 2011, 05:16:48 PM
Right Nally, and whoever else wants to answer, so you see the IRA as "undefeated", so what did they win, considering their political wing and former members ended up in a British Institution in Stormont. Even Sinn Fein can't spin that as victory, well not to anyone with more than two brain cells.

You said they were defeated by the british army. I only said you were talking shite. The british army seemingly would agree that you were talking shite. The IRA didn't win either. I never claimed they did. Militarily, neither side could defeat eachother. What the IRA did do however, was force the british government to sit down and talk. Without the IRA campaign, we would not have near the level of equality and peace that we currently have.


So it looks like a principled stance by the Lord Mayor then, well maybe not him but by someone in HQs

Mick Fealty on Slugger

"Just heard the whole event was delayed 45 minutes while The Mayor called base for further instructions. As Máirtín said this morning no one in SF will be putting this on their CVs."
Right Nally, and whoever else wants to answer, so you see the IRA as "undefeated", so what did they win, considering their political wing and former members ended up in a British Institution in Stormont. Even Sinn Fein can't spin that as victory, well not to anyone with more than two brain cells.