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Messages - trileacman

General discussion / Re: Premier League 2023-2024
December 29, 2023, 07:50:38 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on December 29, 2023, 03:53:53 PM
Quote from: trileacman on December 29, 2023, 01:58:31 PMHis take home pay would be 6million a year if he's on 250k. How much would full time security cost? 500k a year? Like if he gets security guards at the house it needs to be 365,24/7 cover or what's the point. I imagine that cover doesn't come cheap.

How much is a decent security alarm with the 24 hour cover?

Could even hire a security guard at £20000 a year cost?

£20k a year would get you less than 40 hours a week. Who covers the other 128+ hours?
General discussion / Re: Premier League 2023-2024
December 29, 2023, 01:58:31 PM
His take home pay would be 6million a year if he's on 250k. How much would full time security cost? 500k a year? Like if he gets security guards at the house it needs to be 365,24/7 cover or what's the point. I imagine that cover doesn't come cheap.
1-1 written all over this
Quote from: Captain Obvious on December 16, 2023, 05:09:39 PMCan only imagine the big grin on Klopp face after seeing Manchester City dropping two points at home to Crystal palace today. Liverpool expected to get a comfortable win tomorrow which will move them six points ahead of Manchester City and still have to play them in Anfield. Very much Liverpool's league title to lose.

Think they have something like a 31% win percentage for tomorrow.
GAA Discussion / Re: Joe Brolly
August 12, 2023, 04:27:55 PM
Brolly is a schoolboy trapped in a man's body. Had to stop reading his Sindo column with all the shite in it. Endless stories about the "lads". "Night before the sigerson final we went on the lash, I rode miss Ireland and scored 2-5 the next morning. Barney Rock told me i scored the best point he ever seen" etc.

He attracts a crowd of similar minded, infantile syncophants. For the first while he was entertaining but the constant desire for validation is pathetic. I used to find him very annoying but lately I just pity him.
Quote from: Hound on August 03, 2023, 10:20:40 PM
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on August 03, 2023, 09:50:49 PM
The betting markets have consistently had Biden as the favourite all year. Trump closed the gap a little in June but Biden's numbers are on their way back up again, probably because of the strong economy. This RFK Junior character is going after the tinfoil hat vote on the left, but that sort of thing is more lucrative on the right where Trump is still the hot favourite for the GOP nomination.
Odds still very close. Biden only marginally ahead, but at around 6/4 or 7/4 he's still well odds against. Trump at mainly 2/1 just slightly longer.
Biden a poor candidate and Trump even worse. If either party had a very competent front runner, they'd be odds on.

I disagree with your assessment about on that. Personally I think (if neither takes a mad dash towards senility in the next 12 months) that Biden would beat Trump in an election. Realistically Biden hasn't trashed the country or economy and will hover up the vast majority of the votes he got the last time. Likewise Trump has played to script and will hold onto most of his base votes. QED Biden will win again.

However I'd put my house on De Santis beating Biden. He has the cut of a president and he knows it. Up against an grandad he hover up enough middle ground votes who'd fear Biden losing his grip on things in a 2nd term (which has a propensity for happening.

However the inverse is not true. I would wager good money that a reasonably good Trump campaign would beat any Democratic challenger. Simply because they're pretty much all going to be to the left of Biden and lack the goodwill that Biden has built up from 10+ years in the public eye.

Put as concisely as I can, Biden is the only Democrat who can win the next election, Trump is the only Republican who can lose it.
Cluxton easily motm. Nailed every kick out, scored 2. Safe under the high ball. What more do you want.
Christ someone give gough a Kerry shirt
Gough kept Kerry in the 19 final and now again. Hes a ****
GAA Discussion / Re: Assaults at GAA games
July 07, 2023, 03:50:20 PM
Quote from: thewobbler on July 07, 2023, 10:15:39 AM
This will likely be an unpopular opinion, but referees have been feeding this beast for years, by turning a blind eye during matches, and accepting post-match apologies deliberately feigned to ensure a more favourable report. And now they can no longer control the beast.

Now they need to take control again, which means getting together and forcing through a new code, along the lines of:

1. personal abuse from player or mentor - immediate red card.
2. more than two instances from the one side - match abandoned.
3. abuse from supporters - registered as a complaint with their CCCC.  Every second complaint sees the reversal of a home match, or a requirement to play with no spectators for a match.

And re no. 1, suspensions should work on a multiplier level and carried over two seasons. First offence, 1 match ban. Second instance, two match ban, and so on.

Perhaps more importantly, they need to police this from within. If they find tgat one of their own is being lenient on personal abuse, then sanction him.

One season of learning and heartache for players, mentors and supporters would clean up football forever.

I don't think that's the problem at all. More so I think it's the media culture to rake over every referees mistake and second guess every call. This happens across all sports. The increased analysis has often identified the ref as the villain.

I remember 10/15 years ago rugby had this reputation for complete respect for referees and how'd there would be no back chat and only the captain would consult with him etc. That is now completely gone. Watch a rugby match and it's constant shouting at the referees, intimidation of them, remonstrating with them after a game. Soccer is the same, klopp, mourinho, arteta, Guardiola all know they can intimidate officials to get calls in their favour.
General discussion / Re: RTE crisis
July 06, 2023, 06:24:45 PM
I mean I'd say all of the rte GAA panelists at one time or another have gotten the free use of a car. It's pretty much a rite of passage in the GAA.
General discussion / Re: RTE crisis
July 06, 2023, 06:17:25 PM
If the agreement was Mc at our gigs and we'll give you a car is there any real problem with that? I mean I can't see who would be upset by this (bar the taxman).
Quote from: RedHand88 on June 22, 2023, 11:00:27 PM
Quote from: Itchy on June 22, 2023, 10:43:32 PM

Had the refugees on the boat went through an are they alive/not alive mystery for 4 days then it would have been bigger news.

This was Apollo 13 underwater.

Thai cave rescue, another example of non-millionaires attracting media attention and huge amount of rescue teams.
Quote from: Itchy on June 22, 2023, 10:43:32 PM

A bit disingenuous that post at the same time. To be fair to the Mediterranean countries they spend several billion euros every year patrolling the Med and dealing with refugees. The cost of this search so far is probably only a few million. Mostly it was craft already stationed in the area, predominantly Canadian coast guard.
Have been following this all day. Felt ashamed earlier when I realised that I know the names and background of all 5 of these men and not a single thing about any of the 500 migrants who were involved in the recent sinking. Some people will try to blame the media for that but in reality it's my fault.