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Messages - Queenie

September 14, 2009, 01:34:53 PM
Quote from: NAG1 on September 14, 2009, 01:33:25 PM
Queenis look at what you did to yourselves before you start spouting off on another rant about a referee.

A good squad of the fella's on your team thought it more important to go on a stag party rather than prepare correctly for a championship match, end of.

Until your club gets itself together and gets some perspective then you are sadly going no where. The county fixed the game at the start of the year and they still couldnt organise the stag party around that. Where is the committment there?

Fair comment NAG, but he is still a bollocks!
September 14, 2009, 01:19:45 PM
Quote from: Queenie on September 14, 2009, 01:11:38 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on September 14, 2009, 11:26:56 AM
Quote from: Queenie on September 14, 2009, 10:51:18 AM

Personally, I would give it to Duffy or Hasson.  Them other fellas are Hasbeens and wannabes, too slow, too fat, too full of themselves. I reckon Duffy is most likely to get but maybe a pay off for Tommy since Loughgeil are not in the final.  Duffy I think is the fittest and fairest of them all.  Cant really see wee Eamon Hasson getting it, sure he had a big day at Croker at the minor final.  Thankfully though, it wont be the 'Terrible one'. And then maybe, just maybe our fella will get it even though he done the Semi!  Stranger things have happened.

Queenie to Garrett


Sure did you not know I prefer the male species better.  Do you think you call me 'Queenie' for nothing?  Well I suppose it's somewhat better than the wool/fleecy ones in Dunloy. :D

Probably more your league!
September 14, 2009, 01:11:38 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on September 14, 2009, 11:26:56 AM
Quote from: Queenie on September 14, 2009, 10:51:18 AM

Personally, I would give it to Duffy or Hasson.  Them other fellas are Hasbeens and wannabes, too slow, too fat, too full of themselves. I reckon Duffy is most likely to get but maybe a pay off for Tommy since Loughgeil are not in the final.  Duffy I think is the fittest and fairest of them all.  Cant really see wee Eamon Hasson getting it, sure he had a big day at Croker at the minor final.  Thankfully though, it wont be the 'Terrible one'. And then maybe, just maybe our fella will get it even though he done the Semi!  Stranger things have happened.

Queenie to Garrett


Sure did you not know I prefer the male species better.  Do you think you call me 'Queenie' for nothing?  Well I suppose it's somewhat better than the wool/fleecy ones in Dunloy. :D
September 14, 2009, 01:09:04 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on September 14, 2009, 12:40:01 PM
No it's not just you. Queenie does contradiction better than anybody on here

Apologies, I can make mistake too ya know!  I actually meant to say Herbie (Liam McAuley) got my wires crosed here boys!
Al least I would admit to a mistake!  IN FACT, I would not have that boyo Duffy about me, as I said, look what he done to us in the I/4 final, the bollocks.

I really am a stupid bollocks but getting a bit older that you fellas!
September 14, 2009, 10:51:18 AM
Quote from: maxpower on September 14, 2009, 10:27:21 AM
Agree with most sentiments about the game, very surprised Loughgiel allowed the Cushendall attack so much room, normally loughgiel are great at condensing their own backline but in this game they left Neilly McGarry very exposed and Shane McNaughton looked very dangerous.

I thought the ref had a decent game, can't mind thinking he got much wrong.
I see Kevin Elliott came on so i'd expect if McCambridge is banned he would be the replacement and that may arguably strengthen the dall.
Thought for a minor Paddy McNaughton also hurled well in the half backs

Who'll get to ref the final now, i take it the rule still exists if you ref a semi you can't get the final or Matthews/Elliott/McIntrye/Hassan/Duffy all in with a shout
Hi Max

Personally, I would give it to Duffy or Hasson.  Them other fellas are Hasbeens and wannabes, too slow, too fat, too full of themselves. I reckon Duffy is most likely to get but maybe a pay off for Tommy since Loughgeil are not in the final.  Duffy I think is the fittest and fairest of them all.  Cant really see wee Eamon Hasson getting it, sure he had a big day at Croker at the minor final.  Thankfully though, it wont be the 'Terrible one'. And then maybe, just maybe our fella will get it even though he done the Semi!  Stranger things have happened.
September 14, 2009, 10:04:50 AM
Hi Skull

Some of these boys are getting a bit personal about us St. John's people.  Please use your influence and get them to cool it a little.  Ya know, we can do without that sort of abuse.  It's seems some individuals here dont like the teasing/slagging!
September 13, 2009, 11:16:44 PM
Ok, Ok I put my hands up, I got it wrong!  Maybe it was wishful thinking on my part that Loughgeil would win. Sure, there is always next year.  Was at the match and honestly thought it was crap, a very poor display of hurling.  Having been at last Sundays All Ireland Final and then watching todays performance, jeasus boys, seriously though,  we are light years behind.

The Dall got this one easy with so many key men for Loughgeil missing.  The Dall will have it all to do against Dunloy, some of them Dall fellas cant take a hit at all.  I thought the physicality of Loughgeil was far greater but a pity they could not convert this to scores.  I reckon our boys would have taken Cushendal on todays performance.  Us St Johns people can take a bit of stick yeah know and we are even better at dishing out.

I really am convinced we will make the Final next year, I think we have the makings of a half decent team and will contend for major hurling honours next season.  I really do think we are the only team in Belfast who are making in roads with hurling and in a position to challenge the North Antrim Teams.  This really depends on how the referees will react to our physicality and robust style of play.  Most referees in the county I really do think have it in for our senior hurling team, just look at that bollocks Garret Duffy, he sent three of our guys off in the 1/4 final at Cushendall.  That boy Mathews and Elliott seem to always have it in for us also.  Out of the three of them though, I would probably prefer Duffy.  He is more likely to let it run a bit more than the other two boys.  Elliott and Mathews, very quick to blow on technical stuff. But sure we will wait and see what happens next year.  Well we only have the County Senior Final to look forward to now.  No way am I going to the Intermediate Final to watch St. Galls and The Lamhs, most likely to be a load of shit!  The Lamhs I think will capture this one and I really do hope so. Those St. Galls feckers would be hard to stick also if the won a hurling title.
September 12, 2009, 10:31:15 PM
Off to Ballycastle tomorrow to watch Loughgeil v the Dall.  I really do have a good feeling about Loughgeil, dont know why,but just do.  I would love to see them win so they get a good crack at Dunloy in the Final.
September 12, 2009, 10:29:19 PM
Quote from: ha ha derry on September 12, 2009, 07:44:36 AM
does any one know who the ref was at the kevin lynch v ballycastle u-12  game last nite at dunloy. he was a baldy man. perfect reffing. does he do senior ?

I think it was Owen Elliott.
September 11, 2009, 11:22:54 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on September 09, 2009, 11:40:15 PM
Not much chance of you seeing any failings regarding that attitude and demeanour of yours there Queenie?

Do you really think you come across as a missionary?

Some advice. You need a radical change in your own attitude towards what are genuine Gaels before you do anything else to help the game. But it would appear your too blind to see that

So Skull, in your opinion I have failings, an attitude and portray a negative demeanour?  This is what I said :

"It needs good, committed people, missionary's, not mercenaries, who will lead from the front without any underlying political or self serving club agendas.  Our you one of these people?  Are you prepared to lead from the front and challenge?  You and the likes of you can sit here and talk all day.  Lambast, ridicule and condem all you want. Your views and opinions on the GAA Board will count for nothing.  I for one am prepared for strategic and radical change and willing to do something about it!!  Can you say the same?

Are you a missionary?  Are you prepared to change and be less self serving in terms of Dunloy?  Are you prepared to put your shoulder to the wheel and embrace radical change relating to hurling development in this county?  Of that I am not sure.  You appear to be a guy who is very self opinionated, yet refuses to see the validity in others contributions regrading hurling development.  Seems it has to be your way or no way!

When all is said and done, everyone who contributes to the Antrim hurling debate on the GAA Board as far as I can see, are making no significant contribution to the improvement and sustainability of hurling in our county.

It is easy to see why WUMs and the likes come on here to challenge what is being said by the key/guarded contributors.  Do you guys really feel your rhetoric/dialogue is making the slightest bit of difference for the advancement of Antrim hurling?  I for one don't think so at all.

It's all idle talk you are engaged in! Why is that you feel you need to challenge if a contributor is a missionary?  Are you a missionary?  Is you role/contribution in Dunloy the only thing that matters?  Come on, I am curious about your constant challenges to contributors on the Antrim forum. What is it that makes your views so much more important than others who contribute here?
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
September 11, 2009, 05:14:28 PM
WBFFS Ref where r u ? have you been banished by the secret mods? Or r u on the county website now?
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
September 11, 2009, 05:12:18 PM
MR i cant believe my eyes!! Kevin MC Gourty now a FF man!!!! What fck is going on. Hes a rocket of the 1st degree, shows Politics and the GAA its the future lads, casement next?
September 11, 2009, 10:59:42 AM
Quote from: hatchetfield on September 09, 2009, 10:19:40 PM
You are so negatve that you can't even see that we agree on most of this.  Shinners and all that crap?? ???  I must  send you a map of the Murph and the 'Top of the Rock' so you St Johns men know where it is.  We were here before you???  How juvenile can you be?  The whole of Belfast knows that you play no direct part in the Whiterock/Ballymurphy area, in fact you abandoned the Murph!

Anyway, i do play my part in my club and in my community and am proud of it and will certainly not be answering to walt like you.  Honestly mate you're not worth the effort from here on in.

Ah you talking the greatest load of oul bolls!  Dint even suggest for 1 second that I would agree with you or your likes.  Sure you GNM people tend to encroach in all patches trying to get people to play for ya.  Sure many a good person from the Turf and surrounding areas would rather come to St. Johns and other clubs in Belfast rather than join GNM.  You GNM people just like the shinners have conned the people in that part of west Belfast.  You are now starting to latch on to all that is good in the GAA by trying to establish some sort of credibility in the Turf/Rock etc.  The sooner you stop trying to live of the backs of the young, vulnerable  and downtrodden people of Turf/Murph/Rock, the better. 

St. Johns have offered great opportunity to young people and the community as a whole in these areas before you were even born.

You're beginning to sound like a Casement Park Administrator.  Well, we have our man JM in a strong position for elevation at this years county convention, I really cant wait for it to come around.  When our man JM ousts the Doc, St Johns will be on the ascendancy again!  GNM and other clubs will fade into insignificance again.

You're very fond of the name calling by the way.  Thats a really positive contribution you make to the betterment of the GAA, isn't it!  Catch yourself on, Amadan!
September 09, 2009, 06:09:53 PM
Quote from: hatchetfield on September 08, 2009, 10:12:51 PM
Queenie, to be honest mate i don't have to energy o discuss anything wih someone with your attitude and typical St johns snobbery!  Trust m, we've some good men up in GNM - not enough but some good men who know their shit.  I think the problem around parochial crap and negative attitudes lies very close to the homes of people like yourself. 

Going against better judgement, i feel i need to clarify a point to you, which will be my last because you stike me as a bit of a d ickhead - my point around the strategic plan wasn't intented to teach anyone how to suck eggs - it was my opinion on what needs to happen and if you ad have read my posts a bt more clearly, you would see that i wrote something along the lines of them being meaningless unless actioned!!

Maybe your own club should concentrate on its encircling community in which you play no part whatsoever. That's what we do and we're very proud of it.

Well friend , you are entitled to your opinion!  How do you deduce that Noamh Eoin  or I  play no part in our local community.  I think it's worth rememebering chum, St. Johns was long in existence before  GNM was even thought of.  I did read your contribution and whilst I did feel there was some merit in it, I do however feel it resembles a lot of the old SF rehetoric.  Maybe you are being infiltrated by the Shinners at the 'Top of the Rock' too much and dont readily realise it.

What our county needs is radical change, a real, meaningful, workable and realistice strategy.  It needs finances and appropriate human resources who are porepared to lead, challenge and change the current staus quo.

It needs good, committed people, missionarys, not mercenaries, who will elad from the front without any underlying political or self serving club agendas.  Our you one of these people?  Are you prepared to lead from the front and challenge?  You and the likes of you can sit here and talk all day.  Lambast, ridicule and condem all you want. Your views and opinions on the GAA Board will count for nothing.  I for one am prepapred for strategic and radical change and willing to do something about it!  Can you say the same?
September 08, 2009, 09:18:07 PM
Hi HatchetMan,  you have been listening to too much of that Sinn Fein rhetoric at the top of the Rock.  Lets get back to living in the real world for goodness sake.

Who is going to fund all these grand ideas of your strategic plan?  Unless you know a wee bank down town with the side doors open!