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Messages - cut the crap

Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
June 28, 2016, 11:43:26 PM
Paudi and co answer me this, do you feel it's still ok to go with the old guard that has brought us to the point of financial ruin, referees aren't paid on time, county players don't get their expenses , county prize winners have to wait on their prizes.
The same old guard have watched , some from the sideline with the county manager ,as this county has dropped further and further behind other counties.
The same old guard hired a super manager in Jim McCorry but because he doesn't conform to The Down Way he gets fired , and I hasten to add not by the club reps but ultimately by the county executive comprised of The old guard
And in case you haven't cottoned on yet , until there is a change in the old guard I will keep hammering on about Burrenbridge,the hiring and firing of managers, the absence of somewhere we can call a centre for our county teams to train etc etc
Forever green brought up a few interesting points about suitable candidates for managerial posts and unearthing new talent, maybe the readers of these posts should take heed.
Last point about Armagh , they removed their full time secretary and yes they have fallen from grace but their minors beat us, their u21 s gave us a savage beating and their seniors are ahead of us ,I think the post is too big for one person, have 2 positions with a goal annual salary equal to what's been paid at present, first position responsible for all matters involving coaching and football and accompanying logistics, the other post responsible for finance, raising finance , talking to corporate sponsors etc, this way one person can't meddle in everything and can't be blamed for everything and can't take the credit for everything.I hope no one is offended in any way but if any do take offence there is obviously a reason so please elaborate
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
June 27, 2016, 11:57:11 PM
Let's not get into names just yet, let's start with part of down poster is from , then clubs, unless previously advised, be interesting to see where the support for our current nodding dog team and their leader is coming from, nothing too vitriolic there
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
June 27, 2016, 06:46:02 PM
To the new poster who I believe to be a member of the nodding dog brigade , I have never mentioned the canal court on this forum who I believe have been invaluable in its support of Down football , you may have got me mixed up with another poster who thought Sean og wouldn't be welcomed in the Canal Court , I know nothing on that subject, I have never questioned his ability to administer indeed I have commented on his good to work ethic, however when you have someone in charge who has presided over disaster after disaster , there is no other option but to get rid of that person if they choose to doggly cling on to their position , and there are some on here who claim to know me , so what I will stand up and say it how it is , we need change , we need it now , and if it gets messy then so be it , it's now time for an open meeting , if you along with the nodding dog brigade have Down footballs interests at heart you will call this meeting, failure to do so shows a self preservation and interest that is at best shameful and finally to the Richard head who asked me for my credentials , what's yours p***k.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
June 27, 2016, 07:43:51 AM
Bannside I have the creditionals , having played football at div 1 level winning league and championship and have served on committees and have been successful in business for 25 plus years, now I'm no Che Guevara but I am calling for change at the top, why wait to the county convention , time to change key positions is now, our secretary should go , I'm not attacking Sean og on a personal basis , he maybe a Gael but he is not fit for purpose in his current post , you also stated we have no finance, it's no wonder when we threw away 550 k and what is even more jaw dropping is that some of the men involved in Burrenbridge are still sitting in the executive and our secretary had an integral part in it, and they sit smugly grinning at the top table as if nothing happened.We can't pay players expenses on time, referees on time and prizes won in the county monthly draw , the latter is an absolute disgrace and hardly shows the draw in good light.The question on unearthing quality players, well that's a priority of year current development squad system in conjunction with the schools, that will take time , but it's now time for change , call the meeting Sean og lets sort this out and invite everyone who has a vested interest in Down football,there you go Bannside , no one has rediculed Sean og on a personal basis or called into question his credidentials as a Gael just his absolute shambolic career as our county secretary.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
June 26, 2016, 10:31:48 PM
The problem is a very basic one, we have a county secretary who has a say in everything that happens in Down football, be it finance, coaching and management appointments , and every one of these has been an absolute failure.
And yet there are a few nodding dogs who still come on hear to defend him, I am of the opinion that an open meeting be called while the memory is still raw.
If your not afraid of the questions and repercussions Sean og call the meeting because I for one will be there and Cahill Devenny and co will not keep me quiet.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
June 26, 2016, 08:10:24 AM
Having read all the posts after the defeat , I'm calling for an open meeting with one item on the clar , a vote of no confidence in the executive and the resignation of Sean og our highly paid full time secretary. I would go direct to Croke park for his removal if he fails to resign.
Commentar on Donegal v Monaghan mentioned that Monaghan were going for 6 succession Ulster final appearances , well behind the record held by Down , which is 12 having won 10 of them.
How have we fallen so far ? Other counties have used our past success as a blue print for their success
it's now time that we get someone who can put us back on track, that person is definitely not Sean og McAteer, his tenure has been littered with disaster after disaster, if I'm wrong please come back and tell me different and give me a reason why he should stay.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
June 25, 2016, 07:27:04 PM
When is the next open county meeting when the cub rep can be accompanied by his chairman and secretary of their club, as this is the meeting to stand up and be counted, the sooner the better.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
June 25, 2016, 04:43:40 PM
If we cant beat Longford at our patch then we have a serious bit of rebuilding to do, all the talkings been done, he championship is over, time for reflection and then ------- who knows ,Sean og has survived before but surely this catastrophe is one to many, his mates in South Down cant save him or can they
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
June 21, 2016, 07:23:30 AM
I would put Peter Turley at centre half back preferring a more mobile midfield with hopefully a different kick out tactic, big lad who are gives so much at midfield he rarely finishes a game having expended so much energy, Stevie is a good shot stopper but kick outs are his problem I would change him, keep McKernan at midfield with McArdle, up front I'd go with Davidson if he's fit , no need then for OHare who by all accounts is rarely fit for his club, I also like the idea of starting Mason who was our best u21 two years ago, but any change by management will be scrutinised and criticised but they have to show they are willing to accept what they put out against Monaghan was woeful , I'd go man for man , if they play a sweeper push up on him and go for it , let's have a decent enjoyable game, no more 14 behind the ball , it's Longford !!
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
June 19, 2016, 09:51:43 PM
By mix it up , I mean changing our tactics, do we go man for man with no sweeper , we are playing Longford for heavens sake, man for man skill wise we surely are better.
I personally think we will get it tight initially because our guys will be nervous but once the nerves go we should run out 5 pts plus winners, bookies are offering evens giving Longford a 3 pts start, but I don't back against or for my team. Unlike some I'm hearing, ex players should have more respect for their former team mates,and as for Marty Clarke , the less said the better , if he had been that interested he would have lifted the phone but maybe the great and the holier than thou don't do that,this forum is to discuss team formations , personnel , and tactics, would you change the keeper, is their any body better
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
June 19, 2016, 09:36:54 PM
Sam Fever like you I am passionate about my county football team, I have played and watched a lot of football in my time and having watched some of our development squads I am confident we will complete with the elite but it will be 8 yrs min, in the meantime we need a base, we have no money , executive sorted that , so we need a centre , any suggestions ,and the ejection of certain individuals who run our county will occur quicker than you think if we get beat by Longford
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
June 19, 2016, 09:29:37 PM
If we can't beat Longford we really are at our lowest point, Eamonn should mix it up a bit , let's go at Longford ,give it a lash and let's see what happens.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
June 19, 2016, 02:03:57 PM
Sam Fever, are you part of the executive or maybe a relative of an executive member because if you are , one question

What is the  alternative , on next weeks match, im predicting a tight game but a win by 5 pts
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
June 17, 2016, 11:28:46 PM
Speculative have you been on Mars this last 10yrs, we don't have any money because our county executive and I emphasis executive have put us in a debt problem that will take 20 yrs at 10k a month to sort out , Burrenbridge cost us 550k , choke park lent us the money to square this of and finish Newry , end result we don't have any money and certain members of our current executive presided over this debacle, so withe the limited resources we have, the refurbishment of Ballykinlar should be considered.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
June 16, 2016, 11:20:25 PM
Ah sure Imagine we had a plan to actually do something about the lack of county training facilities, we could put lights around the Red High, great , when it rains , the grass pitches are unplayable and the school authorities won't let you cut up the pitches , oh and it's 90 pds per hour for hire, let's go to the Newry area, sorry can't play in the rain, ah but there is the Bann Rd Castlewellan, sorry it's not playable in the rain, buts there's G3 pitches galore, ah but it's on record that certain injuries are related to training on that type of surface, so where do we go from here, smart remarks about the location of Ballykinlar isn't helpful, I for one , if given the chance would buy back every bit of land which was historically taken from our ancestors , so trotting out the same old rhetoric is at best childest at worst devicive, we don't have pots of money and it wouldn't take a load of money to upgrade Ballykinlar s one pitch. One last point to note , the same facility , was in use when every other grass pitch in the county was unplayable,if you doubt my word ask the county managers.