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Messages - Cavan19

Quote from: tbrick18 on March 23, 2023, 11:15:26 AM
Quote from: themac_23 on March 23, 2023, 10:08:26 AM
Quote from: Sportacus on March 23, 2023, 09:58:27 AM
I watched 10 minutes of Monaghan and Tyrone and switched it over. Genuinely couldn't be arsed watching Monaghans slow build up, passing the ball across the pitch and back, constantly afraid or unable to slice a pass into the forwards. The outcome looked inevitable within minutes, Tyrone with everyone back, then breaking up field when Monaghan give it away and nick a score.  Boring predictable shite .

Football has become a game that is very difficult to attract a neutral, I struggle to watch games that ive no dog in the fight and anyone I talk to seems to be the same. Hurling still has the appeal that you can watch a game between 2 top teams and it keeps you interested, football not so much.

I don't necessarily agree.
In hurling, unless you are watching some of the top teams, the games can be a really hard watch.
In soccer, the whole approach is to pass the ball around the back and mf to find a gap to attack. No-one seems to complain about those games being boring, rather the skill levels of the players are revered.

Looking back to football of the 90's and to a lesser extent the 00's, football was more dynamic and more attack centred and yes, it can be argued more exciting and a more attractive prospect for the neutral. But the skill levels of players I believe are no-where near the levels of today and the fitness levels now are at stratospheric levels in comparison.

In football today, the top teams are still exciting to watch. The skill levels and fitness levels allow for those moments of brilliance which are enabled by the defensive foundation and approach. I personally find that fascinating to watch.
We still get some real score fests, but generally they are between teams that don't have the same level of players/management/tactics and most importantly finance and so the defensive abilities are not as good as the top 3-4 teams.

Only my opinion and I'm sure others will completely disagree. For me it's the progression of the game in terms of tactics and skills.
20 years ago we would not have enivisaged the way the game is today and I'd imagine in 20 years time it will have evolved again into something unrecognisable to todays players/fans.
It doesn't make it worse, just different and one thing for sure is that if nothing changed, it would become stale and boring and we'd have Kerry/Dublin winning every year and the rest of us would be sitting back dreaming of better days.

I wouldn't agree with you about the skill levels i don't think they have got better there are individuals who have a serious skill set but we had them back then also.

Fitness and Conditioning is off the charts now compared to back then alright.
Quote from: jcpen on March 23, 2023, 08:38:52 AM
Not sure what Kelleher could have done with the first goal.I was sitting right behind it and it was pretty much top corner.

I though he stumbled a bit trying to get across to it and if he had of stayed more upright he would have got at least a hand on it.
GAA Discussion / Re: LGFA
March 23, 2023, 08:15:33 AM
Quote from: Itchy on March 22, 2023, 06:57:04 PM
Quote from: Westside on March 22, 2023, 03:06:25 PM
Quote from: Itchy on March 22, 2023, 09:17:56 AM
Quote from: armaghniac on March 21, 2023, 08:01:03 PM
Quote from: Itchy on March 21, 2023, 06:57:39 PM
Quote from: dec on March 21, 2023, 12:51:19 PM
Are there any stand alone camogie or ladies football clubs? Any teams that I am aware of are part of GAA clubs.

I can think of 2 or 3 close to me.

With their own pitch?

1 has their own pitch.

What team is this Itchy?

Not in Cavan. But if you look in Mayo for example you'll see Kilmoremoy in Ballina with their own ground.

Never knew you lived in Mayo.
GAA Discussion / Re: LGFA
March 21, 2023, 08:06:41 PM
Quote from: armaghniac on March 21, 2023, 08:01:03 PM
Quote from: Itchy on March 21, 2023, 06:57:39 PM
Quote from: dec on March 21, 2023, 12:51:19 PM
Are there any stand alone camogie or ladies football clubs? Any teams that I am aware of are part of GAA clubs.

I can think of 2 or 3 close to me.

With their own pitch?

There is none in Cavan that are stand alone.
General discussion / Re: The Late Late show
March 16, 2023, 12:27:23 PM
Quote from: Rudi on March 16, 2023, 11:56:19 AM
Huge surprise how Tubridy could get this gig in the first place. He was very scripted, couldn't handle when conversation deviated away from this set list. Nothing organic or natural about his interviewing style. Jumped in to next question without giving interviewee chance to elaborate. Was a bit of a populist in that he gave some people a hard time & others a free ride. Like Von De Leyen, was there to be crucified, but Tubs was a good wee euro boyoo that night.
His replacement will probably be a woman, Miriam O Callaghan ( I shall put my boot through the tele) Scare Byrne, maybe even thon McInereny . Netflix subscription renewed.

Does anyone even watch it anymore i would flick over the odd time but couldn't stomach tubs so rarely looked at it for more than a few minutes unless there was someone interesting on which wouldn't be often.
QuoteMurphy says if Juniper decides at the age of three that they are a boy "then we'll say he and we'll just say, 'oh yeah cool, you're a boy, excellent. And you're free to change your opinion and you're free to change your gender identity in the future if you want. We'll respect that and we'll change the pronouns that we use. If you say you're a boy, then great you're a boy. Or if you say you're a girl, then great you're a girl.' But we don't want to make that choice for Juniper. That's for Juniper to discover their own gender identity as opposed to us to assume based on their sex."

This is parenting in 2023  :-\
GAA Discussion / Re: NFL Division Three 2023
March 08, 2023, 12:02:35 PM
Ye have gone away off topic here anyway lads.
GAA Discussion / Re: Feigning Injuries
March 07, 2023, 03:41:16 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on March 07, 2023, 03:26:24 PM
Quote from: Cavan19 on March 07, 2023, 03:22:26 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on March 07, 2023, 03:18:56 PM
Quote from: Cavan19 on March 07, 2023, 03:12:57 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on March 07, 2023, 03:07:09 PM
Quote from: Keyboard Warrior on March 07, 2023, 02:57:34 PM
Quote from: CK_Redhand on March 07, 2023, 01:59:58 PM
For player safety I think all injuries on the field should be treated as real and the game should be stopped for head injuries.

If the ref suspects feigning injury he could make a note of it in his book. If there is corroborating tv evidence then the player should be banned for x days/matches.

Still unprovable in that scenario.

The best is to allow the medic to come on and play on, he'll soon get up when his team hasn't the ball or hasn't won a free

QuoteGuys, I'm not going to take responsibility on getting a call wrong on fake or real injury, and playing on that may result in someone swallowing  his tongue from falling to the ground or impact from a fair shoulder charge. It's not a professional sport, it's a passionate sporting pastime, lets put that into perspective.

You changed your view in the last few hours !

The medic is on looking after the player, the game plays on, I'm not a doctor so me stopping it has no bearing on how he's being looked after by the professional, if he's actually injured he's in good hands

True but you changed your tune from earlier but playing on is the best way to try and eradicate it.

Not really, I've amended my view in that I can't decide if the player is actually injured, the medic (if he actually is one lol) is best for that, playing on won't really interfere with play, rugby manage to do it for periods in the game.

So for me this is the best solution from all the others that have been put out  ;)

PS. I'm a ref, I'm never wrong  ;D
Except when your not right !  :)
GAA Discussion / Re: Feigning Injuries
March 07, 2023, 03:22:26 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on March 07, 2023, 03:18:56 PM
Quote from: Cavan19 on March 07, 2023, 03:12:57 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on March 07, 2023, 03:07:09 PM
Quote from: Keyboard Warrior on March 07, 2023, 02:57:34 PM
Quote from: CK_Redhand on March 07, 2023, 01:59:58 PM
For player safety I think all injuries on the field should be treated as real and the game should be stopped for head injuries.

If the ref suspects feigning injury he could make a note of it in his book. If there is corroborating tv evidence then the player should be banned for x days/matches.

Still unprovable in that scenario.

The best is to allow the medic to come on and play on, he'll soon get up when his team hasn't the ball or hasn't won a free

QuoteGuys, I'm not going to take responsibility on getting a call wrong on fake or real injury, and playing on that may result in someone swallowing  his tongue from falling to the ground or impact from a fair shoulder charge. It's not a professional sport, it's a passionate sporting pastime, lets put that into perspective.

You changed your view in the last few hours !

The medic is on looking after the player, the game plays on, I'm not a doctor so me stopping it has no bearing on how he's being looked after by the professional, if he's actually injured he's in good hands

True but you changed your tune from earlier but playing on is the best way to try and eradicate it.
GAA Discussion / Re: Feigning Injuries
March 07, 2023, 03:12:57 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on March 07, 2023, 03:07:09 PM
Quote from: Keyboard Warrior on March 07, 2023, 02:57:34 PM
Quote from: CK_Redhand on March 07, 2023, 01:59:58 PM
For player safety I think all injuries on the field should be treated as real and the game should be stopped for head injuries.

If the ref suspects feigning injury he could make a note of it in his book. If there is corroborating tv evidence then the player should be banned for x days/matches.

Still unprovable in that scenario.

The best is to allow the medic to come on and play on, he'll soon get up when his team hasn't the ball or hasn't won a free

QuoteGuys, I'm not going to take responsibility on getting a call wrong on fake or real injury, and playing on that may result in someone swallowing  his tongue from falling to the ground or impact from a fair shoulder charge. It's not a professional sport, it's a passionate sporting pastime, lets put that into perspective.

You changed your view in the last few hours !
GAA Discussion / Re: NFL Division Three 2023
March 07, 2023, 02:05:55 PM
Who do you guys think will get the second promotion spot ?
Quote from: Louther on March 07, 2023, 11:38:17 AM
I see Ewan has been reading the board.

Hello Ewan ya big bollix ;D ;D

:D :D :D :D
GAA Discussion / Re: NFL Division Three 2023
March 07, 2023, 10:40:15 AM
Quote from: grounded on March 06, 2023, 10:04:00 PM
Quote from: Westside on March 06, 2023, 05:41:22 PM
For anyone saying Down are no worse than any other county, Cavan have played 8 counties this year and Down were the only team where this was a noticeable feature.

Nonsense. I guarantee you there will incidents of ' feigning injuries ' in future Cavan fixtures this season, either by your own players or the opposition's. Its a feature (a most depressing one) of modern football.

Of course there will be every county is at in now unfortunately.
GAA Discussion / Re: Feigning Injuries
March 07, 2023, 09:31:09 AM
Quote from: square_ball on March 07, 2023, 09:03:25 AM
Quote from: Cavan19 on March 07, 2023, 08:29:28 AM
Quote from: Jell 0 Biafra on March 07, 2023, 12:54:02 AM
How are you going to prove feigning injury though?

There was one or two on Sunday that were obvious as there wasn't even contact and lads went down holding their head and the referee waved at them to get up. When there is contact it is hard to tell if they are feigning or not and the referee isn't in a position to make that call and will always go on the side of caution. One thing that is frustrating is players getting tackled and there is contact made to the shoulder or back and they are going down holding their head.

I think play needs to go on for all injuries until the next break in play as the doctors and Physios go onto the field anyway and stopping play isn't going to make them recover any quicker and in some cases you will find they will recover quickly. You don't see the play been stopped in Rugby unless the play goes near the player on the ground and i think similar would help our game.

I would agree with that in principal but you'll all of a sudden find that a lot of injuries for the defending team will occur at the top of the D so that play has to be halted.

Ultimately it comes down to players wising up and cutting out the crap. And I'm not sure that will happen any time soon.

I did find this one funny on Saturday:

I was laughing at that at the time alright  ;D
GAA Discussion / Re: Feigning Injuries
March 07, 2023, 08:29:28 AM
Quote from: Jell 0 Biafra on March 07, 2023, 12:54:02 AM
How are you going to prove feigning injury though?

There was one or two on Sunday that were obvious as there wasn't even contact and lads went down holding their head and the referee waved at them to get up. When there is contact it is hard to tell if they are feigning or not and the referee isn't in a position to make that call and will always go on the side of caution. One thing that is frustrating is players getting tackled and there is contact made to the shoulder or back and they are going down holding their head.

I think play needs to go on for all injuries until the next break in play as the doctors and Physios go onto the field anyway and stopping play isn't going to make them recover any quicker and in some cases you will find they will recover quickly. You don't see the play been stopped in Rugby unless the play goes near the player on the ground and i think similar would help our game.