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Topics - Captain Scarlet

GAA Discussion / All Ireland Final Tickets Up For Grabs
September 15, 2011, 03:25:08 PM
Lads we have two All Ireland tickets to give away tomorrow night.
There will be a raffle in Dtwo Harcourt St at 8.30 tomorrow evening.
Whats makes it better is that all proceeds will go to Blue September.

We are showing the 1995 Final from 7.00pm then we will have the raffle before The New Free take to the stage.

If you are around at all please support. We are hoping to get a special guest to pick the winner.
GAA Discussion / Kerry 2011
January 31, 2011, 02:00:04 PM
Lads as we all know in the likes of Kerry where success is the be all and end all in football surely there must be a bit of worry over their run in 2010 and indeed their prospects this year.
The seniors failed to make the semi-final and had to look on as an up and coming Cork team went all the way.
The U21s lost to Tipp and haven't been a constant at the grade. Their minors had to look at Cork march on to the final too.
Their club champs made the provincial final but in a bizarre game they lost out too.
Then when you look at the likes of Tommy Walsh and Moran getting their heads turned. Killian Young and some of the other guys with potential are seemingly stunted. Then there is the annual Paul Galvin sideshow to worry about. That will only get worse with his forray into fashion and him going to college in Dublin. Expect to see him in Tatler and the likes at various 'events' in Krystle.
I'm not writing them off or anything just hoping to start some debate. Like in all fairness should the Kingdon be worried??
General discussion / What a hero.
September 13, 2010, 11:28:49 AM
Lads with Rooney in the bad books and soccer players constantly involved in scandals check out this link from the Guardian. Great story.
General discussion / Head Shops Closed
May 15, 2010, 01:28:09 PM
Thank God those awful places are shut down. Now there is absolutely no way possible that people can get their hands on those awful drugs. A victory for all!! :-\
Lads do these aul ones marching live in reality at all. I heard one saying now they will continue to march in case the head shops 'underground' and keep selling. It's not the head shops who will sell now it's the drug dealers who will supply as normal.
They didn't even realise the significance of the dealers burning the shops down. I give up!
If they were willing to keep up their campiagn and march and protest outisde the dealers houses I'd be impressed, but they won't.
Anyone who used the head shops stuff was just substituting it for coke, mdma, e or whatever. Another fact they failed to realise.
GAA Discussion / Club Tyrone, etc
February 26, 2010, 12:29:19 PM
Lads excuse my ignorance here but with the likes of Club Tyrone and all these supporter based sub committees what is it they actually pay for? Is there actual detailed accounts available?
I'm just asking this as in Kildare the clubs are getting criticsed from the top table about not getting behind Club Kildare. A set of books got thrust upon each club this week. We have to sell them even though most of our club meetings consist of how my small club will scrape through the year and how we can raise funds and cut costs.
Last year Kildare went on a holiday which the players ran their own fundraisers, selling tickets etc. The lads are always out trying to raise money and fair play to them. They paid for their trip away so what is it the Club Whoever pays for? Just wondering as it may an issue we might raise in future. I know there are plenty of clubs in every county struggling and this is just added pressure. Excuse the long-windedness!
GAA Discussion / The GAA and controversy
February 22, 2010, 01:03:23 PM
Just saw an incident after the AI club semi's made the front page of the Indo. The ref was given a garda escort leaving the pitch after the Kilmurray and Portlaoise match.
Naturally the story goes that the GAA finds itself amid controversy yet again. Why is it when Paolo Di Canio pushed a ref it wasn't 'the FA are facing controversy'. No it was Di Canio who was screwed. Then when Galvin did it it was the GAA's problem.
It just annoys me. if anything happened that ref it was the responsibility of a Portlaoise club member who was enraged, not the GAA who was at fault. The papers rang Croker for a statement. Why?? What is it to them??
A spokesman in the GAA said: 'Ah well Micki had a few pints on board and sure curse-ah-jaysus he went for the ref.'
Im just sick of the same aul muck that comes out every time something happens, it is an individuals fault not the entire associations.
GAA Discussion / Fundraiser
February 05, 2010, 04:01:06 PM
The Dublin Gospel choir will be performing live at the Hamlet Court Hotel, Johnstownbridge Co Kildare (just off the M4 beside Enfield) on Saturday the 20th of March. This is part of our clubs fundraising plans. At 20euro a ticket they are superb value and a give you the chance to see them in an intimate venue.
To buy tickets please contact Brendan McNally 087-9299419 or David McNally 086-8372383. Also you can log onto .

"An annual must-see of Electric Picnic - who'd have thought gospel would be this cool" (Irish Times).

"Gladdens the heart and brings a smile to the face....Uplifting stuff" (Hot Press).

"Ireland's foremost gospel musicians" (Metro).
General discussion / Eastbound and down
January 27, 2010, 04:34:14 PM
Seeing as there is a thread on Glee I thought i'd share this show with ye all.
It's been out in America already so a few of ye might know it. Only six episodes but season 2 is underway seemingly.

Here is the opening scene.
GAA Discussion / Training weekends
May 11, 2009, 07:54:26 PM
Johnstownbridge GAA are running a club development draw giving clubs to avail of world class facilities in the Marriott Johnstown House Hotel nearby. John O'Mahony had Mayo there and Kieran McGeeney's Kildare were getting into championship mode there just last weekend.
To put it into context the Irish Grand Slam rugby team had a bonding and training camp at Christmas with Ronan O'Gara praising the facilities and atmosphere created over the weekend.
Even Mr Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail brought stayed at the hotel before Sunderland's second season in the Premiership.
The prize is 2 nights B&B plus one evening meal and full use of the gym, spa and all-weather pitches for 30 players. The value is €7,500 and tickets are €150. Just by entering you get a 10% discount on any team stay with the hotel.
Second prize is a set of O'Neills jerseys and third prize is a stay for two people at the Clifden Court Hotel. As with every club in the country at the moment all fund raising is very important and our club hope this prize will capture the imagination.
For more info and an entry form log onto
All support would be greatly appreciated, you don't have to go to La Manga to get some quality training done!
General discussion / Munster v Leinster
April 25, 2009, 01:56:17 PM
Win tickets for the Munster v Leinster Heineken Cup semi-final this Saturday and support club development in the process.
Johnstownbridge GAA in Kildare are giving people the chance to win tickets, which are proper gold dust.
To enter 'text JTB followed by your name to 57802' Example 'JTB Joe Bloggs to 57802'
Texts cost 2euro and lines stay open until midnight thursday 1st May -open to over 18's only To enter 'text JTB followed by your name to 57802' Example 'JTB Joe Bloggs to 57802'.
Log onot for more details.

General discussion / Prince Harry
February 29, 2008, 01:14:41 PM
Just see lots of media watchdog groups are up in arms after editors across the media didn't report Harry's deployment. They say it's another case of different treatment for the Royals.

WTF! The reason they didn't want it out was so he would be able to do his tour of duty on the front line being treated as a normal soldier which is something he couldn't do with the Sun cameras after him.
If they watchdogs are talking about equal treatment they should report on every poor hoor out there. Also the Taliban would go ball headed to kill him and his regiment.

It's not like they covered up a mass killing and it has no effect on the actual war reporting in Afghanistan.

Sometimes I wonder.
General discussion / Paul McShane = Paul McPoo
January 21, 2008, 01:11:01 PM
Lads I must admit i thought he was decent but looking at him in the premiership its clear he is failry muck.

This effort of all or nothing defending with this toft of red hair bouncing around as he dives for intercepts he'll never make is a joke.

Roy should get rid.
GAA Discussion / GPA Development Officer
January 18, 2008, 04:07:42 PM
Just saw this. What exactly will they be developing???

The Gaelic Players Association are keen to branch out further into the GAA community after announcing that they will appoint a National Development Officer in the coming months.

The GPA currently runs its operations from an office in Drumcondra, Dublin 9, but the successful candidate will travel throughout the country to help develop and enhance the range of welfare services that it provides to support inter-county players.

Although the position will focus on the GPA's core membership of over 1,800 inter-county players, it is not a requirement for the successful candidate to have played for their county although a strong knowledge of Gaelic Games and its structures will be needed.

The successful candidate is required to be educated to a degree level and have at least five years' work experience preferably in a service environment.
The GPA was founded in 1999 and the new National Development Officer will directly report to its Chief Executive, former Dublin senior footballer Dessie Farrell.
General discussion / Transfer Windows
January 03, 2008, 01:55:06 PM
Who will go where do ye reckon?

Doyle to Chelsea is a bit mad isn't it.
Robbie Savage to Sunderland seems on.
Anelka will prob move and Berbatov too.
GAA Discussion / Shoot Match Goal
November 01, 2007, 09:48:15 AM
Lads does it not annoy everyone to go into easons or wherever and there is no GAA mag aimed at youngsters.

I know you have Cuil4School occasionally in the Times but that is for kids. there is nothing for lads and lassies from say 10-15.

There is a big chance for the GAA to get a run on rugby and soccer seing as they are both in the doldrums.
General discussion / Shay Given
September 28, 2007, 02:41:29 PM

Really though what's goin on here. Steve Harper is nowhere near as good.
Surely he will make a move if he doesn't get into the first 11. Arsenal I reckon.
GAA Discussion / Gaelic Posters
July 12, 2007, 11:07:19 AM
just see in kildare there is a company contacting businesses sayin they are from the county gaa and they are lookin for ads.

thought this stuff was gone, i know it happenned in meath and westmeath a while ago but is it anywhere else.
didnt dj go on the radio givin out about it a few years ago too?

cowboys i presume. surely there is a copyright issue here.
GAA Discussion / Leading with the Boot.
March 26, 2007, 11:03:05 AM
at the kildare louth match yesterday there were two instances where hogarty and raindow did sliding tackles without any punishment.
hogartys especially was definitely a yellow card.

also at our last two clubs games the ref has allowed lads to lead into tackles ith the boot plus a keano style lunge went unpunished.

What's the story and is this a common thing elsewhere?
GAA Discussion / It sickens my hole!
February 21, 2007, 08:06:22 PM
sorry just an aside from the GAA windfall thread it sickens me when i hear lads saying "ah the GAA is minted, they should pay the players". a guy i know suggested a that county teams go pro coz the GAA "can afford it. look at how good rugby has done"

yeah all the AIL teams are fucked and the poor lads in the west are left in the cold.

do people not realise that every club in ireland gets grants from the GAA if they are doing a big project and have it planned well.
do they not realise all the money involved in setting up a blitz or something like that.
its not a vaible option to go down this route. unlike the darc and drico who wouldnt know the name of any young lad fron his club team the gaa is different.
why dont they ask what the pro sports are doing to their money and the irfu ask someone from ab AIL club the great benefits of professionalism.