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Topics - Capt Pat

General discussion / Kenny Egan out of olympics?
February 26, 2011, 06:33:35 PM
kenny lost his national title last  night to 18 year old joe ward. A bit of a disaster for him and his olympic ambitions. If ward makes the quarter finals at the world championships he gets the spot at the olympics.
General discussion / Christchurch hit by big quake.
February 22, 2011, 03:14:49 AM
Multiple deaths have been reported.
General discussion / Ivan Yates loses his shirt
January 05, 2011, 03:16:21 PM
This character ids going bankrupt, sad to see. Everything he touched turned to gold except when he actually went into business for himself.
General discussion / The Pacific
November 24, 2010, 10:13:07 PM
Is there anywhere I can watch this series online for free, thanks.
I thought they were a debt free club. The average premier league side gets about that much every year in tv money. I thought the club would have been worth more?
General discussion / How much is Irealnds annual budget?
November 05, 2010, 12:06:34 AM
6 billion has to be cut from a total of?????
General discussion / Students rioting in town
November 03, 2010, 03:52:06 PM
The students have occupied the department of finance and are getting chucked out by the pigs, it is only matter of time before before all the workers leave the coalmines and soot factories and join them on the streets, the revelution is here.
Its for woolite clothes cleaner. It can't last long though. It wilk be banned in a few days.
Womens boxing, what is the point? I know she is the best in the world but it isn't a main stream sport. What is all the media hype about? What is the point? I know she will get an olympic medal but it just isn't that big of an achievement in this sport. It probably never will be.

I just think all the press hype is totally out of line for what she has achieved. I really don't want to hear that I am a begrudger etc. I am not, I can't take anything away from her, she is the best female amateur boxer in the world who is not an amateur. It is just she is the most hyped Irish sports person at the moment and she doesn't deserve it.
Is it possible to get an internet mobile phone that is compatible with flash player. As far as I am aware, it is not. Even the i pad can not use flash player. This means it is not possible to stream sports events on your phone from sites like veetle, justin tv, adthe, etc.
General discussion / Oezil to Madrid for a low price.
August 18, 2010, 07:52:14 PM
Oezil one of the German stars at the world cup has moved to Real Madrid for 15 or 20 million. That is a very small price for a player who could and should be great. There was only a year left on the contract at Bremen, but what I feel is more important is he is in his prime. He will be at Madrid from age 21-27. He would probably resign with them as nobody else will pay more. I would have thought a team like Chelsea would be ideal for him and the team. I think some of the other big teams should have created an auction situation to force the price higher.

I would have paid twice as much for him.
Scored by Ji Sun Park of Man U and the peoples republic of Korea. Defender tried to clear a ball in the penalty area and Park stuck out a leg to block it as the defender delayed the kick and it flies in off parks leg.
That is what they announced on rte news about Kieran Doucie and another woman being charged with possession of cocaine with intent to supply. I always thought Katie Frenchs death was all about her stupid decision to develop a cocaine habit and was nobody elses fault.
........the Macondo Well Site. They shouldn't have used a name like that if they were not looking for trouble. They were asking for trouble. ???
General discussion / World cup predictions
June 10, 2010, 04:03:30 PM
Winners: Brazil
Runners up: Argentina
Third: England
4th: Spain

Top scorer: Torres

Rationale: Brazil have a very solid defence and goalkeeper, Kaka, Robinho and Fabiano will provide the goals up front to win. Also key for Brazil will be Maicon and Alvez at corner back just like Cafu and Carlos in the past, they will threaten opposition defences. Argentina as long as Messi and Mascherano stay fit will beat all their opponents in the early rounds. England have a strong side with a chance to win. The thing I don't like is the volatility of key players, like Terry, Rooney Ashley Cole etc. Competitive is all well and good but too many cooks spoil the broth and they might not make it out of the group stage if one or two players lose the run of themselves. Spain will have the top scorer award in the bag after the easy group phase for either Villa or Torres, but Spain will be like England, they won't have what it takes to win this thing.
If they don't back the tories then nationalist parties Scottish,Welsh and Irish could hold the balance of power. They have 17 seats, 12 not counting sinn Fein. Labour the Lib Dems and the other 3 nationalist parties would have a majority.
This means that the Tories are on course to form the next government. Then the papers come out and announce with a couple of days to go that they are backing the winning team. The Sun will do it with dramatic effect the day before.