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Topics - Karl Kennedy

General discussion / New TV Problems
September 11, 2011, 11:48:40 PM

I am after buying a new Alba 19 inch tv with freeview built in for my bedroom. I also bought an aerial to plug into the tv.

The problem is I can't seem to find the digital channels at all when I do any automatic tuning search. Not one of the digital channels have appeared after numerous automatic searches. I have tried moving the tv etc to different areas of house but to no avail.

Do any of youse have an idea what might be wrong?
General discussion / 3 Reception in the North
September 11, 2011, 11:44:36 PM

Thinking of getting a 3 network Dongle for internet use in the North. Are any of youse aware what the reception is like?

I am leaning towards 3 as their download limit deal offered is much better than the others.
General discussion / Six Nations 2012
July 09, 2011, 09:14:21 PM

I am interested in going to the Ireland v England game in Twickenham next year. It's the final six nations game of the tournament and is on Paddy's day so should be a good one.

Would anyone have any info on how/where to get tickets? Would I stand a better chance if I made enquiries/orders/requests now?

Anyone any idea on prices?

General discussion / Old Copy of 'The Irish News'
June 27, 2011, 07:07:50 PM
Would there be anyone on here that would be able to tell me if I could get my hands on an old copy of an Irish News in 2009?

I know the best option is to ring Irish News but I will tomorrow. I was just curious did anyone ever try it?

And if I get a no show from the Irish News would there be any other way I could get a copy.

All info would be grateful. Cheers
General discussion / Selling a laptop on eBay
January 31, 2011, 04:47:14 PM
Folks, going to sell my laptop on eBay. Just wondering would it be possible for the buyer to be able to get any details from my laptop such as credit card details, bank accounts etc that I have looked at on the net?

I have deleted all my documents and programs that I installed but think I should clear the hard drive. Are there any good free programs out there that you recommend?

General discussion / Irish Medium Education (IME)
December 14, 2010, 07:44:31 PM

I am just wondering does anyone here teach in a Bunscoil?

If so could you let me know as I might need a quick word with you about something..

Many Thanks.
General discussion / Mini Laptop's
March 20, 2010, 11:11:27 PM
Anyone got one of these? Thinking of buying one but would like any helps,hints, tips

I would be using it primarily for Microsoft office, but also a bit of internet, watching dvds. I was looking at a Dell one on their site and liked the fact you can get coloured lids, I liked the look of the blue one.

My sister is looking one too so anywhere you know or sites that do deals for two would be welcome.

General discussion / MP3 PLAYERS
December 16, 2009, 04:41:09 PM
Rite guys and girls looking for some help here in relation to MP3 players. I am getting one as a xmas present for sister at xmas.
She doesnt want an ipod which I am happy enough as she doesnt want me to spend that amount on her.

So she wud like a reasonable MP3 player possibly a 2gb or 4gb which can be used in the car to listen to music.

I have an ipod with the itrip to use in the car BUT I am trying to find out is there MP3 players that can do the same AND if so what are the best ones for this purpose?

General discussion / Present for Mother for Christmas
December 15, 2009, 03:54:42 PM
Struggling to know what to get Mum for Christmas... Anyone give me any ideas??
General discussion / Nokia Contacts Problem
December 04, 2009, 11:25:25 PM
Just having a problem with my contact list in my Nokia N79 at the moment. When I save a new contact they naturally just save to the mobile itself. I then copy the number over to the sim leaving me with two of that contact, one on the phone and one on the sim. I just want the one so I just delete the one that was saved to the phone. The problem is whenever I have to turn the phone off, when I turn it back on the number I have just copied to the sim has disappeared and then I have lost it. Anyone know what is happening here?
General discussion / Computer video Converter
October 29, 2009, 11:06:36 AM
I'm after some help with video converter on my laptop.
I've recently taking videos on my samsung digital camera & put them on laptop & can view them no problem. I them put them on windows movie maker.
Problem is how do I put it on to DVD rw?

2nd issue I have is I have videos as real player & can view them ok on my laptop but can not put them on windows movie maker. 
Is there any program I can use to covert these so I can put them on DVD.

All help wud b appreciated. Thanks.
GAA Discussion / Sat. night B4 All Ireland Final
September 18, 2009, 09:51:03 PM
Just looking info from fellow people to see where does everyone head the night before the final down in dublin.

Is it the burlington? I can always remember big crowds there night before but maybe this has changed?

if so where will most GAA folk head to for a few pints and good chat bout the game ahead
General discussion / New York
May 21, 2009, 09:03:27 PM
Heading to New York for a month in the summer. Just a quick question...

If I decide to bring no dollars with me and just use the ATMs out there, is there a charge to use it. I'm hearing different stories saying it's $5 to $10 to free, so anyone any experience of it?
General discussion / Mobile Query
February 18, 2009, 11:22:07 PM
I bought a mobile off eBay recently which included the sellers receipt. The sellers name appears on the receipt, he's from England. He bought the mobile off the website.

What happens if there is a problem and I need to make use of the two year warrenty? His hame is on the receipt but will this cause problems?

He reckons if you have a problem with the phone you take it to the nearest repair centre ie: carphonewarehouse. He says all the reciept is for is to verify the phone and date it was brought for warrenty purposes for your repair.

He says he had a problem with one of his phones which he brought from and he took it to mentioned local centre and showed receipt and got it repaired free of charge.

Is he right in what he is saying, I just bring it to carphone warehouse and that is it?
General discussion / Buying mobile phones online
January 23, 2009, 03:30:05 PM
I'm after a new mobile and both Carphone Warehouse and o2 only sell it if I go on a contract which I don't want to do. I was thinking of just buying it off eBay but I would be in bother if something happened to it.

Are there any reliable websites out there where you can buy mobiles?