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Topics - Tankie

General discussion / Lunsters
April 28, 2009, 08:53:10 PM
I would say there is a few on this board....

The Munster bandwagon is full of expectant Leinster folk looking for vicarious victory - the 'Lunsters' by Reggie Corrigan

I'll never forget the hype and the mania and the scramble for tickets before the Leinster v Munster semi-final three years ago.. There was talk back then that if only the GAA would open up Croke Park, we'd have had no trouble filling it. Well, three years on, and it's actually happened - and there still arent enough tickets. I've been scrounging around same as everyone else. It's a pain, but it's also wonderful. The rivalry between two great teams and two fantastic groups of supporters is at the heart of what has made Irish rugby great. There's just one problem.
Munster's fantastic success in the past few years has spawned a mutant breed of rugby fan - the Lunsters. They are born, bred, living and working in Leinster but they have turned their back on their own and decided to support the men in red.
I can hear already their yelps of self-satisfaction: Everyone is entitled to support the team of their choice. Yes, but only within reason. Of all the arguments I've had with these people over the years - and I've had plenty, believe me- I've never been convinced.
Whenever I've questioned their lack of loyalty to their province their response has always been the same. Munster are more passionate than Leinster. You're all soft up there in D4. Leinster the Ladyboys. And so on. This is their belief and they cling to it for dear life. The only problem is it isnt remotely based on fact.
For starters, if they'd any real knowledge of the current Leinster squad, they'd know that it's only relationship to Dublin 4 is the location of the stadium. Bernard Jackman comes from Carlow, Shane Horgan and Devin Toner come from Meath, Jamie Heaslip's from Kildare. Gordon D'Arcy's from Wexford. Rob Kearney's from Louth, Leo Cullen and Luke Fitzgerald from Wicklow. Brian O'Driscoll's a northsider but we'll forgive him that. Then, along with the scattering of imports there are Dubs like Shane Jennings, Girvan Dempsey and Malcolm O'Kelly - none of whom come from D4.
And you want to talk about passion? Who had the more passion in 2001 whan we beat Munster in the first Celtic League final, despite playing most of the game with 14 men? Who had it in Musgrave and the RDS last season? Who had it on New Year's Eve 2005? And dont tell me these victories dont count just because they were 'only' the Magners League.
Whatever excuse they make for themselves, the basic truth about Lunsters is that they've hopped on the Munster bandwagon simply because they want to follow a winning side - just like those Manchester United from four or five years ago who were soon seen wearing Chelsea jersies when it suited them. I know their existence galls the many thousands of true blue Leinster supporters, who'll make themselves seen and heard at Croker next Saturday. And the Lunster should know that they also gall the genuine Munster fans. The cling-ons bolster crowds and jersey sales but they also deny the real supporters tickets for marvellous occasions like this one.
I've come to the conclusion that Lunsters are basically cowardly. They dont have the courage to stand up and shout for their own province because they're terrified of being branded soft by association with Leinster. But better, I say, to suffer the possibility of indignity and still be able to look at yourself in the mirror.
Here's another way of looking at it. just say Leinster achieved a Munster-like success over the next five years. Can you imangine some fella in Bruff sitting on a bar stool in a blue jersey shouting 'Gwan Drico'? Only if he had a death wish.
The game itself? It will be epic, a brilliant day for Irish rugby. Munster will be favourites, and rightly so. Just a word of warning for their followers both genuine and blow-in - remember the value of the underdog tag. As I see it the game will be all about pace and tempo. The way Leinster dogged out a result in Harlequins was very impressive - and disproved all the Ladyboy stuff once again. But they wont beat Munster in a war of attrition. Munster are too good at that. But Leinster need to have a go.
It's not as if they're short on attacking talent. Look at that backline and all those Lions. With all that ability, it's almost criminal to ask Leinster backs to spend their day just kicking, chasing and tackling. They need to produce some of the old magic. This will be a close game in all likelihood, probably decided by something special. Why shouldn't it come from Leinster?
While Leinster back themselves to go toe-to-toe with Munster, I hope they also back their game-breakers and give them a chance. Even if it doesnt work out at least they'll know they had a cut. That way, they can give their supporters something of which to be proud.
As for the Lunsters, I just wish someone with style and talent would design you a special jersey for the occasion, half-red and half-blue. Then whenever the television cameras alight, you could turn to one side and shout for whoever is winning.
One the first page here alone of 'General Discussion' there are 8 soccer threads, would it not be better to create a new section 'Soccer Discussion' section so that people will know where to go when they want to talk about soccer as there clearly is a demand to discussing it on the board. I assume the soccer boys would support this?

Mods, any chance of you could create this section?
General discussion / Overtime - is there anypoint?
March 29, 2009, 08:57:13 PM
I have been working over-time this weekend as somebody is required to work every weekend so I do sa few a year and just use the money to boy some new gadget i will never use or for a rugby weekend away but now i am wondering is there any point in working over time. I will be looking to come out with 50% of my over-time payment after the new tax rates come in from April 7th - i am begining to think is it worth the effort working harder so that unmarried mother, long-term un-employed, over paid civil servents, over paid politicians stc can live it up.

Does anyone else feel like this, like some of the groups above never have and never with contibute anything decent o Irish society and I am being asked to work longer for less money to fund all this....
General discussion / Pat Kenny..... Gone......
March 27, 2009, 10:42:46 PM
Just announced...
In work today and there was nothing but rugby being discussed, Ireland are the grand slam champions and there is a possibility of an All Ireland Heino Cup Semi Final taking place in Croker in front of 83k Irish people. The game on Saturday has and average audience of 945k and peaked at 1.2m viewers.

Is there a possibility that Rugby will take over like soccer did in the 1990's and challenge soccer and GAA for the number 1 or 2 slot in Irish sport? What do people think?
If there was a counter demonstration organised against the striking public/civil servents who are going to strike over pay knowing the affect it will have on the private sector workers / businesses, would you march against them and in support of cuts? Of course this would be on a non working day (Saturday or Sunday)!

General discussion / Battlestar Galactica
January 19, 2009, 02:33:32 PM
Does anyone watch this? One of the best shows ever if you ask me?

Season 4.5 started back in the US on Friday, it was a great episode! ( I wont say anything incase people are waiting for SKY to show it tomorrow)
Will somebody report 'davidlqw'  and have it deleted as if somebody opened it in work and the wrong person was about they could get into alot of trouble...
General discussion / Peoples Accents
January 13, 2009, 12:55:30 PM
I was driving home around 11.30 lastnight and got listening to some chat show where they said people were put down because they had a Dublin accent. I have never been looked down upon for having it but from what I got from the radio was that people were getting confused between a Dublin accent and an 'uneducated' accent. I have a Dublin accent but would pronounce my words etc but to some of these people on the show I would be classed 'posh' or 'fake' when infact I consider myself as the one with the Dublin accent, alot of these people cannot even say the word 'No' correctly are not looked down upon because of their accent but rather their lack of basic understanding of the English language. An accent is a sound and not the difference between saying 'Nowww' and 'No'! this debate got fairly heated but i missed the end as i was home by that time.

But I would look at this too all counties, I think it is clear as day who can speak English and who cannot but the actual accent has nothing to do with it. What do you boys think?
GAA Discussion / Dublin v Tyrone BOYCOTT
December 31, 2008, 02:40:33 PM
I know this thread is a bit wasted on this board as there is only about 4 Dublin fans (and hhn of course who lives in Meath but has links to Dublin  ;)  )  that post on this board BUT I know about 32 - 38 people from the club and just friends that would normally go to the game planning on not going to the game as they are just sick of the way the GAA treat Dublin fans.

I'm fairly shocked by the number that plan on not going to the game and we now want to spread the world to Dublin fans and if the Nordies want to come out in solidarity to boycott this money grabbing game by the GAA.

Spread the word.....Support the Boycott
General discussion / One-year freeze on drink prices
December 01, 2008, 01:16:08 PM
QuoteOne-year freeze on drink prices
Monday, 1 December 2008 12:50
Publicans have announced a one-year freeze on drink prices with immediate effect.

The announcement was made by the Licensed Vintners Association and the Vintners' Federation of Ireland.

Publicans say they have already absorbed the VAT increase which came into effect today and deny the price freeze is just a publicity stunt.

AdvertisementThe two organisations said 2009 is going to be a challenging year for the drinks industry and the move was made to provide value for money to customers at a difficult time.

The VFI represents 5,000 publicans outside Dublin while the LVA represents 700 publicans in Dublin.

I think this is too little too late, I think people have seperated from the pub mentality and a price freeze certainly aint gonna get people back drinking in local pubs as the general belief is that drink is too expensive at the moment so i fail to see what a freeze is going to do.
This follows on froma thread that has been locked due to certain posters going way off point and then not even reading posts and just talking shite BUT his holiness nb  feels he did not get to respond to a post i made (EVEN THO HE DID RESPOND) so i this is a new thread on this completely different issue that his holiness nb can respond AGAIN or do whatever he wants.

Please note I will not unlock the other thread as certain posters were just ruining it and turning it into the normal political shit fight because they do not want to read a certain part of history!
Quote from: Tankie on November 14, 2008, 01:55:42 PM

I dont think its a new bread of anything, you choose to forget these men that fought for Ireland. And no matter haw many ways you go around it I never supported Britain in any arguement here.

You and that other Republican probably think all the IRA murders were justified  Roll Eyes

Quote from: his holiness nb
Thanks for proving my point!

As you can see his holiness nb  did respond but feel free to air your feeling now his holiness nb - also try keep it to fact and to the subject!
General discussion / The Irish Poppy
November 12, 2008, 07:44:30 PM
Did anyone see nationwide tonight on WWI? Well on it lads were wearing an Irish Poppy, it was the red poppy with a shamrock in it, apparently this is wat goes on around the world, the Canadians were one with a maple in ith and the Aussies wear it to for their soldiers.

This does not seem like a bad idea at all as a way of remembering these brave men!
General discussion / And the Red Poppies Dance
November 11, 2008, 10:42:33 PM
anyone watching this? for the basis of some of the discussions on this board I think people should.

I'm finding this really interesting!
General discussion / Ireland Rugby Ticket Prices
October 28, 2008, 07:44:06 PM
Does anyone think the price of Ireland Rugby internations is getting a bit expensive, €85 for each game next month and the club sticking €20 or so onto the price of each ticket for development. Now I must say i am greatful to have the opertunity to purchase Ireland tickets but it is an expensive day out, its around €200 for the two games next month. Now i do realise that the IRFU must fund a professional game in this country and that cost money....

Anyone else heading next month or what do they think about the pricing stucture?
General discussion / US Tennis
September 07, 2008, 10:36:36 PM
Is tehre another thread on this?couldnt find it.

But regardless, is anyone watching the Nadal v Murray match on sky at the moment? its great stuff!
General discussion / Lazy Culchies
August 26, 2008, 09:54:37 AM
Quote5.3m days lost to absenteeism: report
Tuesday, 26 August 2008 09:18
A total of 5.3m days were lost to small businesses in the last year through absenteeism, according to a report published by the Small Firms Association.

The national average for absenteeism is eight days a year, but in contact or call centres, where employees miss the most days of any sector, this rises to 14 days.

'Taking a sickie' is expensive for business, the report finds. The cost to small companies of all of those missed days amounts to almost €800m in sick pay schemes alone and does not include things like replacing staff, others' overtime, or medical referrals.

AdvertisementThe SFA's study found that companies with fewer than 50 employees have a much better attendance record than bigger firms. Employees at small firms miss six days a year, while those at bigger firms miss ten days on average.

Back pain, back injury and stress are the three most common problems recorded on medical certificates.

Workers in Cork have the worst attendance record in the country at almost five sick days, closely followed by the southeast, the west, and Co Wicklow.

Employees at Dublin-based firms take sick days the least often at three days a year.

I've said it for years, lazy culchies! looks like its upto the dubs to keep the economy going!
GAA Discussion / Aidan O'Mahony = Pathetic
August 24, 2008, 05:21:53 PM
This guys deserves to be bannedfor destroying a mans game! i think the Kerry boys are watching too much soccer!
Does anyone else think that amount of money spent on very avages athletes(on a world stage) is justified. whe you consider the moaning that the public gave about tax breaks for GAA players. I really feel alot of money is wastes here and could be spent on other sports!
General discussion / Donna & Joe McCaul
August 13, 2008, 11:01:27 AM
Does anyone else get the creeps when you see these two on tv? It just seems weird, one of the lads was telling me he was crying lastweek because his sister was crying - Are this pair for real? I still cant get over the two of them singing a love song in the Eurovision while staring into each others eyes!