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Messages - The Guru

General discussion / Re: The OFFICIAL Liverpool FC thread
February 07, 2011, 11:45:12 AM
Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on February 07, 2011, 10:06:17 AM
Quote from: deiseach on February 06, 2011, 08:09:07 PM
Quote from: deiseach on October 05, 2010, 12:33:47 PM
Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on October 05, 2010, 12:25:29 PM
True deiseach, at least there is a small gap between the RBS thing and the derby game.  COuld be a very interesting 10 days or so.  I still want the manager out, preferably before the derby.  Could you imagine the buzz if Daglish was appointed as a temporoary manager in the build up to the derby?? The place would go mental!  I am not getting carried away with the romance of it all though, I actually think that the King would unify things for the short term until a long term manager was found.

You are getting carried away with the romance of it all

Thank God for people getting carried away with the romance of it all ;D

;D  If only it had happened then, just imagine where they would be now!

What can you say about that performance?  The goal sums up the whole approach about the club under Kenny.  17 passes from back to front without Chelsea touching it, kinda like the old Liverpool. There are still areas for improvement but 4 clean sheets, 4 wins and a feeling of unity around the place.

I think it was a very clever move by Kenny not playing Suarez, nearly like a thumbing of the nose to Chelsea saying we can win without Torres and we don't need our big money players to do it, also a clear sign to the media that RH was not up to the job.  The same players, without the former main striker, beat the champions.  Imagine the state they would have been under RH.  4th is possible but very difficult, but if anyone can perform miracles Kenny is the man!!!

Walk On!!!!

4 clean sheets, 4 wins and a feeling of unity around the place...f**kin great!! go on the king!!

great post, to add injury to insult, christian pulson was also allowed on the pitch! the king really is bringing out the best in all the players at liverpool, and he's not afraid to t**ker with the formations which is good!

think the next 2 games in the league against Wigan and West Ham will be perfect for Suarez. 2 struggling teams that will have to go for it if we can score early on leaving lots of space for him. He made some good runs and his plenty of pace to run at defences so hopefully we'll see some more goals from him against these two teams that have very poor defensive records this season.
Quote from: Geoff Tipps on October 18, 2010, 11:11:50 AM
Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on October 18, 2010, 10:56:52 AM
Quote from: supersarsfields on October 18, 2010, 10:53:27 AM
I'd have to agree BCB. Hodson just seems clueless. All the gurning about the squad he's inheriated. As you say it's the same squad as last year bar the new signings that he made himself. So if he has them in this position I think we need a big change to try and pull us out of things.
I've always been a fan of MoN. Would love to see him get a chance with Liverpool. Mostly because you need to be in the CL to get the best players in. So without that lure I think we'll struggle to get big names signed. But I believe MoN is one of the top managers at getting the best out of the players he has. 

Another option is Manuel Pelligrini.  Currently clubless and has years of experience at top Spanish clubs.  My only concern about him would be if he is strong enough to deal with the player power that is so evident?

Yeah he's probably the best clubless manager out there. We definitely need a strong personality to deal with the prima donnas in the squad.
My ideal replacement would be Hiddink but he's tied up with the Turks at the moment.
Getting back to Roy he's looked out of his depth since he came here. Getting away from performances on the pitch, his attitude stinks. From not laying into his good friend Fergie for calling Torres a cheat to referring to the Carling cup team as a B team. He seems to put his foot in it everytime he opens his mouth.

Good call, would love to see Hiddink in there with Liverpool - experienced manager and he would make good signings.

Pelligrini wouldn't be a bad shout either, he didn't do that badly with Real Madrid, plus there he gained a bit of experience on how to get an overhauled team playing togeather (almost).

Def agree that King Kenny needs to have a bigger role in the club, could see him take over the managers job temporarily at least in the very near future.

Hodgons needs to go, and he can take Konchecky and Poulson with him - 3 men just not up to LFC standard
Quote from: Shamrock Shore on October 13, 2010, 01:00:25 PM
Excuse my ignorance here but why doesn't Liverpool have few more local scallies in the squad? Gerrard and Carragher are a poor return for a city that claims to eat, drink and crap football. Why do managers insist on buying foreign donkeys costing millions instead of the club investing the millions in a local youth setup and encouraging young lads to drop the WII/Playstation/Hard drugs and play soccer?

Or am I being naïve here?

To be fair Liverpool are now investing quite a lot in their youth set up. It is true Liverpool supporters would love to see more home grown talent though, Stephen Kelly looks like he could make the step up to play for Liverpool on a regular basis in the near future, and Stephen Darby and Jay Spearing also from Liverpool aren't too far away either.

Liverpool also have a lot of exciting players in the youth set up not from the city such as Amoo, Ince, and Sterling, and they have a couple of very promising young Spanish players in Suso and Pacheco.
Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on October 13, 2010, 12:00:46 PM
Quote from: The Guru on October 13, 2010, 11:45:08 AM
Club could now be sold to either NESV or Peter Lim according to 'This is Anfield' twitter

I don't think it can as the nature of today's judgement is simply ratifying the legality of the Board at the time of the decision to sell to NESV so that deal, in my reading of it, is still vaild and therefore cannot be broken.  In any event, I don't see them back tracking anyway.  Also the Court has refused leave to appeal unless the tramps can provide additional evidence to the court which was not previously available, therefore they're gone.  The Board meeting tonight will be, I presume, to ratify the deal and confrim NESV as the new owners.  Merseyside will be completely run over with drunken scallys tonight, well more run over than normal :P

The new owners have said that the manager will be the one to bring the club forward at the minute.  I reckon that he will get a few games and then this will be reassessed. 

Saw all that stuff Geoff and in all honesty they look like they know what they are all about.  They value the traditions of the clubs and also appreciate that it must be commercially viable.  I would love to imagine that Anfield could be re-developed to a 60k stadium, possibly even re branded with a corporate giving money simialr to the Aviva deal, while still keeping the Anfield side to it.

That was the impression I was originally under as well, however on Sky Sports website Broughton has confirmed that there is no guarantee that NESV will be successful in their efforts, with the Liverpool board yet to sit down and discuss the latest developments, i.e. the new bid from Lim.

Will be very interesting to see what comes of this, as Lim has apparently promised 40m to be made available to the manager in January.

Bring Rafa back!!!
Club could now be sold to either NESV or Peter Lim according to 'This is Anfield' twitter