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Messages - GGEEdub

No shame in my game  ;D

I'm based in Europe the past few years, and involved with a club here. Just interested in seeing what the appetite is like for these trips for club teams rather than counties.

Since covid, European clubs are being pushed out of facilities by soccer/rugby teams. We need more activity, training camps, challenge matches etc.
Ah interesting! Do you know which one they're going to? I presume it's somewhere in Spain or Portugal.

Looks like Portugal is the top spot from what I can see online.

What about Club teams?

Has anyone ever heard of a club team going on one of these warm-weather training camps? Probably impossible with the associated costs...

I always remember enjoying the team bonding trips up and down the country as a young player.
GAA Discussion / The Football Review Survey
April 10, 2024, 10:25:54 AM
Jim Gavins Gaelic Football review committee has released the survey to start their project. It's open to the public

Link to the survey here

Not sure how I feel about the survey, but I suppose with Jim Gavin behind the wheel, it's nearly guaranteed to produce box-office results.

Make long-range points worth 2 points?  :P
These trips work best for adult teams because there aren't many youth teams around on the continent. We're starting to see lots of teams travel to Europe for the stags/hen trips, so they'd likely be planning a trip abroad anyway.

The cost is a big thing to think about, but that's also what makes this a great opportunity. The local clubs in any European city will know where to find the best deals because they've set up there. So the typical Irish tourist bartering carry-on for the best price for a group dinner would already be done. The hosting European club would Ideally, make it far cheaper for them, then if they were to go about organising a trip themselves.

Of course, this would not help with the really expensive components, like flights and accommodation.

The paltry crowds as you mention are indeed quite disheartening, maybe the GAA needs an injection of something new, an international outlet might give members something new to look forward to once or twice a year.

What do people think about international trips for GAA teams?

GAA in Europe has shot up over the last 5 years, there are over 100 clubs all over Europe now. There seems to be huge potential in team bonding trips overseas, as you'd see in soccer, rugby, hockey etc... I'm not talking about County teams going away for warm-weather training camps now, I'm talking about trips for casual football, Hurling/Camogie tournaments. I see lots of G4MO teams going on trips to France and Spain lately.

(I'm a member of a European GAA club FYI)

Would such a trip be a good idea or does this have no place in the GAA?
If you're a player/coach/parent would you support a trip?