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Messages - From the Bunker

Quote from: GalwayBayBoy on June 29, 2013, 09:41:01 PM
Quote from: Rossfan on June 29, 2013, 09:15:34 PM
Quote from: laoislad on June 29, 2013, 08:59:41 PM
Quote from: Rossfan on June 29, 2013, 08:54:56 PM
Canning (Ger) and RTÉ wettin themselves with excitement over the Dublin result.
And why shouldn't they?
It's a great result for hurling and Dublin.
Somehow I doubt they'd be so excited if say Limerick or Galway had beaten the Cats. ;)

Definitely not but Galway for example have beaten Kilkenny quite a few times under Cody. This was Dublin's first win over them in championship for donkey's years.

The hype will take off now though.

Ah no harm! Sure the same happened with Galway last year when they beat Kilkenny in the Leinster Final. Sure it can only be expected when a team that won everything gets beaten. A Novel Leinster Final, Either winner will be making history!
Quote from: Rossfan on June 29, 2013, 08:45:54 PM
Sh1te football saved by the closeness of the contest and the intensity of lads in the last 10 minutes.
I wonder will the GAA admit ( at least to themselves in private) that there is a refereeing crisis.
Marty had a shocker to say the least.

Oh there is, that's for sure. Players know how to play referees anymore. Being honest once a referee is appointed to a game. The backroom teams of the teams involved analyse what you will and won't get away with from the said referee. If you don't think this is done then you are back in the 1970's with Pat Spillane.

As for the quality of Referees, many have not played the game. Many are 'old' and not fit to keep up with play. They have a poor support structure. Linesmen, Umpires and 4th Officials seem detached from the game.
Quote from: Syferus on June 29, 2013, 08:41:40 PM
The Duffster had decided Monaghan had that game won before the final whistle.

Good observation. Yeah, was thinking that myself. Seemed afraid for any other result.
Quote from: David McKeown on June 29, 2013, 08:37:43 PM
Quote from: All of a Sludden on June 29, 2013, 08:32:30 PM
What part of Monaghan is Marty Duffy from?

Just thinking that, he was terrible today.

I see striking is now a yellow card offence

Was not in the Galway/Mayo game refereed by the same Mr Duffy. But sure Ulster football is tougher (That is not a dig at Ulster Football, more so refereeing).
Quote from: seafoid on June 29, 2013, 08:34:43 PM
Galway win a fuball qualifier. Unprecedented.

Not since 2004 anyway! This is the year!  ;)
Quote from: T Fearon on June 29, 2013, 02:17:32 PM
I'm not begrudging anybody anything.What about others of the same era,like the wives of drunken husbands etc? Were they not slaves and abused? What about catholic nationalists in the North,denied houses,jobs etc,in this same era? My point is,in Ireland and indeed everywhere else,there was much less scrutiny and emphasis on human and civil rights than there is today,so is it fair that one group should be singled out for compensation,and if not,where is all this going to end?

You see that's the great thing about compensation. It makes the people who pay the piper more concerned in the future that this will not happen again. If you take compensation out of the equation you leave allot of people vulnerable and the culprits without reprimand. 

Look in the scheme of things this is a small group of people getting smaller each year (because they are departing this life from old age) the compensation has a timeline and will cost the state less and less each year. The sad thing for many is this has come too late.
Quote from: Lar Naparka on June 29, 2013, 12:57:27 PM
Quote from: The Boy Wonder on June 28, 2013, 09:55:31 PM
Quote from: mylestheslasher on June 28, 2013, 09:33:30 PM
I don't know anything about Hysel but Tony your opinion on the Magdelene laundry is disgusting. You should hang your head in shame.

Just read back through TF's posts - what is the opinion you consider disgusting Myles ?

In my opinion the Govt should by all means give special pensions to the ladies that spent time in these laundries in recognition of the fact that the state did not have the social services back then to properly provide for such people and as a consequence these women were exploited. Big lump sum payments are ridiculous. Would you pay 1950s/1960s emigrants lump sums becuase they could not stay at home and claim the equivalent of today's SW entitlements ?
What state entitlements?
The state and the church didn't pay a cent towards the running of those institutions. It was up to the holy nuns to make them pay and this they sure did.
Magdalene laundries used slave labour so didn't have ages to pay and were able to undercut every other laundry in the area. Much of the land and property the nuns own today were bought out of the profits made by those laundries. I think it's only fair that they be forced to make restitution.
Government departments and state agencies saved millions by using those laundries and the state cannot renege on its responsibilities and refuse to pay the survivors they money they should have earned for their work.
There were no equivalent SW entitlements for any of the 1950s/60s emigrants. (or 70s/80s ones either)
Those women served life sentences in those slave labour camps unless some family member or someone of good standing in their neighbourhood were prepared to vouch for them.
Those who were "lucky" enough to be let out had no choice but emigrate. The state paid them nothing and their families and neighbours shunned them so they had to go to England in order to survive.
So a girl sent to a Magdalene laundry could never leave again or would be forced to leave the country if someone offered to take her out.
Ireland may have been a Catholic country but it certainly wasn't a Christian one.

Quote from: on June 29, 2013, 11:58:21 AM
Quote from: Maguire01 on June 29, 2013, 08:14:39 AM
Quote from: T Fearon on June 29, 2013, 12:38:22 AM
I'm saying if they should be compensated,so should other groupings who suffered,but I'm not in favour of my taxes used to compensate anyone for wrongdoing which happened before my time
I'd rather the religious institutions paid for it myself.


Sale of land and churches. They could also transfer schools directly to the state. Brothers, priests, nuns etc. could remain in their posts and receive a salary from the government, many are good educators and there is no need to lose their services.

The thing is, these women (Slaves) saved the state allot of money. Many of the semi-state and state institutions used their services. There was also money saved on Social Welfare, etc. These savings although not in our time can filter down in education, infrastructure and other savings that we now use or benefited from.

Other reasons include they should get compensation;

Their Children being kidnapped from them.

Their Children being sold belonging to them.

Many suffered serious beatings and many died hidden in unmarked graves from such abuse.

The Mental and psychological abuse on these women could not be imagined, many who got out could not form relationships or have a normal sex life.

Many in such a vulnerable place were sexually taken advantage of .

Lack of a decent diet meant that many suffer serious health problems in their later life.

Being held against their own will (in a hard labour prison) despite not breaking the law.

Being held under false pretenses (many had never even pregnant or near a man).

Losing their identity when they entered (losing their name, cropping their hair and loss of civilian clothes).

Being subject to serious working hours (which resulted in vacuous veins, permanent burn marks, premature aging, etc)

Many who got out, found themselves detached from society and unable to fit in.

Being in such an oppressive environment would see a curtailment of personality development.[/li][/list]

Quote from: rodney trotter on June 27, 2013, 08:21:51 PM
Quote from: IolarCoisCuain on June 27, 2013, 08:13:42 PM
Quote from: From the Bunker on May 14, 2013, 11:12:34 AM
Quote from: Jinxy on May 14, 2013, 10:15:42 AM
Quote from: From the Bunker on May 14, 2013, 09:42:53 AM
Quote from: Hardy on May 14, 2013, 09:32:42 AM
Why is this race-based distinction fostered in Aussie Rules?

It's probably the only way to engineer interest in the series in Australia.

Never mind Australia.
They could send a team of kangaroos wearing those hats with the corks on them and I still wouldn't pay to watch this muck.



Bet when it comes to October ye will still watch it regardless :)

It's only once a year (every second year now), the best players in Ireland playing together, don't know how ye are so against it.. The last few series have been trouble free..

May take a peak on TV, but I won't be paying to see that muck. As for the best Players - Gooch never plays in the series?
Actually, Now I know why. It's the sponsor. Talk about subliminal thinking.

Don't like the new Irish Jersey! Don't know why?

Leinster SFC semi-finals

Dublin v Kildare
Meath v Wexford

Connacht SFC semi-final replay

London v Leitrim

Ulster SFC semi-final

Monaghan v Cavan

All-Ireland SFC Qualifiers Round 1

Armagh v Wicklow
Derry v Sligo
Longford v Limerick
Galway v Tipperary
Offaly v Tyrone
Louth v Antrim
Westmeath v Fermanagh
Carlow v Laois


Yeah, the big banana skin for Donegal was Tyrone in the first match. There is a fair bit of football to be played until the end of September (if Donegal are there?). And it's all about peaking towards the end of the season. The game on Sunday was a bigger game for Down than Donegal, Down (at the moment) are not looking at an AI title, more so a big scalp to build confidence in the squad. Donegal on the other hand are looking to having players right for August.

On Donegal not needing all their players. McFadden makes them tick. Murphy is the Captain and Poster boy, but without McFadden Donegal would be in serious trouble. How he did not get player of the year last year is beyond me!
Quote from: lenny on June 24, 2013, 06:11:46 PM
I'm a neutral fan and have no real love for Down but i thought the ref had a shocker yesterday. He gave Donegal some really soft frees early to get them settled and also Down had to work really hard for their frees. Also Donegal will struggle with the same gameplan next year. All their cynical fouls around the midfield area will result in black cards and they will soon run out of players. Having said that Down were fairly cynical on a few occasions also.
Agree with the above statement, but that is no fault of Donegal. Referee had a shocker. His consistency was terrible. I had to turn over from RTE coverage With Martin Carney to the BBC with Oisin. Martin ( a Donegal man) naturally papered over the cracks of the referees performance where as Oisin called it as it was! Anyway Donegal were still the better team. They controlled things (even the referee).