McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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When I say he would have seen it coming, I mean he would have seen the tide turning and the end coming. Never and I will continue to say this, should he have expected or gotten the abuse he did.


Then amend your posts above Reillers- its called the modify button. Not even if Mc Carthy threatened to pick himself at 62 years of age to play for Cork , would that justify being threatened the way he has. nothing does. We've policemen being assassinated up North yet we're allowing this sort of carry-on in our association.  Gone beyond sport I'll never shout for a Cork team ever again after this, not even if one of my relations was playing. Cork Gaa collectively should hang its head in shame tonight, they have sullied the association by allowing it to get to this stage. Bud is dead right, they should be fecked out.


Quote from: EddieMerx on March 10, 2009, 11:02:53 PM
Perhaps a march should be organised where the rest of the honest GAA fans of the country demand Cork removed from the Championship. I know I won't attend any GAA game as I will not hand good money over to an organisation which lets these things happen with no consequences.

Eddie if you had been on the march last Sunday, you'd have got in for nothing - the marchers stormed the turnstiles saying that they weren't giving their "money to those bastards in the CB" ( I believe Sully is ther chairman of the said CB ).

The strikers are demanding that admission will be free for all supporters who backed the 2008 panel. Those who followed the 2009 panel will have to pay double.


Quote from: Croí na hÉireann on March 10, 2009, 10:51:13 PM
Quote from: EddieMerx on March 10, 2009, 10:27:22 PM
Quote from: Bud Wiser on March 10, 2009, 10:24:35 PM
I have said many times on this thread that the GAA HQ should suspend the whole lot of them.  The GAA must now decide whether it is right or wrong to remove a manager by physical threats to his wife and family and they must do the right thing.  There needs to be a complete cooling off period anyway so a two year ban for Cork Senior Hurling at inter-county level should be the content of a letter from Mr Nicky tomorrow morning.  Cork GAA, regardless of who is right or who is wrong are an absolute disgrace to the association, all of them, 2008 panel and supporters.  How far more into disrepute can you drag the GAA more than having the main evening news reporting that Mr McCarthy's wife and his gfamily were threathened with physical violence??   It is not Adidas stripes these boys should be wearing but prison stripes.  I hope o2 and Adidas are proud of what they are sponsoring now.


An absolute f**king disgrace down there, from start to finish (whenever that will be). Now yous know why the rest of the country regards ye as ignorant bilergant hoors. The CCB are were the biggest culprits for putting Gerald McCarthy in that position, McCarthy was a fool to take the position when the 08 panel said they wouldn't play for him (any right thinking individual would have told them to go f**k themselves & not take the job as they didn't need the hassle) and the 08 panel are some shower for not even engaging in face to face talks. However the biggest shame has just been publicised with the death threats and physical violence made against McCarthy by some thugs. I have not aware of any such rubbish happening in the GAA before and it blackens all of us. I hope Cork and their thugs of supporters get hockeyed out the gate in any match, football or hurling, they take to the field this year. I would wholly endorse Budweisers suggestion to ban them from all competitions, at least for this year. This is the GAA, not some LOI thugfest (fully expect to see Dublinfella wading in tomorrow). An utterly shameful episode for all involved.
+3, and add in bingobus's earlier post too.

Absolutely disgusting stuff, and to see the players' parrot on here trying to justify that treatment is disgusting, bit rich talking about getting abuse in these virtual places, when much more real and sinister abuse was been dished out in person, or by other means, by your fellow travellers. I highlighted the above sentence to agree, but I would hardly leave it at just this year though, hopefully Kerry and Kilkenny will inflict the beating and show no mercy whatsoever.


Just saw the news there with Gerald walking away past the cameras.
It sickens me that he's been put in this position it does.

I mightn't have agreed with him taking and keeping the job but he doesn't deserve the treatement he got.
Do I think he put himself knowingly in the position to get some negativity and such, yes. But the death threats and such, no and I really resent the fact that people think I did.

What annoys me more is that the CB just sat back and not only let it happen, but knew it would happen.
He wasn't put in this position because of his managerial skill, he was used all along, it wasn't right. And what's so sad in all of that is I don't know if Gerald actually genuinely knew that.
The Cb used him as a shield, they used him to get back at the players, to get rid of the senior panel who have caused them grief in the past.
And if I'm honest the players and clubs have used him as a battering ram, he shouldn't have been made manager again, but the problem from the start was always the CB, Fm to be precise. It's just a pity that Gerald was sacrificed along the way. I've no doubt Om and co will react like someone lit their ass on fire, but this is, and I've said it constantly the way I have felt all along.

I'm too tired to argue anymore. I've had enough of this petiness. I'm saddened to see how few genuine people were on here. All they wanted at the end of the day was whinge about the players.
There was always something. Now I have all the time in the world for people, genuine peope like Realrebel, AzOffaly..etc who have genuinely posted their views on this.
I'm too tired to argue with people who will go through everyone who has had something good to say about the players: The fans, the clubs, the press, and blatant unproved criticism of the players, out of line comments about their personal lives, about their finances, and such. None of which was backed up or justified. People  blaming everyone, everyone has a hidden agenda, everyone who backed the players got zero respect from people on here. I have been criticised by the bulk over and over again for things that ye are no better at then me. Call me what ye want, but I have always, even if it was a minorty view on here, wanted what was best for Cork GAA. Ye though, not one of ye came off yere high horse, not one of ye showed genuine happiness that the clubs had finally took a stand, no it was more whinging.
It was always someone else who was totally wrong. The journos, only said what they said to get biographies out of it, apparently the have no integrity or will to do their job. The fans, one day the are the word when only 5000 showed up, then when it becomes convienent a few days later they are no better then soccer fans.
The clubs, well they were right untill they went against the players, democracy at work. Oh but then when they genuinely look for democracy they are branded for looking for mob rule.
And one of the most unsavoury characters you'll ever meet in FM, is suddenly a 65 year old OAP who doesn't deserve to be villified. 
Ye look for everyone and anyone to disrespect just so ye can get yere oppinion across and criticize and bitch about the players.

I've no doubt again that all ye will do is nit pick the post, criticise me, the way the post is phrased, the way it's worded and such, that I've repeated myself 100 times, everything and anything instead of looking at the content.


Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 11:54:37 PM
Just saw the news there with Gerald walking away past the cameras.
It sickens me that he's been put in this position it does.

I mightn't have agreed with him taking and keeping the job but he doesn't deserve the treatement he got.
Do I think he put himself knowingly in the position to get some negativity and such, yes. But the death threats and such, no and I really resent the fact that people think I did.

What annoys me more is that the CB just sat back and not only let it happen, but knew it would happen.

He wasn't put in this position because of his managerial skill, he was used all along, it wasn't right. And what's so sad in all of that is I don't know if Gerald actually genuinely knew that.
The Cb used him as a shield, they used him to get back at the players, to get rid of the senior panel who have caused them grief in the past.
And if I'm honest the players and clubs have used him as a battering ram, he shouldn't have been made manager again, but the problem from the start was always the CB, Fm to be precise. It's just a pity that Gerald was sacrificed along the way. I've no doubt Om and co will react like someone lit their ass on fire, but this is, and I've said it constantly the way I have felt all along.

I'm too tired to argue anymore. I've had enough of this petiness. I'm saddened to see how few genuine people were on here. All they wanted at the end of the day was whinge about the players.
There was always something. Now I have all the time in the world for people, genuine peope like Realrebel, AzOffaly..etc who have genuinely posted their views on this.
I'm too tired to argue with people who will go through everyone who has had something good to say about the players: The fans, the clubs, the press, and blatant unproved criticism of the players, out of line comments about their personal lives, about their finances, and such. None of which was backed up or justified. People  blaming everyone, everyone has a hidden agenda, everyone who backed the players got zero respect from people on here. I have been criticised by the bulk over and over again for things that ye are no better at then me. Call me what ye want, but I have always, even if it was a minorty view on here, wanted what was best for Cork GAA. Ye though, not one of ye came off yere high horse, not one of ye showed genuine happiness that the clubs had finally took a stand, no it was more whinging.
It was always someone else who was totally wrong. The journos, only said what they said to get biographies out of it, apparently the have no integrity or will to do their job. The fans, one day the are the word when only 5000 showed up, then when it becomes convienent a few days later they are no better then soccer fans.
The clubs, well they were right untill they went against the players, democracy at work. Oh but then when they genuinely look for democracy they are branded for looking for mob rule.
And one of the most unsavoury characters you'll ever meet in FM, is suddenly a 65 year old OAP who doesn't deserve to be villified. 
Ye look for everyone and anyone to disrespect just so ye can get yere oppinion across and criticize and bitch about the players.

I've no doubt again that all ye will do is nit pick the post, criticise me, the way the post is phrased, the way it's worded and such, that I've repeated myself 100 times, everything and anything instead of looking at the content.

Sums you and whoever you're on this board on behalf of - the death threats are the county board's fault!


Quote from: dowling on March 11, 2009, 12:36:05 AM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 11:54:37 PM
Just saw the news there with Gerald walking away past the cameras.
It sickens me that he's been put in this position it does.

I mightn't have agreed with him taking and keeping the job but he doesn't deserve the treatement he got.
Do I think he put himself knowingly in the position to get some negativity and such, yes. But the death threats and such, no and I really resent the fact that people think I did.

What annoys me more is that the CB just sat back and not only let it happen, but knew it would happen.

He wasn't put in this position because of his managerial skill, he was used all along, it wasn't right. And what's so sad in all of that is I don't know if Gerald actually genuinely knew that.
The Cb used him as a shield, they used him to get back at the players, to get rid of the senior panel who have caused them grief in the past.
And if I'm honest the players and clubs have used him as a battering ram, he shouldn't have been made manager again, but the problem from the start was always the CB, Fm to be precise. It's just a pity that Gerald was sacrificed along the way. I've no doubt Om and co will react like someone lit their ass on fire, but this is, and I've said it constantly the way I have felt all along.

I'm too tired to argue anymore. I've had enough of this petiness. I'm saddened to see how few genuine people were on here. All they wanted at the end of the day was whinge about the players.
There was always something. Now I have all the time in the world for people, genuine peope like Realrebel, AzOffaly..etc who have genuinely posted their views on this.
I'm too tired to argue with people who will go through everyone who has had something good to say about the players: The fans, the clubs, the press, and blatant unproved criticism of the players, out of line comments about their personal lives, about their finances, and such. None of which was backed up or justified. People  blaming everyone, everyone has a hidden agenda, everyone who backed the players got zero respect from people on here. I have been criticised by the bulk over and over again for things that ye are no better at then me. Call me what ye want, but I have always, even if it was a minorty view on here, wanted what was best for Cork GAA. Ye though, not one of ye came off yere high horse, not one of ye showed genuine happiness that the clubs had finally took a stand, no it was more whinging.
It was always someone else who was totally wrong. The journos, only said what they said to get biographies out of it, apparently the have no integrity or will to do their job. The fans, one day the are the word when only 5000 showed up, then when it becomes convienent a few days later they are no better then soccer fans.
The clubs, well they were right untill they went against the players, democracy at work. Oh but then when they genuinely look for democracy they are branded for looking for mob rule.
And one of the most unsavoury characters you'll ever meet in FM, is suddenly a 65 year old OAP who doesn't deserve to be villified. 
Ye look for everyone and anyone to disrespect just so ye can get yere oppinion across and criticize and bitch about the players.

I've no doubt again that all ye will do is nit pick the post, criticise me, the way the post is phrased, the way it's worded and such, that I've repeated myself 100 times, everything and anything instead of looking at the content.

Sums you and whoever you're on this board on behalf of - the death threats are the county board's fault!

And all you can do is nit pick..and that in a summary sums you up. Are you blind, are you physically blind because that is the only way you could have come to that conclusion.


Bookmakers have suspended betting on the All Ireland.  They know that Cork will be unbeatable now that the 2008 panel can appoint their own favourite manager.   No 4 in a row for Kilkenny after all.  They can be grateful that they won the last few when the great Cork players were let down by their manager. 


Names of the possible new manager are flying around, the CB want one to be appointed by Thursday, the clubs want to hold off.

The favorite seems to be Paul O Connor.
But Donal O Grady has been thrown around as well as has apparently Brian Corcoran which I think would be very unlikely and a bad idea.

And I'm just waiting for the first anti players/clubs/fans/journos..etc to come on and say something about whatever Donal Og and co. wants..just waiting.
I really couldn't care less about those people though, some have proven to be the least genuine gaa supporters I've met in a long time and will say and do just about anything to degrade anyone who backs the players up, be it fans, clubs, journos..etc.

For the genuinely interested those are the names being flown around at the minute.


You going to try to give me more abuse and then accuse me of abusing you Reillers? Am I blind? 'There's none so blind as those who can't see.'
Am I going to get a knock at the door in the dark of night? "Watch it boyo, you wouldn't like what might happen to you."

For some reason Reillers you seem to be putting a lot of effort into trying to undermine me and abusing me. Considering what has happened to Gerald I suppose I'm getting off light.

Where's all the pro posters saying , "it wasn't meant to be like this", or this is what the the clubs wanted, this is democracy at work?
Or just like you Reillers, the county board knew this was coming.

What was that about 'mob rule'?


Quote from: Reillers on March 11, 2009, 12:37:03 AM
Quote from: dowling on March 11, 2009, 12:36:05 AM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 11:54:37 PM
Just saw the news there with Gerald walking away past the cameras.
It sickens me that he's been put in this position it does.

I mightn't have agreed with him taking and keeping the job but he doesn't deserve the treatement he got.
Do I think he put himself knowingly in the position to get some negativity and such, yes. But the death threats and such, no and I really resent the fact that people think I did.

What annoys me more is that the CB just sat back and not only let it happen, but knew it would happen.

He wasn't put in this position because of his managerial skill, he was used all along, it wasn't right. And what's so sad in all of that is I don't know if Gerald actually genuinely knew that.
The Cb used him as a shield, they used him to get back at the players, to get rid of the senior panel who have caused them grief in the past.
And if I'm honest the players and clubs have used him as a battering ram, he shouldn't have been made manager again, but the problem from the start was always the CB, Fm to be precise. It's just a pity that Gerald was sacrificed along the way. I've no doubt Om and co will react like someone lit their ass on fire, but this is, and I've said it constantly the way I have felt all along.

I'm too tired to argue anymore. I've had enough of this petiness. I'm saddened to see how few genuine people were on here. All they wanted at the end of the day was whinge about the players.
There was always something. Now I have all the time in the world for people, genuine peope like Realrebel, AzOffaly..etc who have genuinely posted their views on this.
I'm too tired to argue with people who will go through everyone who has had something good to say about the players: The fans, the clubs, the press, and blatant unproved criticism of the players, out of line comments about their personal lives, about their finances, and such. None of which was backed up or justified. People  blaming everyone, everyone has a hidden agenda, everyone who backed the players got zero respect from people on here. I have been criticised by the bulk over and over again for things that ye are no better at then me. Call me what ye want, but I have always, even if it was a minorty view on here, wanted what was best for Cork GAA. Ye though, not one of ye came off yere high horse, not one of ye showed genuine happiness that the clubs had finally took a stand, no it was more whinging.
It was always someone else who was totally wrong. The journos, only said what they said to get biographies out of it, apparently the have no integrity or will to do their job. The fans, one day the are the word when only 5000 showed up, then when it becomes convienent a few days later they are no better then soccer fans.
The clubs, well they were right untill they went against the players, democracy at work. Oh but then when they genuinely look for democracy they are branded for looking for mob rule.
And one of the most unsavoury characters you'll ever meet in FM, is suddenly a 65 year old OAP who doesn't deserve to be villified. 
Ye look for everyone and anyone to disrespect just so ye can get yere oppinion across and criticize and bitch about the players.

I've no doubt again that all ye will do is nit pick the post, criticise me, the way the post is phrased, the way it's worded and such, that I've repeated myself 100 times, everything and anything instead of looking at the content.

Sums you and whoever you're on this board on behalf of - the death threats are the county board's fault!

And all you can do is nit pick..and that in a summary sums you up. Are you blind, are you physically blind because that is the only way you could have come to that conclusion.

You're a disgrace Reillers. You practically condoned what those people did to him. it took multiple posts from people to even get a hint of a retraction. Any rational human being could have worked it out in the blink of an eye. You've got the arrogance to come on here and chastise others about insulting post, yet yours were the most insulting of all. It doesn't matter what the outcome is- its a new low for the association.  It doesn't matter what side of the debate you're on, Cork Gaa has disgraced the association and for that they should be f***** out of the association and told to come back when they can conduct their affiars in the proper fashion.
Patsys for clubs, trade union officials for players and an outdated and backward county board, no loss to the association in my view.
Even after tonight you're still throwing out the stock lines. Have you any dignity at all man?


Quote from: INDIANA on March 11, 2009, 12:49:28 AM
Quote from: Reillers on March 11, 2009, 12:37:03 AM
Quote from: dowling on March 11, 2009, 12:36:05 AM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 11:54:37 PM
Just saw the news there with Gerald walking away past the cameras.
It sickens me that he's been put in this position it does.

I mightn't have agreed with him taking and keeping the job but he doesn't deserve the treatement he got.
Do I think he put himself knowingly in the position to get some negativity and such, yes. But the death threats and such, no and I really resent the fact that people think I did.

What annoys me more is that the CB just sat back and not only let it happen, but knew it would happen.

He wasn't put in this position because of his managerial skill, he was used all along, it wasn't right. And what's so sad in all of that is I don't know if Gerald actually genuinely knew that.
The Cb used him as a shield, they used him to get back at the players, to get rid of the senior panel who have caused them grief in the past.
And if I'm honest the players and clubs have used him as a battering ram, he shouldn't have been made manager again, but the problem from the start was always the CB, Fm to be precise. It's just a pity that Gerald was sacrificed along the way. I've no doubt Om and co will react like someone lit their ass on fire, but this is, and I've said it constantly the way I have felt all along.

I'm too tired to argue anymore. I've had enough of this petiness. I'm saddened to see how few genuine people were on here. All they wanted at the end of the day was whinge about the players.
There was always something. Now I have all the time in the world for people, genuine peope like Realrebel, AzOffaly..etc who have genuinely posted their views on this.
I'm too tired to argue with people who will go through everyone who has had something good to say about the players: The fans, the clubs, the press, and blatant unproved criticism of the players, out of line comments about their personal lives, about their finances, and such. None of which was backed up or justified. People  blaming everyone, everyone has a hidden agenda, everyone who backed the players got zero respect from people on here. I have been criticised by the bulk over and over again for things that ye are no better at then me. Call me what ye want, but I have always, even if it was a minorty view on here, wanted what was best for Cork GAA. Ye though, not one of ye came off yere high horse, not one of ye showed genuine happiness that the clubs had finally took a stand, no it was more whinging.
It was always someone else who was totally wrong. The journos, only said what they said to get biographies out of it, apparently the have no integrity or will to do their job. The fans, one day the are the word when only 5000 showed up, then when it becomes convienent a few days later they are no better then soccer fans.
The clubs, well they were right untill they went against the players, democracy at work. Oh but then when they genuinely look for democracy they are branded for looking for mob rule.
And one of the most unsavoury characters you'll ever meet in FM, is suddenly a 65 year old OAP who doesn't deserve to be villified. 
Ye look for everyone and anyone to disrespect just so ye can get yere oppinion across and criticize and bitch about the players.

I've no doubt again that all ye will do is nit pick the post, criticise me, the way the post is phrased, the way it's worded and such, that I've repeated myself 100 times, everything and anything instead of looking at the content.

Sums you and whoever you're on this board on behalf of - the death threats are the county board's fault!

And all you can do is nit pick..and that in a summary sums you up. Are you blind, are you physically blind because that is the only way you could have come to that conclusion.

You're a disgrace Reillers. You practically condoned what those people did to him. it took multiple posts from people to even get a hint of a retraction. Any rational human being could have worked it out in the blink of an eye. You've got the arrogance to come on here and chastise others about insulting post, yet yours were the most insulting of all. It doesn't matter what the outcome is- its a new low for the association.  It doesn't matter what side of the debate you're on, Cork Gaa has disgraced the association and for that they should be f***** out of the association and told to come back when they can conduct their affiars in the proper fashion.
Patsys for clubs, trade union officials for players and an outdated and backward county board, no loss to the association in my view.
Even after tonight you're still throwing out the stock lines. Have you any dignity at all man?

That is the complete opposite to what I did. And I have said that over and over and over again for the last God knows how many posts, but you would be the one who manages to get that out of it.
You basically came to the conclusion of the exact opposite of what I meant. Only you could do that.
Never once have a crticized Gerald the way you disgracefully suggested that I'd do. Ye have had no problem showing me where I was wrong in every single damn post. But when it comes to me showing ye, oh know it's the height of arrogance.
Like I said, the genuine fans are seperated from the ones who just love talking shit about the players and have a guess where you have fallen into. Not one of ye have said ye're happy that this is over, that the clubs got their voice. Not one of ye have shown any sort of genuine reaction except criticise me as per usual and what act in horror to a tiny minority of people apparently threatening Gerald, which yet again, I didn't say, nor do I condon, but ye will do just about anything to lay into the players and ye have shown that post after post. 
And don't talk to me like you're some oh high and mighty poster, ye have shown no respect to anyone, players, clubs, fans, hell even journos, no not an inch, anytime anyone has come out in support of the players they have gotten critized to the hilt by your lot. And ye come on here then and pretend to be horrified when Humphries compares the 09 players to Junior C players at a club. Take a look in the mirror before you criticize me again. 


You have a brassneck Reillers talking about managers. What goes with the job? Free body armour, security guards for the family and a fire extinguisher?
If I was you Reillers I'd get on to the 2008 panel straight away and tell them to get a statement out about death threats.


I can look myself in the eye in the mirror no problem Reillers I doubt very much you're able to. Do I have to repost what you posted or is it short-term memory loss again? Or the yerra  defence perhaps? Don't play the high horse with me Reillers then so. You've long lost the moral high ground at this stage.


Quote from: dowling on March 11, 2009, 12:56:55 AM
You have a brassneck Reillers talking about managers. What goes with the job? Free body armour, security guards for the family and a fire extinguisher?
If I was you Reillers I'd get on to the 2008 panel straight away and tell them to get a statement out about death threats.

Oh grow the hell up Dowling, none of the players and 99.9% of the fans were involved in this.
You have shown your true feelings on this. You most be upset that it didn't last longer, however will you survive without having the Cork players to whige and moan about.
I've no doubt you'll keep it going though.

But don't you have a county team or club, if you're even from a GAA county/club, you've never said, that's why I ask, to follow. Surely something or someone else to criticize that you actually have genuine interest in.