McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Quote from: dowling on January 29, 2009, 12:33:45 AM
Now there's no need to start the 'crap' stuff. If we can't all express an opinion or ask questions sure this board may as well close down. I'm only asking who would have started the criticism. I doubt very much if Cathal did and I would guess one of three and you would probably guess likewise if you are to be honest, and I'm sure you are.. now the three I would guess at would be GPA men, well up there and all that. Would you guess differently?

It's one thing to express opinions but to come up with insulting crap like that. What about KK and their earnings, oh no wait they're all about the hurling, it's only in Cork where they are apparently obsessed with "earnings." These men LOVE the game and LOVE playing to Cork, so much so that they have put themselves in this position again. But you to suggest that it was for some earnings and to suggest that they are by association enjoying this..that's not an opinion, that's surely based on hate.
And now here comes the GPA issues..

Last season they sat around in a room deciding whether to join the footballers in the strike apparently some younger players questioned whether they should bring McCarthy into it, the OLDER players said no, he has only had a season, he's one left, lets see what happens.
Ga read a well prepared statement stating all their problems they had with him that had built up and up and up.
Now only that but when after saying he wouldn't come back if the players didn't want him to, after he was reappointed without a discussion from the CB members present on the panel, despite the losses, the bad training sessions, the poor relationship with the players, the fact that a facilitator had to be brought in mid season just to get them to the end of the season, the fact that the players said that the one man they didn't want to work with again after two years was Gerald McCarthy, after all of that, he was then reappointed.
This was not one or two players saying lads, lets go on stop playing again, purely for earnings of course. This was ALL the players sick to death of going no where with Gerald and the CB reappointment of him which was not done by the book. Deane said when he was reading through the arbitration offer last season that it was more stressful then waiting for his results of the cancer, so God only knows how stressful and how much pressure they are under now. But hell it's all about the earnings right. FFS.


Reillers - how are the players going to gauge public opinion?


Looks like I was wrong and Croke Park are about to step in - bad decision in my book.


Quote from: stephenite on January 29, 2009, 05:39:52 AM
Looks like I was wrong and Croke Park are about to step in - bad decision in my book.

Says who ?


I second that Bud, you realise now how silly this whole debate has got .There is an unhealthy obsession about the whole thing if you ask me.


Croke Park to intervene as warring Rebels dig their heels in

Thursday January 29 2009

THE GAA authorities are to make a dramatic intervention in the Cork hurling row in an effort to broker a settlement to a dispute which has ripped the county apart.

Croke Park has made initial contact with Cork and will attempt to work with the various parties in the coming days to see if they can find some basis for negotiation.

However, a senior GAA source told the Irish Independent that they weren't hopeful of solving a dispute which appears more intractable by the day. Croke Park had kept well clear of the controversy over the past few months, repeatedly stating that it was purely a matter for Cork.

Last year Croke Park appointed Labour Relations specialis Kieran Mulvey as a mediator and he finally brokered a deal after the footballers and hurlers went on strike over the appointment of Teddy Holland as football manager. Holland was eventually replaced by Conor Counihan, leading to the return of Cork teams to the Allianz Leagues after missing the early rounds.

The current row over Gerald McCarthy's re-appointment as hurling manager is even more entrenched, although, significantly, the footballers have not become involved while a hurling panel is in place and will play in the League which begins on Sunday week.

The indications from the Cork County Board are that while they are willing to engage with Croke Park, McCarthy's role as manager will not be up for discussion.

And, with the players making it clear that they won't play under McCarthy, it's difficult to see how Croke Park mediators can find a way through the impasse.

Meanwhile, McCarthy yesterday responded to players' allegations made at Monday's press conference, branding them "distasteful, grossly exaggerated and less than truthful."

- Martin Breheny



Clarification: It was reported in some of yesterday's editions that the Cork hurling manager Gerald McCarthy's mother had passed away.

The source of the information was an announcement to that effect made at Tuesday night's Cork County Board meeting. This information was incorrect and, in fact, Mrs McCarthy remains seriously ill. We regret any distress caused to the McCarthy family, relatives and friends.


McCarthy hits back at 'less than truthful' Rebel hurlers

Thursday January 29 2009

THE verbal ping-pong between the 2008 Cork hurling squad and manager Gerald McCarthy continues to gather pace and ferocity in the run-up to the start of the NHL on Sunday week.

McCarthy yesterday branded some of the comments made by players at their high-profile press conference on Monday night as "distasteful, grossly exaggerated and less than truthful".

It was the latest break in a relationship between the two sides that's now so badly fractured as to be seemingly irreparable.

"Most of the comments had been leaked to pet pundits at the beginning of this dispute and, having already responded to them, I have no intention of doing so again. At this stage I am not going to respond in full to the players' statement, but I do intend to do so sometime later," said McCarthy in a statement.

"I have read the players' statement and while I found it self-serving and just some more of the same really, I was disappointed that they failed to answer why they haven't and won't engage to try to resolve this dispute. I can only repeat what I have said previously -- does any real or perceived grievance justify the harm being done to Cork hurling?"

He expressed particular disappointment at remarks by Kevin Canty, who alleged that it took McCarthy six days to contact him after he was hospitalised last year.


"Kevin Canty's grievance that I failed to visit him earlier in hospital is disingenuous to say the least. How any young lad could stand up at a press conference to suggest that I was unmindful of the fact that he was in hospital, when he knew that I had visited him twice (and brought him some DVDs on my second visit), is deeply shocking to me. Many of the other players' comments are vested with the same kind of construction and selectivity and confirm for me some of the influences that are at work here.

"I must say I am astonished that a simple incident like Kevin's could have made its way into the public domain and play any part in this dispute. I have always been aware of my responsibilities to players who are injured and have always exercised that duty of care to the best of my ability."

He said that the dispute would lead to big choices being made in Cork in the next few weeks.

"The men and women who represent clubs are ultimately going to determine what set of values will shape Cork hurling for the future. And for me that's worth fighting for," said McCarthy.


Quote from: orangeman on January 29, 2009, 09:12:57 AM
Croke Park to intervene as warring Rebels dig their heels in

Thursday January 29 2009

THE GAA authorities are to make a dramatic intervention in the Cork hurling row in an effort to broker a settlement to a dispute which has ripped the county apart.

Croke Park has made initial contact with Cork and will attempt to work with the various parties in the coming days to see if they can find some basis for negotiation.

However, a senior GAA source told the Irish Independent that they weren't hopeful of solving a dispute which appears more intractable by the day. Croke Park had kept well clear of the controversy over the past few months, repeatedly stating that it was purely a matter for Cork.

Last year Croke Park appointed Labour Relations specialis Kieran Mulvey as a mediator and he finally brokered a deal after the footballers and hurlers went on strike over the appointment of Teddy Holland as football manager. Holland was eventually replaced by Conor Counihan, leading to the return of Cork teams to the Allianz Leagues after missing the early rounds.

The current row over Gerald McCarthy's re-appointment as hurling manager is even more entrenched, although, significantly, the footballers have not become involved while a hurling panel is in place and will play in the League which begins on Sunday week.

The indications from the Cork County Board are that while they are willing to engage with Croke Park, McCarthy's role as manager will not be up for discussion.

And, with the players making it clear that they won't play under McCarthy, it's difficult to see how Croke Park mediators can find a way through the impasse.

Meanwhile, McCarthy yesterday responded to players' allegations made at Monday's press conference, branding them "distasteful, grossly exaggerated and less than truthful."

- Martin Breheny

What is the point of this, I mean really.
IF McCarthy's position is non negotioable.
What the hell is the bloody point, what do the Cb think they'll achieve. They wotn negotiate on the only thing the players want.
They voted, not not in favour of the Cloyne motion but that it was out of order, too vague, breaking rule 59.
Cloyne need to for the good of Cork GAA, to re do it and rush it through again. Cork needs this to be passed and passed quickly.
The CCB voted surprisingly unanimously as they always do on each decision made. The players made the statement about the zero debate in the meetings.

In theory the Executive should answer to the Board of Delegates; in reality the Board of Delegates answers to the Executive.

Where there is no room for real debate the people involved become despondent and where this happens you have only one result; A dead system.

Only those who believe that the Board is active or representative, or those who don't care whether it is or not, could be happy to perpetuate the situation.

It's been this way for so long, that clubs have had to decide that if they want any representation, they have to take it as it is.

Nothing gets done in this county, nothing. Why because Murphy doesn't let it so.


Quote from: orangeman on January 29, 2009, 09:22:18 AM

"The men and women who represent clubs are ultimately going to determine what set of values will shape Cork hurling for the future. And for me that's worth fighting for," said McCarthy.

Could not agree more with this statement. The militant self interested disregard shown by the players for the wider GAA community is really saddening.
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Quote from: theskull1 on January 29, 2009, 09:31:01 AM
Quote from: orangeman on January 29, 2009, 09:22:18 AM

"The men and women who represent clubs are ultimately going to determine what set of values will shape Cork hurling for the future. And for me that's worth fighting for," said McCarthy.

Could not agree more with this statement. The militant self interested disregard shown by the players for the wider GAA community is really saddening.

What's even sader then that is that one man is putting himself ahead of Cork GAA.
He has lost not one but two dressing rooms.
H'e had a terrible record with the team.
The team haven't got on for month, they needed a facilitator to get them to the end of this season.
He told the players that if they didn't want him to he wouldn't go for the job agian..but he did.
He didn't even want the job in the first place.
He has lost a lot of public support inside Cork.
And like I said he lost the players a long time ago.
Players he cannot work with ever again.

In any other county one of two things would have happened.
He would have been sacked
Like Justin McCarthy he would have had the decency to put the team and the fans ahead of his ego. I don't care how right he or people think he is, he has put himself ahead of Cork hurling, and because of that we are where we are.

Gerald through all of this has been winning the PR battle because of his ability to get sympathy votes from the press, him and the CB PR machine have been outstanding.
But whatever really he says from now on in doesn't matter.
There is no reply to that statement.

That message has all ready hit the fans and in the fans minds in Cork, most of them anyway, they reminded them why they called them legends, and they are now "giants."
The hurlers talked and pleaded to the Cork public and they listened.


Reillers Nobody cares anymore. I won't be shouting for this Cork team at any stage in the future. The players should have submitted that motion 4 months ago rather than going for the traditional nuclear option and going on strike. it would have been re-submitted and passed at this stage. That would have given the real capacity for change. It would have done away with all the press conferences and tit for tat distasteful comments from both sides in the National Media.
In the last few days we've reached possibly the lowest moments of Irish Sport, its pathetic at this stage. There is a way to conduct oneself in these days. Soembody should lend that thought to Cork Gaa.


Well it's very apparent here that Gerald is not the only one with an ego here.

I don't agree with the strike but why Gerald McCarthy is staying on in this scenario is beyond me too. Obviously a very proud / stubborn man.


Quote from: orangeman on January 29, 2009, 09:22:18 AM
McCarthy hits back at 'less than truthful' Rebel hurlers

Thursday January 29 2009

THE verbal ping-pong between the 2008 Cork hurling squad and manager Gerald McCarthy continues to gather pace and ferocity in the run-up to the start of the NHL on Sunday week.

McCarthy yesterday branded some of the comments made by players at their high-profile press conference on Monday night as "distasteful, grossly exaggerated and less than truthful".

It was the latest break in a relationship between the two sides that's now so badly fractured as to be seemingly irreparable.

"Most of the comments had been leaked to pet pundits at the beginning of this dispute and, having already responded to them, I have no intention of doing so again. At this stage I am not going to respond in full to the players' statement, but I do intend to do so sometime later," said McCarthy in a statement.

"I have read the players' statement and while I found it self-serving and just some more of the same really, I was disappointed that they failed to answer why they haven't and won't engage to try to resolve this dispute. I can only repeat what I have said previously -- does any real or perceived grievance justify the harm being done to Cork hurling?"

He expressed particular disappointment at remarks by Kevin Canty, who alleged that it took McCarthy six days to contact him after he was hospitalised last year.


"Kevin Canty's grievance that I failed to visit him earlier in hospital is disingenuous to say the least. How any young lad could stand up at a press conference to suggest that I was unmindful of the fact that he was in hospital, when he knew that I had visited him twice (and brought him some DVDs on my second visit), is deeply shocking to me. Many of the other players' comments are vested with the same kind of construction and selectivity and confirm for me some of the influences that are at work here.
"I must say I am astonished that a simple incident like Kevin's could have made its way into the public domain and play any part in this dispute. I have always been aware of my responsibilities to players who are injured and have always exercised that duty of care to the best of my ability."

He said that the dispute would lead to big choices being made in Cork in the next few weeks.

"The men and women who represent clubs are ultimately going to determine what set of values will shape Cork hurling for the future. And for me that's worth fighting for," said McCarthy.

This one really made me laugh - What is Canty thinking ? The strikers must have sat up at night thinking about all the instances where they reckoned Mc Carthy hadn't done his job properly - In Canty's instance, he was annoyed that he wasn't comforted after being taken off against Tipp and that it took 6 days for Mc Carthy to visit him in hospital - Canty didn't say that Mc Carthy visited him twice and brought hin in DVDs to watch.

Really - what is this all about ? Seems extremely petty, childish and a deliberate attempt at discrediting Mc Carthy in public.

Shame on Mc Carthy for not bringing in grapes !


Quote from: imtommygunn on January 29, 2009, 09:50:34 AM
Well it's very apparent here that Gerald is not the only one with an ego here.

I don't agree with the strike but why Gerald McCarthy is staying on in this scenario is beyond me too. Obviously a very proud / stubborn man.

Oh so when it's McCarthy it's stubborn and proud but when it's the players it's ego?