McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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A 30-year-old man who pleaded guilty to his part in making a threatening phone call to former Cork hurling manager Gerald McCarthy earlier this year has been given a nine-month jail sentence.

Eight months of the sentence imposed on Trevor O'Reilly, who lives with the Simon Community in Cork, have been suspended, and O'Reilly has been freed on bail pending an appeal.

Cork District Court heard that during the strike by members of the Cork hurling panel in protest at Gerald McCarthy's continued management of the team, Mr McCarthy's son Paul answered a phone call on the night of 5 March last.

The caller said Gerald McCarthy would get a bullet in the back of the head if he didn't stand down as manager.

Trevor O'Reilly pleaded guilty to sending a message by phone to Gerald McCarthy which was menacing in character.

The court heard that O'Reilly had a history of mental illness and his solicitor Tom Coughlan said his client didn't have the capacity to carry out the threat.

Mr Coughlan said Mr O'Reilly denied making the call but admitted facilitating another person to do so.

Today Gerald McCarthy asked the court for leniency for Trevor O'Reilly.
Speaking afterwards Gerald McCarthy said he was glad that justice was done.

He said what happened had been shameful and appalling and should never have happened.


Quote from: orangeman on December 11, 2009, 09:18:29 AM

Today Gerald McCarthy asked the court for leniency for Trevor O'Reilly.
Speaking afterwards Gerald McCarthy said he was glad that justice was done.

It shows the enduring class of the man.


Seeing as it hasn't been mentioned anywhere else, you'd think it would have been, but apparently not..and seeing here is where it was all "discussed" I thought it'd be appropriate to post it here.

The convention was on there a few days ago, and the result was incredible. The montions that Frank had alowed go through to the convention, the ones he hadn't ruled out of order (which was a joke to begin with) the ones he thought would be put down were passed, barely passed, but passed, and as I've been told, the look on his face and the face of the men on the top table, when they went against them was almost worth all those months. When it came to the last motion, you'd all the top table holding their voting cards high looking down on the people, almost pleading for votes to defeat the motion and they didn't come..the look on Franks face when the motion was passed (it needed a 2/3rds by 4 votes.) was priceless, apparently worth all those months during the strike that seemed never ending.

That's where the club forum came from, it was formed when the clubs simply had enough of the CCB's actions. They've done some incredible work.
Excellent work has been done by the club forum. Massive credit should go to them, the work they've put in, despite the CCB trying and failing time and time again to put them down, to tarnish their good work and reputations. They deserve all the credit and plaudits that they've recieved since.

Hopefully now it'll be the start of something new, of somethng different.



That would have been good information to have provided you'd have thought.. :-\
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Quote from: Reillers on December 16, 2009, 01:07:20 PM
Seeing as it hasn't been mentioned anywhere else, you'd think it would have been, but apparently not..and seeing here is where it was all "discussed" I thought it'd be appropriate to post it here.

The convention was on there a few days ago, and the result was incredible. The montions that Frank had alowed go through to the convention, the ones he hadn't ruled out of order (which was a joke to begin with) the ones he thought would be put down were passed, barely passed, but passed, and as I've been told, the look on his face and the face of the men on the top table, when they went against them was almost worth all those months. When it came to the last motion, you'd all the top table holding their voting cards high looking down on the people, almost pleading for votes to defeat the motion and they didn't come..the look on Franks face when the motion was passed (it needed a 2/3rds by 4 votes.) was priceless, apparently worth all those months during the strike that seemed never ending.

That's where the club forum came from, it was formed when the clubs simply had enough of the CCB's actions. They've done some incredible work.
Excellent work has been done by the club forum. Massive credit should go to them, the work they've put in, despite the CCB trying and failing time and time again to put them down, to tarnish their good work and reputations. They deserve all the credit and plaudits that they've recieved since.

Hopefully now it'll be the start of something new, of somethng different.

I'm amazed the national newspapers haven't got wind of it, if it was so significant and newsworthy and a big poke in the eye for Frank ??.


7 montions were submited before hand, these are the 7..

1. CCB delegates for Junior clubs
2. Delegates to consult
3. End to secret ballot
4. Minutes and agendas to be sent to each club
5. Votes to be recorded
6. Voting for officers
7. Terms for executive members

Some were ruled out of order, (God only knows why) all were very sensible, just common sense, none were controversial.
But Frank sent back every one of them, and only keeped the ones that needed a 2/3rds majority of passing, thinking he'd enough people who knew their place to have them reject the motion..he was wrong.

What were passed were..

The motion on the secret ballot, 285 to 41.

The junior club representation was passed, by a massive majority.

Motion on minutes of meetings passed, but slightly amended.

A very positive night for Cork GAA, the optimism is great.
And like Donal O Grady said in the paper, with the pressure that the CCB is feeling from within by the forum, and outside with Croke Park, things can only get better.
There were other things discussed and passed as well, but it was the point that because of the forum, this was possible, they pushed this through, they have hoipefully put Cork GAA on the path of democracy.

Like I said, the look on old Frank's face..

It doesn't sound like much, and it's not something that's going to make the news, but it was a massive step forward.
The CCB have bullied the clubs for too long. Enough's enough. And all this was created in really dark days in Cork GAA, because the clubs had finally had enough. The club forum took a lot of grief from the CCB. And they've just worked so hard.
The players started this all those months ago, they brought it as far as they could, the clubs needed to finish it, they left the fight in the hands of the club and it's taken us here, the forum deserve so much credit for this. Genuienly good GAA people.

The vote on Saturday gives some hope that things can change but, it's up to the clubs to use the new system properly.

If they just assume, like they have in the past, that having a delegate in itself is going to be enough, or is going to frighten some people into changing their ways, then nothing will change.

Well done to the people of the Club forum who obviously put so much work into getting feedback from the clubs, producing the report and following through. Which has been, no doubt so time consuming.
The rest of us, owe them a huge debt of gratitude.

Things really looked like they were going down hill, certain people had been elected who shouldn't have been.
Motions that made perfectly good common sense, had been ruled out of order for nothing.
5 of the 7 were only allowed go through and there was talks of the clubs bringing the CB to the DRA, 7 motions that were well thought out in that report.
And just the CCB's reaction, their high handed manner that they have dismissed the clubs of Cork was disturbing. They couldn't apeal, the people who rejected them, made up the subcommitee that would hear the appeal.
They didn't think for a minute that they would be outvoted, and that is why it's so monumental.


Quote from: Reillers on December 16, 2009, 04:42:49 PM
7 montions were submited before hand, these are the 7..

1. CCB delegates for Junior clubs
2. Delegates to consult
3. End to secret ballot
4. Minutes and agendas to be sent to each club
5. Votes to be recorded
6. Voting for officers
7. Terms for executive members

Some were ruled out of order, (God only knows why) all were very sensible, just common sense, none were controversial.
But Frank sent back every one of them, and only keeped the ones that needed a 2/3rds majority of passing, thinking he'd enough people who knew their place to have them reject the motion..he was wrong.

What were passed were..

The motion on the secret ballot, 285 to 41.

The junior club representation was passed, by a massive majority.

Motion on minutes of meetings passed, but slightly amended.

A very positive night for Cork GAA, the optimism is great.
And like Donal O Grady said in the paper, with the pressure that the CCB is feeling from within by the forum, and outside with Croke Park, things can only get better.
There were other things discussed and passed as well, but it was the point that because of the forum, this was possible, they pushed this through, they have hoipefully put Cork GAA on the path of democracy.

Like I said, the look on old Frank's face..

It doesn't sound like much, and it's not something that's going to make the news, but it was a massive step forward.
The CCB have bullied the clubs for too long. Enough's enough. And all this was created in really dark days in Cork GAA, because the clubs had finally had enough. The club forum took a lot of grief from the CCB. And they've just worked so hard.
The players started this all those months ago, they brought it as far as they could, the clubs needed to finish it, they left the fight in the hands of the club and it's taken us here, the forum deserve so much credit for this. Genuienly good GAA people.

The vote on Saturday gives some hope that things can change but, it's up to the clubs to use the new system properly.

If they just assume, like they have in the past, that having a delegate in itself is going to be enough, or is going to frighten some people into changing their ways, then nothing will change.

Well done to the people of the Club forum who obviously put so much work into getting feedback from the clubs, producing the report and following through. Which has been, no doubt so time consuming.
The rest of us, owe them a huge debt of gratitude.

Things really looked like they were going down hill, certain people had been elected who shouldn't have been.
Motions that made perfectly good common sense, had been ruled out of order for nothing.
5 of the 7 were only allowed go through and there was talks of the clubs bringing the CB to the DRA, 7 motions that were well thought out in that report.
And just the CCB's reaction, their high handed manner that they have dismissed the clubs of Cork was disturbing. They couldn't apeal, the people who rejected them, made up the subcommitee that would hear the appeal.
They didn't think for a minute that they would be outvoted, and that is why it's so monumental.

So monumental that it hasn't made the news / newspapers ???


Oh just go back into your little hole OM. FFS. If you can't see what's come out of this, and the potential that the results could bring, then you really haven't got a clue do you..


Quote from: Reillers on December 16, 2009, 01:07:20 PM
Seeing as it hasn't been mentioned anywhere else, you'd think it would have been, but apparently not..and seeing here is where it was all "discussed" I thought it'd be appropriate to post it here.

The convention was on there a few days ago, and the result was incredible. The montions that Frank had alowed go through to the convention, the ones he hadn't ruled out of order (which was a joke to begin with) the ones he thought would be put down were passed, barely passed, but passed, and as I've been told, the look on his face and the face of the men on the top table, when they went against them was almost worth all those months. When it came to the last motion, you'd all the top table holding their voting cards high looking down on the people, almost pleading for votes to defeat the motion and they didn't come..the look on Franks face when the motion was passed (it needed a 2/3rds by 4 votes.) was priceless, apparently worth all those months during the strike that seemed never ending.

That's where the club forum came from, it was formed when the clubs simply had enough of the CCB's actions. They've done some incredible work.
Excellent work has been done by the club forum. Massive credit should go to them, the work they've put in, despite the CCB trying and failing time and time again to put them down, to tarnish their good work and reputations. They deserve all the credit and plaudits that they've recieved since.

Hopefully now it'll be the start of something new, of somethng different.

Were you there yourself or did you read it on rebelgaa/PROC?


Things were going really badly, I mean really badly. The clubs were furious with the CCB, kicking up such a fuss, which was great to see.

For the sense of desperation that was going on in Cork..Take a read of this..


Quote from: heffo on December 16, 2009, 05:21:29 PM
Quote from: Reillers on December 16, 2009, 01:07:20 PM
Seeing as it hasn't been mentioned anywhere else, you'd think it would have been, but apparently not..and seeing here is where it was all "discussed" I thought it'd be appropriate to post it here.

The convention was on there a few days ago, and the result was incredible. The montions that Frank had alowed go through to the convention, the ones he hadn't ruled out of order (which was a joke to begin with) the ones he thought would be put down were passed, barely passed, but passed, and as I've been told, the look on his face and the face of the men on the top table, when they went against them was almost worth all those months. When it came to the last motion, you'd all the top table holding their voting cards high looking down on the people, almost pleading for votes to defeat the motion and they didn't come..the look on Franks face when the motion was passed (it needed a 2/3rds by 4 votes.) was priceless, apparently worth all those months during the strike that seemed never ending.

That's where the club forum came from, it was formed when the clubs simply had enough of the CCB's actions. They've done some incredible work.
Excellent work has been done by the club forum. Massive credit should go to them, the work they've put in, despite the CCB trying and failing time and time again to put them down, to tarnish their good work and reputations. They deserve all the credit and plaudits that they've recieved since.

Hopefully now it'll be the start of something new, of somethng different.

Were you there yourself or did you read it on rebelgaa/PROC?

And you wonder why I was surprised at the lack of discussion about this here, clearly all people are interested in is the bitter petty disputes. Never mind what's really going on.
Between you and OM..never really can grasp a sense of anything can ye.

Does it matter a damn where I got it like ffs. And here was me thinking that I could actully get a discussion out it..should have known better by now.


Quote from: Reillers on December 16, 2009, 05:25:24 PM
Quote from: heffo on December 16, 2009, 05:21:29 PM
Quote from: Reillers on December 16, 2009, 01:07:20 PM
Seeing as it hasn't been mentioned anywhere else, you'd think it would have been, but apparently not..and seeing here is where it was all "discussed" I thought it'd be appropriate to post it here.

The convention was on there a few days ago, and the result was incredible. The montions that Frank had alowed go through to the convention, the ones he hadn't ruled out of order (which was a joke to begin with) the ones he thought would be put down were passed, barely passed, but passed, and as I've been told, the look on his face and the face of the men on the top table, when they went against them was almost worth all those months. When it came to the last motion, you'd all the top table holding their voting cards high looking down on the people, almost pleading for votes to defeat the motion and they didn't come..the look on Franks face when the motion was passed (it needed a 2/3rds by 4 votes.) was priceless, apparently worth all those months during the strike that seemed never ending.

That's where the club forum came from, it was formed when the clubs simply had enough of the CCB's actions. They've done some incredible work.
Excellent work has been done by the club forum. Massive credit should go to them, the work they've put in, despite the CCB trying and failing time and time again to put them down, to tarnish their good work and reputations. They deserve all the credit and plaudits that they've recieved since.

Hopefully now it'll be the start of something new, of somethng different.

Were you there yourself or did you read it on rebelgaa/PROC?

And you wonder why I was surprised at the lack of discussion about this here, clearly all people are interested in is the bitter petty disputes. Never mind what's really going on.
Between you and OM..never really can grasp a sense of anything can ye.

Does it matter a damn where I got it like ffs. And here was me thinking that I could actully get a discussion out it..should have known better by now.

I'm simply trying to put your post in context - you describe the facial expressions of the elected Board officer, describe the physical manner in which the same guys dared to vote - looking 'down' on the 'people' - even though every county executive in the country sits on an elevated stage.

You describe how 'priceless' the look on Frank's face was.

Can you describe what other 'incredible' work the club form has done?

How did the CCB try to tarnish the reputations of these people since they formed the club forum?

I'm also curious why these 'momentous' events weren't covered in the national media outside of the Cork Examiner.

As per my original question, I'm curious as to your detailed information - facial expressions etc, if you weren't there?


Quote from: heffo on December 16, 2009, 10:39:42 PM
Quote from: Reillers on December 16, 2009, 05:25:24 PM
Quote from: heffo on December 16, 2009, 05:21:29 PM
Quote from: Reillers on December 16, 2009, 01:07:20 PM
Seeing as it hasn't been mentioned anywhere else, you'd think it would have been, but apparently not..and seeing here is where it was all "discussed" I thought it'd be appropriate to post it here.

The convention was on there a few days ago, and the result was incredible. The montions that Frank had alowed go through to the convention, the ones he hadn't ruled out of order (which was a joke to begin with) the ones he thought would be put down were passed, barely passed, but passed, and as I've been told, the look on his face and the face of the men on the top table, when they went against them was almost worth all those months. When it came to the last motion, you'd all the top table holding their voting cards high looking down on the people, almost pleading for votes to defeat the motion and they didn't come..the look on Franks face when the motion was passed (it needed a 2/3rds by 4 votes.) was priceless, apparently worth all those months during the strike that seemed never ending.

That's where the club forum came from, it was formed when the clubs simply had enough of the CCB's actions. They've done some incredible work.
Excellent work has been done by the club forum. Massive credit should go to them, the work they've put in, despite the CCB trying and failing time and time again to put them down, to tarnish their good work and reputations. They deserve all the credit and plaudits that they've recieved since.

Hopefully now it'll be the start of something new, of somethng different.

Were you there yourself or did you read it on rebelgaa/PROC?

And you wonder why I was surprised at the lack of discussion about this here, clearly all people are interested in is the bitter petty disputes. Never mind what's really going on.
Between you and OM..never really can grasp a sense of anything can ye.

Does it matter a damn where I got it like ffs. And here was me thinking that I could actully get a discussion out it..should have known better by now.

I'm simply trying to put your post in context - you describe the facial expressions of the elected Board officer, describe the physical manner in which the same guys dared to vote - looking 'down' on the 'people' - even though every county executive in the country sits on an elevated stage.

You describe how 'priceless' the look on Frank's face was.

Can you describe what other 'incredible' work the club form has done?

How did the CCB try to tarnish the reputations of these people since they formed the club forum?

I'm also curious why these 'momentous' events weren't covered in the national media outside of the Cork Examiner.

As per my original question, I'm curious as to your detailed information - facial expressions etc, if you weren't there?

I said I was told that the look on his face was priceless. This really says it all about you though. You'd rather talk about this than actually discuss what happened..says everything really.

If you need to have the work that the forum has done described to you than again that says even more.

At the end of the day you'd rather make petty bitter little comments off topic, instead of discussing it.
As I said, your post was incredibly reflective of you. No surprise there.


Quote from: Reillers on December 16, 2009, 10:52:11 PM
Quote from: heffo on December 16, 2009, 10:39:42 PM
Quote from: Reillers on December 16, 2009, 05:25:24 PM
Quote from: heffo on December 16, 2009, 05:21:29 PM
Quote from: Reillers on December 16, 2009, 01:07:20 PM
Seeing as it hasn't been mentioned anywhere else, you'd think it would have been, but apparently not..and seeing here is where it was all "discussed" I thought it'd be appropriate to post it here.

The convention was on there a few days ago, and the result was incredible. The montions that Frank had alowed go through to the convention, the ones he hadn't ruled out of order (which was a joke to begin with) the ones he thought would be put down were passed, barely passed, but passed, and as I've been told, the look on his face and the face of the men on the top table, when they went against them was almost worth all those months. When it came to the last motion, you'd all the top table holding their voting cards high looking down on the people, almost pleading for votes to defeat the motion and they didn't come..the look on Franks face when the motion was passed (it needed a 2/3rds by 4 votes.) was priceless, apparently worth all those months during the strike that seemed never ending.

That's where the club forum came from, it was formed when the clubs simply had enough of the CCB's actions. They've done some incredible work.
Excellent work has been done by the club forum. Massive credit should go to them, the work they've put in, despite the CCB trying and failing time and time again to put them down, to tarnish their good work and reputations. They deserve all the credit and plaudits that they've recieved since.

Hopefully now it'll be the start of something new, of somethng different.

Were you there yourself or did you read it on rebelgaa/PROC?

And you wonder why I was surprised at the lack of discussion about this here, clearly all people are interested in is the bitter petty disputes. Never mind what's really going on.
Between you and OM..never really can grasp a sense of anything can ye.

Does it matter a damn where I got it like ffs. And here was me thinking that I could actully get a discussion out it..should have known better by now.

I'm simply trying to put your post in context - you describe the facial expressions of the elected Board officer, describe the physical manner in which the same guys dared to vote - looking 'down' on the 'people' - even though every county executive in the country sits on an elevated stage.

You describe how 'priceless' the look on Frank's face was.

Can you describe what other 'incredible' work the club form has done?

How did the CCB try to tarnish the reputations of these people since they formed the club forum?

I'm also curious why these 'momentous' events weren't covered in the national media outside of the Cork Examiner.

As per my original question, I'm curious as to your detailed information - facial expressions etc, if you weren't there?

I said I was told that the look on his face was priceless. This really says it all about you though. You'd rather talk about this than actually discuss what happened..says everything really.

If you need to have the work that the forum has done described to you than again that says even more.

At the end of the day you'd rather make petty bitter little comments off topic, instead of discussing it.
As I said, your post was incredibly reflective of you. No surprise there.

Your post exactly:

"When it came to the last motion, you'd all the top table holding their voting cards high looking down on the people, almost pleading for votes to defeat the motion and they didn't come..the look on Franks face when the motion was passed (it needed a 2/3rds by 4 votes.) was priceless,"

Can't you point out which part of that post where you heard the look on his face was priceless?

I do indeed need to have the 'incredible' work of the forum described to me - are they out feeding the poor at Christmas?? Please humour me..