McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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QuoteWhat always grated me about the main protaganists in the strike was that they considered that it was going to be "worth it" for them to take such action and even though many will say "nothing could be further from the truth", I struggle to understand why walking away was not seen as the best option for those who didn't agree with "whatever" in the whole set-up.

QuoteDo you not struggle to understand why a CB would reappoint an unsuccessful manager after the players told them the didn't want him back or why a manager would want to remain over a group of players that didn't respect him or rate him?

I don't struggle with that at all Zulu. I would say that they supported the managers assessment that certain players were being manipulative & devisive because they didn't see eye to eye with either him or his methods (i.e. they didn't have the say they wanted). Add to that the hungry media profile of some of them over the years, it would have made me very sceptical of their motives if I were a CCB member.

If the players had just walked away then fair play that was their right. But to do what they done and try and blacken the reputation of a Cork great without blinking, told me that other motives/incentives were driving them to do what they done, because it was not about the betterment of Cork hurling that is for sure.

It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


QuoteHopefully the book sales will go well and the mobsters are happy when they read about the "heroes" and how they fought like warriors for their own very worthy "cause".
Their on field exploits won't take up a lot of chapters.

Well if you wrote it it would be some read considering your penchant for extreme hyperbole.

QuoteI don't struggle with that at all Zulu. I would say that they supported the managers assessment that certain players were being manipulative & devisive because they didn't see eye to eye with either him or his methods (i.e. they didn't have the say they wanted). Add to that the hungry media profile of some of them over the years, it would have made me very sceptical of their motives if I were a CCB member.

Fair enough, I disagree but we both know each others take on these things so do you not agree it is a bit ridiculous for us to be still going on about it?

QuoteIf the players had just walked away then fair play that was their right. But to do what they done and try and blacken the reputation of a Cork great without blinking, told me that other motives/incentives were driving them to do what they done, because it was not about the betterment of Cork hurling that is for sure.

Again I disagree but I've already said why and you have already made your position clear so there is noting more to be said surely. I mean this is the only GAA discussion board still taking about this issue and this on a board with hardly any Munster posters let alone Cork ones. It's patethic for us to be still going on about it and dowling is clearly in need of some kind of therapy, I'd expect a bit more commonsense from sensible posters like yourself.


Extremism is preserve of the 08 panel and the boyos that marched around the place. There wasn't too many of the mob taking training sessions in their clubs all summer.


I'll say this much about you OM, you're a one off. Here's some of your recent gems;

Quotethe boyos that marched around the place. There wasn't too many of the mob taking training sessions in their clubs all summer.

You haven't a clue as to whether any of those that marched are involved in their clubs, not one clue, yet you state this as if it's a fact. :D ::)

Quotestatements like Sean Og's whipped up mass hysteria in the clubs and not since the civil war has there been a period in history that has caused so much division. The country was split, the county was split, great clubs were divided, families were divided and all for what

The country was split, families divided, mass hysteria not seen since the civil war. Yes it was truly War of the Worlds stuff,  :D :D :D :D, you should take to the stage with that kind of material OM. At least you provide a laugh or two, however unintentional.


I take great comfort from the fact that alot of the posters who were against what the players did, are still as angry at their behaviour now and will ensure that that anger does not slowly disappate and allow revisionists to give their self interested perspective (to help book sales) and paint these "heros" in more flattering light. IMO It's only right that we keep pulling the 08 militants on what they done until they "get it" and say that what they did WAS WRONG in the extreme.

It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Quote from: Zulu on September 11, 2009, 11:22:46 AM
I'll say this much about you OM, you're a one off. Here's some of your recent gems;

Quotethe boyos that marched around the place. There wasn't too many of the mob taking training sessions in their clubs all summer.

You haven't a clue as to whether any of those that marched are involved in their clubs, not one clue, yet you state this as if it's a fact. :D ::)

Quotestatements like Sean Og's whipped up mass hysteria in the clubs and not since the civil war has there been a period in history that has caused so much division. The country was split, the county was split, great clubs were divided, families were divided and all for what

The country was split, families divided, mass hysteria not seen since the civil war. Yes it was truly War of the Worlds stuff,  :D :D :D :D, you should take to the stage with that kind of material OM. At least you provide a laugh or two, however unintentional.

What about that show "I Keano" - a Cork one would be good.

I see the Armagh footballers taking a leaf out of the Cork book this morning.


Quote from: theskull1 on September 11, 2009, 11:23:39 AM
I take great comfort from the fact that alot of the posters who were against what the players did, are still as angry at their behaviour now and will ensure that that anger does not slowly disappate and allow revisionists to give their self interested perspective (to help book sales) and paint these "heros" in more flattering light. IMO It's only right that we keep pulling the 08 militants on what they done until they "get it" and say that what they did WAS WRONG in the extreme.

You'll be pulling a long time on those lads and a few on here.  ;)

It was all means to a end - get your yo yos out for the book sales. Can't see any of them being a best seller but they'll boost their already signifcant commercial deals.


QuoteIMO It's only right that we keep pulling the 08 militants on what they done until they "get it" and say that what they did WAS WRONG in the extreme.

Get off the stage man, you're talking to yourselves and the Cork players certainly aren't listening to you (thank God). I've tried to be reasonable and, as others have tried too, to move on from this repetative debate. But it is now clear that this is a logic free zone for some posters so I'll leave ye to your hyperbole, delusions of grandeur and, in some cases, pure lunacy. You're not harming anyone I suppose so enjoy your venting and tales of doomsday, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before dowling declares he's been returned to earth by aliens after having been abducted by them to teach the world the real truth or OM connects the strike with 911, it should provide a few laughs over the winter anyway.

QuoteIt was all means to a end - get your yo yos out for the book sales. Can't see any of them being a best seller but they'll boost their already signifcant commercial deals.

Aye and Donal Og is really Bin laden. :D :D :D :D. Yer making me laugh already, keep it up boys!


Quote from: Tatler Jack on September 11, 2009, 06:41:01 AM
QuoteThat JBM said he wanted the job, but because of CCB actions he changed his mind? Is this true or false?


It is indeed false.


Quote from: oakleafgael on September 11, 2009, 12:06:11 PM
Quote from: Tatler Jack on September 11, 2009, 06:41:01 AM
QuoteThat JBM said he wanted the job, but because of CCB actions he changed his mind? Is this true or false?


It is indeed false.

No, so what I've been told, what the media are saying and what pretty much everyone is saying up and down in the Cork GAA community is all false..ya, says ye.


Quote from: Reillers on September 11, 2009, 12:14:50 PM
Quote from: oakleafgael on September 11, 2009, 12:06:11 PM
Quote from: Tatler Jack on September 11, 2009, 06:41:01 AM
QuoteThat JBM said he wanted the job, but because of CCB actions he changed his mind? Is this true or false?


It is indeed false.

No, so what I've been told, what the media are saying and what pretty much everyone is saying up and down in the Cork GAA community is all false..ya, says ye.

Unless he told me a bare faced lie last saturday night then its false, having known him for 15 years I think I believe him.


Zulu I'm a little disappointed by your constant references to me in your posts to others. Can't really see the point in it and you only let yourself down as I always thought your contributions were more mature than that.
There's always a possibility there will be no further rumblings in Cork in the immediate future but it's quite reasonable to ask now that the season is effectively over what was achieved by the strike. And as that hasn't been addressed by the pro posters it's not rehashing the same old same old. Most of the pro posters have actually shyed away from such. Indeed in light of last Sunday's final it would be hard to argue that Cork would have been up to that level even if the strikers had secured their manager of choice.
But there was also a bigger picture as well; how would events in Cork influence other counties. Since the strike began there have been other managerial/player issues and we have Armagh footballers releasing a statement. So while the Cork strike is over there are still related issues.


"The county's senior players released a statement yesterday lambasting what has gone on and calling for an immediate board meeting to allow clubs have their say.

The players stressed that "the clubs, via their nominations, identified a primary candidate to whom the players remain supportive, but, due to what we see as personal agendas and a flawed process, their voices have been overlooked." "
From the Independent

Straight from the Cork dispute? Not at all. The Armagh footballers have decided to mirror the Cork hurlers. Now I wonder where they took their lead from and whether there's any GPA advice being given.

Bing Crosby .

I prersonally hold Donal Óg responsible for all this player unease which has crept in all around the country over the 7 or 8 years . How anyone could hold that man in any kind of regard bamboozles me in the extreme .  I often wonder how his head hasn't exploded yet . This guy and some of his lieutenants held the GAA  world to ransome for months over the winter and now he wants us to put money in his pocket .  He should be banishd out onto a rocky islet off the Cork coast somewhere and never allowed set foot in Ireland again .

Tatler Jack

Interview with Gardiner...the man's modesty is touching!!! No reference at all to the his own poor form over the past two years and he fact that he should be nowhere near the county panel. But like a few others in the panel he feels he has some sort of proprietorial  rights over the Cork jersey- how big of him to say "  I have nothing against them personally," he stressed. "It was their choice. If someone asked you 'do you want to play for your county?' you make a choice. A lot of fellas wanted to do it. A lot of fellas decided not to do it as well." Ironically he left oot the third option - you go on strike!!