South Belfast North of Ireland Supporters Club

Started by T Fearon, August 04, 2008, 09:03:21 AM

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Those are the only 2 I am aware of, but there could be others.Those are the only 2 with clubs in the amalgamation (or at least where the last time i was involved a few years back).


I don't see the need to get excited about this. Who cares what flags they put up - Tony, you're not likely to pop in for a pint anyway!
Some people just look for things to get offended by.

At the same time, flags or not, it's not the kind of place to get passing trade. With very little in the way of windows, it's one of those places where you wouldn't know what you're walking into - not the most inviting.


Quote from: Maguire01 on August 05, 2008, 01:21:27 PM
I don't see the need to get excited about this. Who cares what flags they put up - Tony, you're not likely to pop in for a pint anyway!
Some people just look for things to get offended by.

At the same time, flags or not, it's not the kind of place to get passing trade. With very little in the way of windows, it's one of those places where you wouldn't know what you're walking into - not the most inviting.

he lives to find things to 'get offended by'

Main Street

Quote from: Maguire01 on August 05, 2008, 01:21:27 PM
At the same time, flags or not, it's not the kind of place to get passing trade. With very little in the way of windows, it's one of those places where you wouldn't know what you're walking into - not the most inviting.
Sounds like it could be one of those cold places for Nationalists.

Tony could be right ;D

T Fearon

What I am offended by is the hypocrisy, the so called Football for All Campaign (and annual Be Nice to Taigs awards ceremony ffs).


Quote from: T Fearon on August 05, 2008, 01:58:56 PM
What I am offended by is the hypocrisy, the so called Football for All Campaign (and annual Be Nice to Taigs awards ceremony ffs).

so are you saying that you would support a 6 county side if they produced a flag acceptable to both communities in the 6 counties?

or are you saying that no matter what they do you will only lend your support if it's an all ireland side?

FFA? what do they need to do to make you feel included?

I can honestly say that i'd never follow a 6 counties side so what they do will never offend me

however you're looking to be offended, as per usual and it's becoming quite tedious tbh.

If you're so offended why not do something other than write embarrassing letters to newspapers and cry on internet forums?

or is it like the belfast telegraph was an offensive loyalist mouthpiece until they gave you free match tickets?

i take it that something becomes inoffensive when there's something in it for you tony?


Quote from: T Fearon on August 05, 2008, 01:58:56 PM
What I am offended by is the hypocrisy, the so called Football for All Campaign (and annual Be Nice to Taigs awards ceremony ffs).

This is a private club tony - if the flags where put up for the reasons you say, which i am still ot convinced by - it doesnt negate FFA.
FFA is a work in progress, and attitudes like yours is one of the major adversities it has to overcome.

T Fearon

If (I know, don't laugh) the IFA produce an environment that is politically neutral (ie devoid of exclusively unionist symbols etc), I will happily acknowledge genuine progress, extend my goodwill and would not be averse to supporting the side in certain circumstances (ie if it has no impact or has a positive impact on the FAI team as a consequence), as I would feel the team is at least trying represent me and my community, which sadly I am unable to say at present.

I have been to many North of Ireland games in the past, and would go again tomorrrow if there was a particualr team or player I wanted to see. Sadly I have never felt any affinity with either the team or its supporters and never will until the aforementioned changes are effected.

Until that day arrives, FFA will remain not ony a farce but an insult to people's intelligence.


Quoteand would go again tomorrrow if there was a particualr team or player I wanted to see.

At least you dropped the farcical claim that you would be afraid for your life you used to use.

T Fearon

I was quite scared, in case some nutter recognised me. I even watched the IFA Cup Final in 1991 from the Viewing Lounge,absolutely bricking mysef. I would still be shit scared by the way.

fred the red

Main Street

Quote from: fred the red on August 05, 2008, 05:41:31 PM
Is Donal Mac Sammy G?

Sammy must be about 90 years old, this lad (supposedly from the GAA community ::)) is going through his teenage Barry George phase of acute TF stalking which I suppose afflicts all visitors from the OWC to different degrees. 

Quote from: T Fearon on August 05, 2008, 03:49:06 PM
If (I know, don't laugh) the IFA produce an environment that is politically neutral (ie devoid of exclusively unionist symbols etc), I will happily acknowledge genuine progress, extend my goodwill and would not be averse to supporting the side in certain circumstances (ie if it has no impact or has a positive impact on the FAI team as a consequence), as I would feel the team is at least trying represent me and my community, which sadly I am unable to say at present.

I have been to many North of Ireland games in the past, and would go again tomorrrow if there was a particualr team or player I wanted to see. Sadly I have never felt any affinity with either the team or its supporters and never will until the aforementioned changes are effected.

Until that day arrives, FFA will remain not ony a farce but an insult to people's intelligence.

In 1990 there was a survey done of soccer fans allegiances in Belfast I think,  catholic soccer fans,  90% of them put the  FAI team at nr.1 with the NI in second place.
90% of protestants put NI first with Ro  Ireland in last place behind Scotland Wales and England.

Interesting stuff indeed, whilst the catholic lads supported the FAI team they did not small mindedly wish the IFA mal fortune. Whereas the pre-owc crowd were a bitter bunch indeed ;D


Why is it bitter for people who consider themselves part of the uk to prefer other uk teams?


Quote from: T Fearon on August 05, 2008, 03:49:06 PMI have been to many North of Ireland games in the past, and would go again tomorrrow if there was a particualr team or player I wanted to see.

Never had you down as a cricket fan...


Quote from: Main Street on August 05, 2008, 07:27:00 PM
In 1990 there was a survey done of soccer fans allegiances in Belfast I think,  catholic soccer fans,  90% of them put the  FAI team at nr.1 with the NI in second place.
90% of protestants put NI first with Ro  Ireland in last place behind Scotland Wales and England.

Interesting stuff indeed, whilst the catholic lads supported the FAI team they did not small mindedly wish the IFA mal fortune. Whereas the pre-owc crowd were a bitter bunch indeed ;D

Dear God, it's almost as if nationalists see Ireland as their nation and unionists see the UK as their nation... :o