Fermanagh are bad for the game?

Started by ONeill, July 04, 2008, 12:59:55 AM

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Jays people are tarra sensitive. I only posed a premise. Mission accomplished HS?
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Quote from: ONeill on July 06, 2008, 11:19:48 PM
Jays people are tarra sensitive. I only posed a premise. Mission accomplished HS?

Jees oneill you have some neck on ya starting a thread like this. But then to call the people slagging it off sensitive takes the biscuit. Just cos your thick fermanagh are still there and yer long gone. FFS let them have as many days of success as possible,they deserve to be in a ulster final and will hopefully win it. Im supporting them all the way this yr and i wish them all the luck. Only a heartless B***** would want to do something like you done, belittle and begrudge there success. What did you expect? A pat on the back.
"hard work will always beat talent if talent doesn't work"

Mike Sheehy

QuoteJays people are tarra sensitive. I only posed a premise. Mission accomplished HS?

yeah, they got off lightly. You could have wished all sorts of ill-luck on them.


I suggest my western friend you get out a wee bit more. There is a whole world out there, and some have even yet to hear of gaaboard. As for your analysis of Fermanagh and their style, yes, my granny agrees with you!
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


There seems to be an obvious trend developing. Those who remotely support my premise put forward rational and detailed opinions. Those who are aghast at the inference simply rhyme off emotive claptrap without saying anything of substance, probably not having seen them play, or are abusive. I have no time for the coo-ing at the baby line of thought. So I say to the Erne boys, go out and win the bucket and light the bonfires. I will toast history. But if you have loftier ambitions . . .
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.

Main Street

Boys who cry Tyrone must have their amusement.

Denn Forever


Your premise that their style of football is too prosaic and utilitarian may be valid, but if this type of football offends you or fills you with dismay, have you posted about this before?  Unfortunately this type of football works.  Witness Kerry's all Ireland wins, Armagh's AI win and Tyrone's 2 AI wins.  If Cavan could do it and win, I wouldn't enjoy the football but I wouldn't care. But they can't and when they tried it against Armagh this year, they were schooled.

Yesterday, Cork tried to do it in the first half and it didn't work.  Thankfully in the second half and because they had to, they used to long quick ball and had the fullforward to use it and they triumphed.  What their tactics in the next game will be may tell a tale, but  re Fermanagh's Tactics, I think that boat has sailed
I have more respect for a man
that says what he means and
means what he says...

billy the kid

Have to say i find it quite ironic that a Tyrone man is making fun of Fermanaghs 'negative' football.

Tyrone and Armagh have both had plenty of success in recent years by using negative tactics like the swarm defence, pulling half forwards back behind mid-field and even behind the half back line, playing a sweeper, using a 2 man full forward line and packing mid-field to name but a few.  Both teams also perfected the multi player tackle where they all surround the man on the ball with outstretched arms implying " Im not touching him ref" until the opponent falls to the ground where he is kept from rising slyly using their knees until the player is blown for over carrying when he should be given a free for a 2 or even 3 player tackle.  These tactics made for many a terrible looking game but they worked and Tyrone won 2 All irelands and Armagh won 1 so the End justifies the means in my book. 

It doesnt matter how you win all that matters is that you win!

Fermanagh have adopted some of these tactics directly and others they have expanded or altered to suit their capabilities and I think they should be congratulated for it. It may not be pretty but who says it has to be.  Tyrones All Ireland Semi with Kerry in 2003 was a terrible game to watch and was very negative but do you think the Tyronies left Croker that day complaining about how negative their team was?

Armagh won their only All Ireland choking the life out of teams with better individuals and higher skill levels but do you think they complained about that on the road back to the Orchards?

As a Derry supporter its great to be able to say "Our boys always go out to play good football" and usually its true, Derry do usually try to win games by playing good football and when it works its great to see (Kerry In National league final, The qualifiers last year, Donegal in champuionship this year) but when teams that you are better than on paper set out to frustrate you and be negative like Monaghan last year, Fermanagh this year its time to realise you cant play nice football all the time and that these teams deserve your respect and although its not pretty it is effective.  It should also be noted that in recent times, Derrys most significant Championship victory by a mile was in 2006 when they beat Tyrone the Reigning champions by playing a very negative brand of football and i definately didnt mind that when the game was over.

I hope Fermanagh win the Ulster Final as it would be good for football to have a first time winner as champions.

Ps. It should be noted that Tyrones performance in the All Ireland final in 2005 was one of the most impressive attacting performances in modern times and as a Derry man it almost killed me to say that.

If it moves hit it
If it doesnt hit it anyway!!


That could be construed as attempted poaching TYP. I am not for sale.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.

saffron sam2

Quote from: ONeill on July 04, 2008, 01:07:40 PM
It is true that the match was a big disappointment for the last 45 mins. There were unique incidents that led up to that. Canavan went off around 20 mins, twice, and that seemed to halt Tyrone's attacking instincts which up to that point had Kerry bewildered. Cavlan was dominating the game and the Kingdom seemed to be off the pace.

Kerry were dreadful that day - I remember seeing the stats at the time  - there was a free a minute, something like 72, and most of them were committed by Kerry who were chasing shadows. Tyrone almost froze with the realisation that they were hammering Kerry and in reach of the All-Ireland final.

42 of the fouls were committed by Tyrone, yet not one of the fourteen outfield players who committed fouls, accumulated enough cards to allow leading referee Gerry Kinneavy to issue a second yellow to any of them.

Part of a misty-eyed attempt by the GAA hierarchy at the time to ensure that Peter the Great didn't retire without a Celtic cross in his back pocket.

Anything Fermanagh win this year will be solely on merit and won't have the smell of skullduggery a la 2003.
the breathing of the vanished lies in acres round my feet


That is only phase one TYP. Also the diff between Ron and I is that I have done it on the big occasion.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Quote from: billy the kid on July 07, 2008, 05:25:45 PM
Have to say i find it quite ironic that a Tyrone man is making fun of Fermanaghs 'negative' football.

Tyrone and Armagh have both had plenty of success in recent years by using negative tactics like the swarm defence, pulling half forwards back behind mid-field and even behind the half back line, playing a sweeper, using a 2 man full forward line and packing mid-field to name but a few.  Both teams also perfected the multi player tackle where they all surround the man on the ball with outstretched arms implying " Im not touching him ref" until the opponent falls to the ground where he is kept from rising slyly using their knees until the player is blown for over carrying when he should be given a free for a 2 or even 3 player tackle.  These tactics made for many a terrible looking game but they worked and Tyrone won 2 All irelands and Armagh won 1 so the End justifies the means in my book. 

It doesnt matter how you win all that matters is that you win!

Fermanagh have adopted some of these tactics directly and others they have expanded or altered to suit their capabilities and I think they should be congratulated for it. It may not be pretty but who says it has to be.  Tyrones All Ireland Semi with Kerry in 2003 was a terrible game to watch and was very negative but do you think the Tyronies left Croker that day complaining about how negative their team was?

Armagh won their only All Ireland choking the life out of teams with better individuals and higher skill levels but do you think they complained about that on the road back to the Orchards?

As a Derry supporter its great to be able to say "Our boys always go out to play good football" and usually its true, Derry do usually try to win games by playing good football and when it works its great to see (Kerry In National league final, The qualifiers last year, Donegal in champuionship this year) but when teams that you are better than on paper set out to frustrate you and be negative like Monaghan last year, Fermanagh this year its time to realise you cant play nice football all the time and that these teams deserve your respect and although its not pretty it is effective.  It should also be noted that in recent times, Derrys most significant Championship victory by a mile was in 2006 when they beat Tyrone the Reigning champions by playing a very negative brand of football and i definately didnt mind that when the game was over.

I hope Fermanagh win the Ulster Final as it would be good for football to have a first time winner as champions.

Ps. It should be noted that Tyrones performance in the All Ireland final in 2005 was one of the most impressive attacting performances in modern times and as a Derry man it almost killed me to say that.

Can you tell what rule you would give the free under?

As in rule from the rule-book, not rule from some old duffer shouting '3rd man tackle ref!'

The rules favour the ball carrier so much that if he lets himself get surrounded and doesn't have the skill or vision to get rid of the ball then the free should go against him.

saffron sam2

Quote from: Take Your Points on July 08, 2008, 01:02:06 AM
Quote from: ONeill on July 07, 2008, 06:02:14 PM
I am not for sale.

Really, I heard that's what Ronaldo said to the President of Real Madrid when he complimented him on his amazing skills and expertise.

BTW a brilliant piece of posting to keep them going for 8 pages, some people are very sensitive.  We are now getting the the old Tyrone conspiracy stories trotted out with the Armagh negativity.  Looks like Armagh v The Universe supporting Fermanagh on 20th July thanks to you!

I'll be supporting the Orangies on the third Sunday. It's hard to beat a bit of tradition. Whilst Fermanagh are indeed there on merit, it does demean the proud histry of the Anglo-Celt Cup and can be taken as a reflection of how established, traditional powers (outwith Armagh) treat the Ulster championship.
the breathing of the vanished lies in acres round my feet


Quote from: saffron sam2 on July 09, 2008, 08:38:52 PM
Quote from: Take Your Points on July 08, 2008, 01:02:06 AM
Quote from: ONeill on July 07, 2008, 06:02:14 PM
I am not for sale.

Really, I heard that's what Ronaldo said to the President of Real Madrid when he complimented him on his amazing skills and expertise.

BTW a brilliant piece of posting to keep them going for 8 pages, some people are very sensitive.  We are now getting the the old Tyrone conspiracy stories trotted out with the Armagh negativity.  Looks like Armagh v The Universe supporting Fermanagh on 20th July thanks to you!

I'll be supporting the Orangies on the third Sunday. It's hard to beat a bit of tradition. Whilst Fermanagh are indeed there on merit, it does demean the proud histry of the Anglo-Celt Cup and can be taken as a reflection of how established, traditional powers (outwith Armagh) treat the Ulster championship.

I wasn't going to bite, but here goes

That could possibly be the most idiotic quote on 8 pages of idiotic posts. Fermanagh are there on merit, but by the way only because no one else was taking it serious. Which is it???? Merit or not?

How many years do you want to go back til classify traditional powers?? 100? Bring Cavan into the question, or back 15 so that we can guarantee your silly argument.

ONLY Tyrone and Armagh have consistently got further than Fermanagh in the AI series in the past 5 years. We have beat Down, Monaghan and Derry this year so far (only cause they weren't trying) and we have done it by running the ball up to the goal line and diving over like rugby palyers or by basketball passing up to 2 yrds and fisting it over the bar >:(  What a load of shite

We are terrible for GAA altogether. Local lads putting 100% into every game and playing with a passion that in my opinion only playing for your birthplace can bring. Now I think we can win it, but am by no means definite. But why after years of living off scraps of respect we are being made out to be something that 'is punishment for school children'  :-\ puzzles me.
What do we do so different than Armagh and Tyrone? If anything when the oppurtunity arises we move the ball quicker than both, but somehow hoofing the ball at the FF is poetry in motion is it?
What exactly is the classification of good football at the minute (cue some smart arse saying 'not Fermanagh'). Giving the ball back to the opposition every 30 seconds? Cause if it is, get the Fermanagh 90-00 DVD cause it'll blow your mind!

It seems a bit rich that all the Tyrone and Armagh people who were besides themselves when anyone dared call their football unattractive are slating Fermanagh.

On a closing point. I have a lot of respect for Armagh as a team, because they generally play hard but to win. I have no problem with playing hard but fair lads. However a few of the posters getting excuses in about referees and handy frees seems a bit pessimistic considering Armagh are as good as in the 1/4's  ;D