Belfast Students

Started by Maguire01, June 02, 2008, 06:50:10 PM

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Tony Baloney

Maybe if charges are pressed they'll start to wise up. The papers should have a rogues gallery tomorrow to see exactly what is going on.


To think these idiots are educated.
Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand

Square Ball

Hospitals are not equipped to treat stupid


Quote from: Tyrone Dreamer on March 17, 2009, 06:42:47 PM
Surely they realise they're being caught on camera,half them will be killed when they land home for the weekend.
I'm sure they're all hammered and couldn't care less about the cameras. That might change tomorrow.

Quote from: Tony Baloney on March 17, 2009, 06:44:13 PM
Maybe if charges are pressed they'll start to wise up. The papers should have a rogues gallery tomorrow to see exactly what is going on.
Hopefully charged and kicked out of Queen's or UU.


silly silly waines, we live on the edge of the hollylands, and all came home today cos the place is a nightmare on Paddys day. but people are forgetting bout all the spides from ormeau road- plenty off them, hard to see them not getting involved. but no excuss for them stupid bollocks, makes everyone look like real tits.


Without condoning the behaviour it should be noted that there is a sizeable non-student contingent present every St Paddy's day in the holylands. Glad I didn't go down today as I had planned on doing, the house I would have been at was on tv. Here's hoping the main perpetrators get hefty fines and are expelled.

Tony Baloney

Quote from: Tyrone Dreamer on March 17, 2009, 06:42:47 PM
Surely they realise they're being caught on camera,half them will be killed when they land home for the weekend. From the footage I've seen most of them are just standing around though and not doing a lot. One resident said the police were heavy handed. Why did the riot police move into the area in the 1st place? Had there been trouble? At what point was the car with the Dublin reg burned out?
I wondered when this one would be rolled out.


Let's not divert the blame to residents or local spides. It's clear that this was students (or their mates).


Just seen that southern registered car getting towed away. Peelers are just standing around laughing at them - along with the Lower Ormeau residents it must be said. Should run a few baton charges down that street.


Quote from: Tony Baloney on March 17, 2009, 06:48:20 PM
Quote from: Tyrone Dreamer on March 17, 2009, 06:42:47 PM
Surely they realise they're being caught on camera,half them will be killed when they land home for the weekend. From the footage I've seen most of them are just standing around though and not doing a lot. One resident said the police were heavy handed. Why did the riot police move into the area in the 1st place? Had there been trouble? At what point was the car with the Dublin reg burned out?
I wondered when this one would be rolled out.
Sure did you not know, it's all down to the Brits.


Quote from: Fionntamhnach on March 17, 2009, 06:59:07 PM
Don't think any of the ones in the photos will worry too much about facing their parents as their mammies and daddies are always the first ones defending their offspring - "Sheez a wee angel, she would nat do nuthin'!"
That's rubbish. Most of the parents say that because they genuinely believe that their children would not be in the middle of it all - call it naivety. Realising what they are up to might just be a reality check.


Excuse my ignorance but whats a spide? ??? ??? ???
"Well ! Well ! Well !  If it ain't the Smoker !!!"

Our Nail Loney

Glad I didnt head down to Belfast now myself, I prob would have went round for a nosey and ended up on the news, then got an awful bollocking from my da!!

Silly f**kers though all the same, I am guessing there are plenty of cameras about and they are only doing themselves harm.

Wouldn't take the universities to get the tapes and start identifying people on them... Should though, I got in plenty of shit when I was at uni for lesser misdemeanours.

charlie stubbs

1 female

i stayed in bel lastnight to go out.  as soon as went park my car on jersusalem street, saw 2 pricks out playimng hurling.seemed inocuous enough at the time but it was obv i was looking to park my car there looked at me as if to say "who you think you are asking us move" parked there anyway they moved 2 feet and played behind my car so ended up moving onto rugby av

was there most of 2 day.  crazy is wat it can be described as.  people having a singsong and a bit of craic is ok but some stuff i saw was a joke.  saw 1 got getting arrested.  jumped into the back of a pickup and started f**king bottles about??idiot.

was a bit worse4 wear so decided not gamble driving home to later enjoy bit craic and take in the cross/mccrory game.  there was rugby balls and footballsout on the street being kicked across.  people showing no regard 4 the cars parked.  decided move my car to adjacent the spar right beside carmel st.

got reports of serious misbeaviour so few of the boys went up to have a nosey.  i heard that there was union jackets put on fire and when i reached carmel st true enough there was a fire in the middle of the road.  wankers where throwing bottles narrowly missing people and hitting a few cars.  

2 idiots thought that they would try and dismantle a psni landrover trying pull wingmirrors off 1 boy jumped up on the landrover and headbutted window splitting self in process.brainiac!the lad i think was caught later.  stupid c***ts doing this to landrovers with cameras on top of them.  

heard then of people throwing beer cans in cops faces joke.  was delighted my own car was in one piece.  

agree that students where there but a number of workers would have been down 4 the day.  hard determine who was doing what but no doubt guilty culprits on both.  i imagine any student arrested today will be made example of and expelled from respective uni.  i expect the trouble to continue during night. feel sorry 4 cops.  on going to get my car i walked past 1 boy who asked"what the f**k you looking at?"